If Iowa doesn't score a TD here its all on KF. I said it last week, his clock management was going to bite Iowa in a big game. This could be it
If I wasted time at work like KF wastes time in a game, my supervisor would ream me a new one. KF needs to get reamed for this crap
Zero separation by our receivers.
They’re only rushing 3 every damn time

I wouldnt blame our receivers when ISU has 7-8 in coverage all the time and our pass routes are all short crosses and outs. Send a couple receivers deep and try to hit a long one once in a while. Back off their D a little bit.
At frist I was wondering WTF was Iowa doing down there..... but it appeared to me that the WR's just were not getting NS had to dump it off.

But there was a time where they burned about a full minute getting the play in, hudling and calling signals. Just awful
Is our play design so bad we can't get anybody open?
They only rush 3 most times and drop 7-8 in coverage. We need the run game to work but it is too obvious when we are going to run. It is always the same looks. That’s why seeing runs out of shotgun is refreshing and effective.
So basically we just gave up at least 4 points with this clock mis-management

pretty much.......KF clock managment skills went from a D in the early 2000(s) to a C+ now. Yes, it has improved, but it still ain't great.

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