Tim Doyle is unlistenable

I actually got a kick out of him. The way he was going all spastic in the pregame was quite entertaining.........

Of course, I was watching from across the court at Carver, so I didn't have to hear him speak :D
The "I wanna go out with this kid because he is not shy... He wouldn't just post up on the wall at the club..." comment was weird.

How about his 3-4 references to WWF wresting?

He said "KoKo B. Ware," "Hacksaw Jim Duggan" and "Big John Stud" tonight. Hahaha
Is 'ginger' considered a derogatory term? I couldn't believe that came out of his mouth.

Ya, I'm about 95% sure that it is. If you have it DVR'd he says it at the 12:07 mark of the first half. I could not believe it. Was laughing for quite some time.

And his mustache is creepy as hell!

I will give him credit, his interview with Bo Ryan after the game wasn't bad, aside from him being far too close to Bo's face. Again, creepy...
The "I wanna go out with this kid because he is not shy... He wouldn't just post up on the wall at the club..." comment was weird.

How about his 3-4 references to WWF wresting?

He said "KoKo B. Ware," "Hacksaw Jim Duggan" and "Big John Stud" tonight. Hahaha

Yet again, creepy as hell! Why?
I think Doyle is gonna develop into a pretty good color commentator. He has a lot of energy and passion. I think he will find his way

I usually respect your opinion. This doesn't help. I watched the first half and refused to watch the 2nd.

I have energy and passion...
The "I wanna go out with this kid because he is not shy... He wouldn't just post up on the wall at the club..." comment was weird.

How about his 3-4 references to WWF wresting?

He said "KoKo B. Ware," "Hacksaw Jim Duggan" and "Big John Stud" tonight. Hahaha

The WWF wrestling refernce was weird and terrible, so was the Double Dribble comment. The going out with the guy who was not shy was extrememly strange. The whole Ginger comment should not have been said, it is derogatory. It would almost be as bad as saying that Taylor was the "black guy" making big shots. It was just wrong.
The stache is awful so is his hair. The other thing that was terrible was when he said, "To steal a page from Gus Johnson's playbook, that was pure." You are not Gus, stop trying to be. The last thing that was terrible was when he said Leuer would be playing on Sundays. What? C'Mon man!! He is attorcious.
We already have Bill Raftery and Dickie V. Doyle is brutal. Just seeing or hearing anyone from Northwestern now sends me into a rage.
I'm not a big fan of his....mainly from his playing days.

However, I did like the obscure WWF references.....maybe because I'm a dork like that....I don't know. :)
This is somewhat off-topic, but another great part of the broadcast was in the post-game show when Jim Jackson said, "mark my words: in the next five years, Iowa will make the NCAA tournament."

Five years?! Wow, way to go out on a limb there, JJ. It's been less than five years since our last invite and that was forever ago. You could be reasonably confident making this same statement about any major college team not named Northwestern.
The "I wanna go out with this kid because he is not shy... He wouldn't just post up on the wall at the club..." comment was weird.

How about his 3-4 references to WWF wresting?

He said "KoKo B. Ware," "Hacksaw Jim Duggan" and "Big John Stud" tonight. Hahaha

Ha-Ha, some of his comments were very weird, plus the Twilight Zone theme song he did too.
IIRC he also did a Teddy KGB voice from Rounders. Can't remember what line it was. Anyone remember?
IIRC he also did a Teddy KGB voice from Rounders. Can't remember what line it was. Anyone remember?

"hanging around, hanging around..."

Also chimed in with an "kid's got alligator blood" reference, but fortunately did not use the voice.
"hanging around, hanging around..."

Also chimed in with an "kid's got alligator blood" reference, but fortunately did not use the voice.

Haha yes, for some reason I kept thinkin of check check check, but knew it was not right.

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