
Not trying to sound butthurt, but that was honestly one of the worst officiated games I have ever seen. Sooooo many calls went against OKC in that 2nd half that I legitimately lost track early in the 4th quarter. Throughout the whole game, off the top of my head, I can think of:- Charge called on Durant in 1st half. Bosh established position with his left foot but was still sliding over when contact was made.- Shooting foul called against OKC when Wade was not even touched on a layup.- Loose ball foul on Ibaka where he grazed Bosh as he slid over him.- Illegal screen on Ibaka for barely touching the line when people set screens all season and all playoffs long with one foot cleanly out of bounds, yet no call.- Westbrook was pushed by James Jones as he elevated for his shot, whih clearly altered his body, yet no call was made.- Foul called on Collison on lebron's drive to the basket, despite not touching him. Durant also made a clean play on the ball.- Chalmers body-checking Harden in the first half that led directly to a steal.- Lebron dropping his shoulder and absolutely steamrolling Westbrook as he backed him down into the lane.That is what I can think of just off the top of my head. Not to mention Westbrook attacking the basket relentlessly throughout the entire game but not attempting a free throw until 5 minutes left in the game. And why is Lebron allowed to lower his shoulder, pound his defender into the lane, and create space with his elbow and nothing is EVER called, yet anytime someone initiates any contact whatsoever, he either gets a foul call, or starts crying to the officials? There is no "fix" in for the series, but it is almost laughable that Miami seems to be the only benefactor of any incorrect calls.

Im with you bud, I turned off the game with 7 min left cuz I was just getting to frusterated with the refs. This series is a joke. to me, I will never respect lebron winning this ring, cuz ik the refs clearly had a factor. Absolutly a joke of a series, I cant watch the nba the same way as I used to anymore. Prolly wont watch on thursday.
Not trying to sound butthurt, but that was honestly one of the worst officiated games I have ever seen. Sooooo many calls went against OKC in that 2nd half that I legitimately lost track early in the 4th quarter. Throughout the whole game, off the top of my head, I can think of:- Charge called on Durant in 1st half. Bosh established position with his left foot but was still sliding over when contact was made.- Shooting foul called against OKC when Wade was not even touched on a layup.- Loose ball foul on Ibaka where he grazed Bosh as he slid over him.- Illegal screen on Ibaka for barely touching the line when people set screens all season and all playoffs long with one foot cleanly out of bounds, yet no call.- Westbrook was pushed by James Jones as he elevated for his shot, whih clearly altered his body, yet no call was made.- Foul called on Collison on lebron's drive to the basket, despite not touching him. Durant also made a clean play on the ball.- Chalmers body-checking Harden in the first half that led directly to a steal.- Lebron dropping his shoulder and absolutely steamrolling Westbrook as he backed him down into the lane.That is what I can think of just off the top of my head. Not to mention Westbrook attacking the basket relentlessly throughout the entire game but not attempting a free throw until 5 minutes left in the game. And why is Lebron allowed to lower his shoulder, pound his defender into the lane, and create space with his elbow and nothing is EVER called, yet anytime someone initiates any contact whatsoever, he either gets a foul call, or starts crying to the officials? There is no "fix" in for the series, but it is almost laughable that Miami seems to be the only benefactor of any incorrect calls.

off the top of my head i didnt read any of that.
Im with you bud, I turned off the game with 7 min left cuz I was just getting to frusterated with the refs. This series is a joke. to me, I will never respect lebron winning this ring, cuz ik the refs clearly had a factor. Absolutly a joke of a series, I cant watch the nba the same way as I used to anymore. Prolly wont watch on thursday.

LOL do you not respect Jordan for beating the Jazz in '98 because he got away with a blatant push off too?
Honestly I don't see how people could miss the ton of calls that didn't go the Heat's way at the start of the game and complain about how there is some anti-OKC conspiracy. The NBA would probably be much happier with a 2-2 series that could likely go 7 as opposed to one that might be closed out in 5.

Players have been getting calls for years, this is nothing new, Jordan got every benefit of the doubt. Why didn't you give up on the NBA then? Why weren't people really upset when LeBron got hacked across the face early in the game on a layup? I haven't seen that mentioned 1 time but it was a blantant missed no call.

This whole thing is some sort of absurd LeBron hate fueled whinefest and the amount of butthurt just kills me.
The refs sucked, and have sucked in the playoffs but that is not why OKC lost. They lost because they couldn't execute when it mattered, they got no help from anyone not named Durrant or Westbrook, and they turned it over at bad times.

As for the refs. I don't understand them. They will call ticky-tack fouls one minute then let someone get hit in the head on a shot and not call it the next minute. I have no problem if they call it one way the whole game but the don't seem to be able to make up their mind what is a foul and what is not.
Also didn't have a shot in the last 6 minutes.

In his defense there was no reason for him to shoot. Westbrook was getting amazing looks at will and knocking every one of them down. This however does illustrate why Lebron is a better player than Durant. If Durant isn't scoring, he isn't really a factor. Lebron contributes with rebounds, assists and defense even if he isn't scoring. IE the 1st half of last night's game. That being said, Durant is the best scorer in the NBA without question.
In his defense there was no reason for him to shoot. Westbrook was getting amazing looks at will and knocking every one of them down. This however does illustrate why Lebron is a better player than Durant. If Durant isn't scoring, he isn't really a factor. Lebron contributes with rebounds, assists and defense even if he isn't scoring. IE the 1st half of last night's game. That being said, Durant is the best scorer in the NBA without question.

Good point.
weird how he was limping some times and not others. almost got to the level of Paul Peirce in a wheelchair.

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