Three white players kneeled

Is that a decent read and worth the time? Serious question. I've eyeballed that book for a long time, but it's really expensive to buy all three volumes vs. the abridged version on Amazon. I'm not into abridged anything. If it's worth the $60 to get the three volume set I'll do it, but I want to feel like it's worth the cash. I say that but I just spent $25 on a Hawkeye-themed country LP sold 40 years ago in NAPA stores, so take that for what it's worth...

Even though I despise debating politics and sociology, I spend a ridiculous amount of time reading and most of my recreational reading either falls in that camp or history.

I like some of the Russian classic novels, but I find them to be insanely, and in some cases, unnecessarily long. I have the abridged version. It feels just about right. I don't think I would want to read 3 volumes of these stories.
History has answered this question. Leftism is inherently a violent ideology and those who are non-compliant must suffer adverse consequences. Have you read Gulag Archipelago? Or anything on Mao? Collectivism is such a great idea that East Germany had to build a wall to keep its subjects in. And North Korea has snipers at the edge of the DMZ to shoot any defectors. Optimus Prime said it best when he said "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." You could learn a lot from watching cartoons back in the '80's before they got filled with ideologically subversive messages.
Might be the dumbest thing I've seen for awhile. Fascist Italy, Nazism wasn't violent? Paramilitary groups in Colombia, Reagan backed Contras in Nicaragua? North Korea is far left? LOL. Extremism in any form, left or right is often violent. I haven't seen a single person in the US claiming that "collectivism" is a good thing, or is what anyone here wants. You're really reaching here. Comparing safety net policies such as healthcare for all (which every other civilized country does) or the right to a living wage to murderous authoritarian regimes that controlled the means of production of the entire country? I don't think it's possible to come up with a worse analogy.

For somebody who acts as if they are well read like you do, I would expect you to be able to tell the difference between left and right.

You preach "freedom" but support somebody doing everything he can to suppress votes - something that by definition makes it anti-democratic. Unbelievable.
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Is that a decent read and worth the time? Serious question. I've eyeballed that book for a long time, but it's really expensive to buy all three volumes vs. the abridged version on Amazon. I'm not into abridged anything. If it's worth the $60 to get the three volume set I'll do it, but I want to feel like it's worth the cash. I say that but I just spent $25 on a Hawkeye-themed country LP sold 40 years ago in NAPA stores, so take that for what it's worth...

Even though I despise debating politics and sociology, I spend a ridiculous amount of time reading and most of my recreational reading either falls in that camp or history.
Make sure you avoid the public library because it's a radical socialist organization and they will kill your first born if the book is more than 3 days past due.
200,000 plus dead from pandemic and no end in sight. Health care system that is unaffordable for the masses. Insurance Companies in the business of collecting premiums and denying coverage. Drug companies laughing it up about their profits while people die. A planet in peril, while we have no place else to go. More underfed children than any other 1st world country. Number 1 in medically related bankruptcy. A gun culture out of control. Voter suppression a new hobby for politicians. Systemic racism for centuries in the land of the free.
So, tonight and for the duration I am supposed to listen to a drawn out discussion on kneeling before a football game. What the F.
200,000 plus dead from pandemic and no end in sight. Health care system that is unaffordable for the masses. Insurance Companies in the business of collecting premiums and denying coverage. Drug companies laughing it up about their profits while people die. A planet in peril, while we have no place else to go. More underfed children than any other 1st world country. Number 1 in medically related bankruptcy. A gun culture out of control. Voter suppression a new hobby for politicians. Systemic racism for centuries in the land of the free.
So, tonight and for the duration I am supposed to listen to a drawn out discussion on kneeling before a football game. What the F.
That’s the beauty of the sub forum though... now you don’t have to listen to it. It’s only here and not on the rest of the boards.
I haven't seen a single person in the US claiming that "collectivism" is a good thing, or is what anyone here wants.

That's because you're willfully ignorant. Here is a quote from the former CEO of Twitter:

“Me-first capitalists who think you can separate society from business are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution,”

Here's an elected official in Seattle:

So there you go. There are plenty more if you open your eyes and look for them.
I like some of the Russian classic novels, but I find them to be insanely, and in some cases, unnecessarily long. I have the abridged version. It feels just about right. I don't think I would want to read 3 volumes of these stories.
Bought the abridged version. If I like it I'll try and hunt the full set down on ebay.