Tim Fisher- KXNO


Well-Known Member
I can't stand listening to this guy talk Iowa basketball. A couple weeks ago he says Basabe is a "nice" role player and can't be a "star." He brings up the fact today that Iowa lost to South Dakota State earlier in the season, so he can't get real excited about the Hawks "turning the corner."
He should just stick to repeating the KXNO phone number over and over.
I can't stand listening to this guy talk Iowa basketball. A couple weeks ago he says Basabe is a "nice" role player and can't be a "star." He brings up the fact today that Iowa lost to South Dakota State earlier in the season, so he can't get real excited about the Hawks "turning the corner."
He should just stick to repeating the KXNO phone number over and over.

I rarely listen to these guys anymore, and I used to be a full time listener. Today, I thought I'd try them out, after a nice Iowa win, and in the 1 minute I listened, after a passing good win comment, it was followed by it doesn't mean much, mediocre players, not a signature win. I'm not saying it means the world, but as a Hawkeye fan, of which I think the majority of KXNO's listeners would be, we like to hear a little sunshine, particularly when there hasn't been a great deal. Maybe these guys are trying to be controversial; however, a local market like Des Moines, filled with Iowa fans, doesn't want that all the time.

Another example of this was the day after the recruit signing, they spent my 20 minute drive into work talking about some assistant coach at Nebraska. Really?

I've tried to be a regular listener, because I like to hear discussion about Iowa sports, what's working, what's not, and why - but not the constant carping. I know Miller isn't coming back, but these guys are not getting it done. I've exercised my right by changing the dial on these guys. I would be surprised if I was in the minority on this.
2 things...

1) Are they ever in studio together?
2) Why does someone shut down their computer on air every single day?
I rarely listen to these guys anymore, and I used to be a full time listener. Today, I thought I'd try them out, after a nice Iowa win, and in the 1 minute I listened, after a passing good win comment, it was followed by it doesn't mean much, mediocre players, not a signature win. I'm not saying it means the world, but as a Hawkeye fan, of which I think the majority of KXNO's listeners would be, we like to hear a little sunshine, particularly when there hasn't been a great deal. Maybe these guys are trying to be controversial; however, a local market like Des Moines, filled with Iowa fans, doesn't want that all the time.

Another example of this was the day after the recruit signing, they spent my 20 minute drive into work talking about some assistant coach at Nebraska. Really?

I've tried to be a regular listener, because I like to hear discussion about Iowa sports, what's working, what's not, and why - but not the constant carping. I know Miller isn't coming back, but these guys are not getting it done. I've exercised my right by changing the dial on these guys. I would be surprised if I was in the minority on this.

Trust me, you aren't alone. I was a regular as well. Heck, I was even a regular when it was Cotlar. He and Cahn weren't the best, but they had decent guests and they talked sports for the most part. These guys are awful. I also tuned in today to see if they were going to talk any Hawks. I didn't hear anything. But I did hear a lot about how one of them is going in for a colonoscopy, so I had that going for me.

I will not tune in for the morning (or afternoon for that matter) drive time until they get guys in who understand their market and know how to deliver content to that market.
He is an idiot, but I do agree they haven't turned the corner just yet to be a top half team in the Big Ten next year, however bringing up the season opener loss is mind boggling to me, my freakin 6 year old can tell Iowa is much improved from that game and have turned that corner where I don't think they lose games like that next year.

Of course Iowa isn't going to win the Big Ten next year or even compete for the title, the first corner to turn is to have a team that can beat the South Dakota State's and Long Beach State's of the world and I think Fran has done that with this team. Next year if they have the same type of non conference schedule this team won't go 7-5 so that corner is turned.
I rarely listen to these guys anymore, and I used to be a full time listener. Today, I thought I'd try them out, after a nice Iowa win, and in the 1 minute I listened, after a passing good win comment, it was followed by it doesn't mean much, mediocre players, not a signature win. I'm not saying it means the world, but as a Hawkeye fan, of which I think the majority of KXNO's listeners would be, we like to hear a little sunshine, particularly when there hasn't been a great deal. Maybe these guys are trying to be controversial; however, a local market like Des Moines, filled with Iowa fans, doesn't want that all the time.

Another example of this was the day after the recruit signing, they spent my 20 minute drive into work talking about some assistant coach at Nebraska. Really?

I've tried to be a regular listener, because I like to hear discussion about Iowa sports, what's working, what's not, and why - but not the constant carping. I know Miller isn't coming back, but these guys are not getting it done. I've exercised my right by changing the dial on these guys. I would be surprised if I was in the minority on this.

I'm going to have to switch to Mike and Mike. The first half hour today is discussing if Missouri State will make the tournament and if Colorado/Nebraska will be welcomed to a "cold reception" in Kansas City for the Big 12 Tournament.

I guess it's a lot better than Fisher interviewing skills. Tim's first question to Joe Lenardi on Friday, "Joe, is this your favorite time of the year?" MY GOD, WHAT A STUPID QUESTION! What do you think he's going to say??
I finally decided to give them another try this morning. I usually am okay with Travis, but can't stand Tim. What do I hear? Colonoscopy, bowling, and juggling. As I was arriving to work they finally started talking about the game, but down played it significantly. I understand some of what they were saying, but can't we just be happy we beat a top 10 team? Talk about the game, talk about the hope for the future, potential recruits, and don’t compare us to freaking Nebraska! Both hosts failed today.
I'm going to have to switch to Mike and Mike. The first half hour today is discussing if Missouri State will make the tournament and if Colorado/Nebraska will be welcomed to a "cold reception" in Kansas City for the Big 12 Tournament.

What are you going to hear on Mike & Mike? Tom Brady updates? Miami Heat news? 'Kobe and the Lakers' talk?
What are you going to hear on Mike & Mike? Tom Brady updates? Miami Heat news? 'Kobe and the Lakers' talk?

I also stopped listening to KXNO and now listen to Mike and Mike. I would rather hear about the Jets and the AL Central than Creighton, the MVC tournament, and Bill Fennely.
I also stopped listening to KXNO and now listen to Mike and Mike. I would rather hear about the Jets and the AL Central than Creighton, the MVC tournament, and Bill Fennely.

I've been relegated to AM 810 in KC (from Des Moines). I'd rather listen to some no names jabber about the Chiefs and KU Jayhawks, neither of which I care about.
I know I have beaten this dead horse into a pulp, but I have to ask again....who is chaining you guys to sports radio? Good grief, you guys hate everything on, but you continue to listen. Don't you have any other interests? Don't you have an iPod? A book on cd?
I know I have beaten this dead horse into a pulp, but I have to ask again....who is chaining you guys to sports radio? Good grief, you guys hate everything on, but you continue to listen. Don't you have any other interests? Don't you have an iPod? A book on cd?

God. Now I have to agree with IFG. You realize how utterly stupid it makes some of you, right?:)
I really don't listen to KXNO in the morning anymore. I do like Murph and Andy but I still cant listen to Matt and Miller at least for another couple of days.

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