Time To Get CHA Rocking - Wake Up Pathetic Student Body

Are students really going to complain about the ticket prices for Iowa basketball season tickets?? They run $4.50 a ticket for 17 games. It's basically the cost of an XBox 360 or PS3 game. Don't tell me college students don't have money for those, or beer, or whatever.

Most of us know what college is like, but complaining that it costs too much money for $75 season tickets is just not valid.

This. The tickets cost nothing. And even when they can get in free, student attendance blows. I don't usually sit in the student section, but I'm at every game. When I've basically got my pick of the seats, I'll take better seats than those in the student section.
Wrong, IowaBanker.

If you are going to criticize at least be accurate. According to an article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette this last week Iowa had sold 1650 student season tickets. That is not struggling to get 100.

I realize that isn't actual attendance. But it is obvious from that number that your statement is not accurate. Your point is taken, but it is an inaccurate statement to make.

If one wants to criticize, at least be factual in the criticism.
Re: Wrong, IowaBanker.

If you are going to criticize at least be accurate. According to an article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette this last week Iowa had sold 1650 student season tickets. That is not struggling to get 100.

I realize that isn't actual attendance. But it is obvious from that number that your statement is not accurate. Your point is taken, but it is an inaccurate statement to make.

If one wants to criticize, at least be factual in the criticism.

Sure, they've sold way more. But the actual attendance really does appear to hover around 100.
Re: Wrong, IowaBanker.

If you are going to criticize at least be accurate. According to an article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette this last week Iowa had sold 1650 student season tickets. That is not struggling to get 100.

I realize that isn't actual attendance. But it is obvious from that number that your statement is not accurate. Your point is taken, but it is an inaccurate statement to make.

If one wants to criticize, at least be factual in the criticism.
There have been games where I would say that's an accurate guess of 100. Seriously.
Re: Wrong, IowaBanker.

It's all about priorities....students say "Well right now I would get more enjoyment out a 360 or PS3 game then the season basketball tickets so I will do that."

It's an economical decision what will you get more out of....and all the people that are like "STUDENTS GET to the GAMES GRRRRRR" shut up....it's their decision just because they are students at iowa doesn't mean they are required to support the Hawks.....maybe we have some that don't give a %$#@ about our athletic teams and actually come to Iowa for the med school, or the law program, or anything like that...or maybe (the more likely cause if you have been around our city on a weekend when class is in session) the students would rather spend that money getting stupid drunk.

Let them make their own choices....who cares unless you are sitting your butt in carver every game your argument holds no water....and even then it's tacky.
Re: Wrong, IowaBanker.

If you are going to criticize at least be accurate. According to an article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette this last week Iowa had sold 1650 student season tickets. That is not struggling to get 100.

I realize that isn't actual attendance. But it is obvious from that number that your statement is not accurate. Your point is taken, but it is an inaccurate statement to make.

If one wants to criticize, at least be factual in the criticism.

What's your problem? Here's exactly what I said, and I stand behind it.

We've got a student enrollment of 25,000+, and we struggle to get more than 100 of them there for a basketball game. That, folks, is pathetic.

Where in my statement, or the entire post, did I talk about student season tickets sold? I didn't...because that's not what my point was. I was talking about how many students come to the games.

I have a pair of public season tickets and don't miss many games, so I certainly have some idea of how many kids are coming, and there have been several times that the actual attendance was 100 or less. That is ACCURATE, as others have since confirmed.
The last Iowa basketball game I went to I was asked to stay seated and to quiet down. I think the students are a little upset about being treated like second class citizens with their seating too. They should be in the front rows... especially on the side that the camera is showing (behind the players, score table). Put the older people who don't like to stand up (mind boggling how they got to the game) on the other side.
If the students support the Iowa basketball team like they did against Michigan State (free tickets and bad weather which kept the oatmeal cookie eaters at home) the Hawkeyes will continue to feed off of it.

Realistic solution. Well done.
I want to make it clear --- this post is not calling out those of you who are going and supporting the team. This is calling out those who do not come out and support the team.

Look,,, everybody wants a winner but I've enjoyed the style of basketball and effort by Coach Fran and the players even in losses. You need to spread the message to those students who may be interested in coming but do not. It's a building process - come be a part of the turn-around. You may never get the chance to do this again [may move away for job reasons, etc.] - you are right there on campus. What if the team gets that little bit extra or we get the benefit of a call because of the home crowd and we pick off a team that we have no business beating. STORM THE COURT TIME BABY!

My advise to those students - don't wait until we are already winning - be a part of the turnaround.

2 realistic solutions (although vague on the 1st one). Well done.
The student body's attendance may be sparse..but they actually pick up on chants that the cheerleaders start. As long as the chant isn't something straight out of "bring it on", it should be something the entire arena is yelling.

The next time one of those little five foot cheerleaders is in front of you trying to get you to yell along to the defense cheer, don't look past her like she's obstructing your view of the game..help out...

I think that peer pressure by those who want everyone to sit down and be quiet is overwhelming...if they want a quiet, enjoyable experience, they should watch it from the concourse. Are you going to get kicked out of your seat for cheering too loud for the hawks? Basketball games are not meant to be enjoyed quietly..so if any of you guys have tickets and attend...join in on chants that are going on in the arena. Use that peer pressure to your advantage instead, and ask those around you why they arent joining in...

