Thursday Question: 08 vs 09 Hawks; Who Wins?


Great question from user Nile Kinnick:

4 games and 12 points in 2008 and the 2009 team wouldn't be such a surprise to those outside of Hawkeye nation. I don't think Iowa is that much better than last year's team OTHER not having to deal with the early season QB controversy and Stanzi having more experience.

If the 2008 Outback Team could play the 2009 Hawks I think it would be a heck of a game.

I like to see Iowa continue play solid football and continue to improve as they did at the end of last season.

I've been to 2 Iowa Rose Bowl losses and want to see one victory (more than a Cubs world series), I would be content with the NC since it is in the same stadium though :.)
Answering the Thursday question on Wednesday isn't going to interrupt the laws of time, is it? :)

I'd probably take the '08 Hawks as well. Better OL cohesion, far superior running game, defense is pretty much the same except replaced Fletcher with Prater, so defense is equally salty. Rick has shown at times an inability to shoulder the entire load, so I think 2008 Iowa wins in a low scoring, physical affair.
I would say the 08 hawks as of now. In a couple weeks or even after the bowl game it might be another story.
Iowa lost 4 games with Greene as a starter (all 4 games Greene rushed for over 100 yards)

It wasn't till Stanzi became starting QB that Iowa started to roll.

I'll take a year more experienced in QB, the difference maker in winning college football games and difference between the 2008/2009 squad. 2009 Iowa wins 20-13.
I'll take 2008 Iowa, with King blowing past Eubanks and wreaking havoc, and Shonn pounding out 200 yards like he against Purdue and Wisconsin last year.
I think 2009 would win 17-13 in 4 OT's
At equal points in the season I would take 09 in a heartbeat. The defense is better than last year on the offense is a wash with Stanzi taking the yards from the running game. At the end of the season - who knows? - Iowa was pretty good last year towards the end.
If you are comparing the 08 team vs the 09 team at the same point of the season I say 09 team wins 27-13. 08 Outback team vs the 09 team at this point of the season I still think 09 wins but much closer, 17-13
I think it'd be the '08 Hawks over the '09 Hawks, 26-24, in seven OTs. The '09 defense would be too stout for the '08 Greene to gain enough yards to be enough of a factor in regulation, and the '08 King and Krull will give '09 Stanzi enough fits to throw some picks, but none returned. I think both versions of Daniel Murry will kick a combined 12 FGs, all in OT, but then the '09 Stanzi will connect with the '09 DJK for a touchdown in the seventh OT, but the '08 D stuffs A-Rob for the 2-point try (manditory starting in the third OT). Then the '08 Greene rumbles for a 25-yard score on the '08 team's first offensive play of their possession, and then '08 Stanzi finds '08 Moeaki for the winning 2-pointer.

But then in the end, everyone wins, because they're all Hawkeyes!
I would have put the 08 hawks up against anybody towards the end of the season. No disrespect to the game Gamecocks, but I would have loved to see them get a shot at a top 10 team in their bowl. I think the 08 team was that good.

I would take the 08 Hawks over the 09 Hawks right now. I like how the 09 hawks are progressing and maybe by bowl time I will change my mind. But as of right now I'd take the 08 hawks.
yeah i take the '09 hawks with the '09 D holding Greene under 100 yrds rushing. I also think the '09 stanzi is much better than the '08 stanzi. I think this D would wreak havoc on stanzi's psyche. But the game would be very close but the '09 stanzi prevails in the end. Final score
'08iowa 6
'09iowa 10

It's really all about Defense
If Second Half '09 team showed up, they would win big. If First Half '09 team showed up, they would lose big. If you could take Greene, King, Olsen, Brug and Fletcher and put them on the '09 team, I would have bought my tickets to Pasadena (for the January 8th game) weeks ago.
I would take the 2008 bowl team beating the 2009 team. We were playing pretty darn good by the end of last year. If it was the 2008 team at this time last year though, I would take this year's team.
I don't think that score could be a possible outcome but I do agree with the 2009 team winning in OT. 16 - 13 in 4 OT's as Murray wouldn't have to kick the last extra point :D

Actually, if it were 11-11 going into the 4th OT and a 2009 Iowa scores a TD, they would take a 17-11 lead. On the 2 pt try, they could throw an INT or fumble and 2008 Iowa could take it back for 2. The score would then be 17-13. After that, 2009 Iowa shuts out 2008 Iowa and the final score is 17-13 in 4 OTs.
This is an interesting question but i dont think its fair to ask right now. KF coached teams always get better as the year goes on and after 7 games last year the 08 team had a lot of issues. Knowing what the finished product was last year i would take the 08 team vs the current 09 team but my opinion might be different if the 09 team continues to improve over the course of the season
It would have to be the 09 team since they don't know how to lose. If they played 7 times the 09 team would probably be 7-0. Wait, isn't that their current overall record????!!!!

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