There are plenty of opportunities for the crowd to get loud and crazy...but more people need to be willing to pressure those around them to get loud and crazy too

Realistic solution. Well done. And I agree with most all of this post.
If I was Gary Barta, I would commission Coach Ferentz to talk up the Men's Basketball program and "encourage" him to attend some games. Nobody listens to Barta. The majority of Hawk fans pay attention to Ferentz. If he made an attempt, gimmicky as it may be, I believe it would be received very well.

If I thought there was a chance that Coach Ferentz would be in attendance I would have a ticket in one hand and a sharpie in the other for an autograph. I don't believe Coach McCaffery could complain about the spotlight being away from him. It's WAY too early in his career at Iowa to challenge Kirk in that regard anyway.

Likewise, I believe Barta & the BB program would benefit from a "Student Athlete" night every month or so. Give a couple hundred tickets to our Football, Wrestling, Women's BB etc. and make sure everyone knows they're going. It would be a lot of excitement for students and fans alike to mingle with all of them and get a good noisy crowd going.

Realistic solutions. They already do a form of the later, but well done.
Ah the annual debate continues...when will it ever end? There are a total of 52 posts in this thread. Of those 52, just 5 present even the slightest form of a realistic solution. Well done to the 5 of you. (Identified in posts 48-52).

To the rest of you: I'd like to see someone post a realistic solution to the lack of student attendance. A well-thought out solution that could be executed by a student, administrator or fan. Just one! And no, it can't be "win more games" or "more dunks." Of course more students will come if we win more games and play a more entertaining brand of basketball. However, the last time I checked no one on this board can do anything about either of those two factors.

Clearly there are many factors that contribute to the lack of student attendance however continuing to whine about it or banter back and forth each and every season does absolutely nothing towards solving the problem. So step up, quit whining, and present a realistic solution. If you're a true Hawkeye, it won't be that hard. I promise.
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I don't know about the weakest... did you see the Penn State game? I would say second weakest fan support. The last Iowa basketball game I went to I was asked to stay seated and to quiet down. I think the students are a little upset about being treated like second class citizens with their seating too. They should be in the front rows... especially on the side that the camera is showing (behind the players, score table). Put the older people who don't like to stand up (mind boggling how they got to the game) on the other side.
If the students support the Iowa basketball team like they did against Michigan State (free tickets and bad weather which kept the oatmeal cookie eaters at home) the Hawkeyes will continue to feed off of it. The Michigan State game was the BEST crowd effort I have seen at Carver in years... I would say back to Luke Recker vs. Indiana time frame.

Bingo. Yo Barta, figure something out. This needs to happen. I leaped out of my chair on May's second dunk against Indiana and I think I was the only one that did like 15 rows around me.
Re: Wrong, IowaBanker.

There have been games where I would say that's an accurate guess of 100. Seriously.

So let me get this straight. The Gazette says we've sold over 1600 student season tickets, but there are games where only around 100 show up? If those numbers are even close to accurrate, that's about 6% of those who bought tickets who have bothered to show up for the games.

How can that be?

Why on earth would you buy tickets if you aren't interested in showing up for the games? That makes even less sense to me than someone saying they can't afford the $75 in the first place.

Student season tickets are for ALL the home games, aren't they? Not just some of them?

I'm just trying to get my mind around how so many students can buy the tickets, but so few of them bother to show. It isn't adding up.
Re: Wrong, IowaBanker.

So let me get this straight. The Gazette says we've sold over 1600 student season tickets, but there are games where only around 100 show up? If those numbers are even close to accurrate, that's about 6% of those who bought tickets who have bothered to show up for the games.

How can that be?

Why on earth would you buy tickets if you aren't interested in showing up for the games? That makes even less sense to me than someone saying they can't afford the $75 in the first place.

Student season tickets are for ALL the home games, aren't they? Not just some of them?

I'm just trying to get my mind around how so many students can buy the tickets, but so few of them bother to show. It isn't adding up.

crappy team + crappy weather + Sunday (hangover) games = empty seats
Re: Wrong, IowaBanker.

So let me get this straight. The Gazette says we've sold over 1600 student season tickets, but there are games where only around 100 show up? If those numbers are even close to accurrate, that's about 6% of those who bought tickets who have bothered to show up for the games.

How can that be?

Why on earth would you buy tickets if you aren't interested in showing up for the games? That makes even less sense to me than someone saying they can't afford the $75 in the first place.

Student season tickets are for ALL the home games, aren't they? Not just some of them?

I'm just trying to get my mind around how so many students can buy the tickets, but so few of them bother to show. It isn't adding up.

It's quite simple actually. The overwhelming majority of the 1600 that have purchased tickets, but aren't showing up are kids that had Mommy and Daddy buy them.
Re: Wrong, IowaBanker.

crappy team + crappy weather + Sunday (hangover) games = empty seats

Crappy team - Again, why buy season tickets if you don't care about the team?

Crappy weather - Since when did the state of Iowa have nice weather in January?

Sunday (hangover) games - Not sure about this day and age, but when I was in college, there was near as much drinking, if not just as much, happening on Friday nights. Plus we've been talking about later afternoon games.. If 90+% of our student section is laying in bed with hangovers on Sunday afternoon, then we really do have an alcohol problem.. :D

Saturday games would probably draw a little better, but regardless of the reasons.. 6% (roughly) of those buying tickets are showing up. Even if you call it 10%.. That's insane.
Do more promos with other athletic teams. The reason we had 10,000+ at last year's Ohio State game was because Clayborn, Stanzi, Angerer, and Moeaki were signing autographs (and students got free admission). People WILL show up for that. You can do the same thing with the wrestling and women's basketball teams, though they wouldn't draw nearly as much. But that's practically free advertising, and it works.