Thoughts on assistants after presser...

Kenyon is a logical choice, he's in CR, but he does have a lot on his plate. He sells dental supplies, he coaches CR Prairie's frosh team, he also dabbles in marketing.

I thought it telling he spoke about Jess Settles so much and am thinking that could be a possiblity.

Of course we shouldn't dismiss the Les Jepsen talk either.
After reading up on this guy and now after watching ther presser, I'm confident Fran is gonna bring in the best available assistant's he can. He wants to win and knows what he needs in a staff. I'm not gonna be critical of who he pulls in, I think he knows what he's doing.
Count me in on the "BJ Armstrong for assistant" club too! I think having any former Hawkeye on staff would do amazing things for this clubs' PR.
In terms of bringing in an Iowa guy, Kenyon would be fine, what has he ever coached at the college level or recruited. It would be a good hire PR wise, but I am not sure it makes bb sense. Just wondering!
I wouldn't mind seeing Horner as an assistant. I really think he has a great future ahead of him in the coaching field. I went to about 10 Grand View games this year and am good friends with one of the players on the team. At the beginning of the year, he was kind of reserved on the bench. You could tell he was still getting acclimated to the team and staff. By the time the end of the season rolled around he was a whole different coach. He was constantly talking to the guys and teaching. He would get fired up during games, be vocal while the ball was in play and during timeouts. Coming from my friend on the team, it seemed he built a great relationship with the players. He seemed to be able to walk a line being looked at by players as a respected coach, yet almost as a fellow teammate also. His coaching resume might not be extensive, but I really think he has a great upside. He also is a born Hawkeye and I think could really convey what it means to be a part of the Hawkeye family.
Kenyon is a logical choice, he's in CR, but he does have a lot on his plate. He sells dental supplies, he coaches CR Prairie's frosh team, he also dabbles in marketing.

I thought it telling he spoke about Jess Settles so much and am thinking that could be a possiblity.

Of course we shouldn't dismiss the Les Jepsen talk either.

You do realize that if Kenyon were to join the staff it would be full-time and those other things he does would come to an end.
Don't think BJ is giving up his agent/sports gig to be an assistant at Iowa... could be wrong though?
You do realize that if Kenyon were to join the staff it would be full-time and those other things he does would come to an end.
I could easily see him dropping those other things to be a coach at iowa, considering none of his kids are on the prairie freshman team or going to be in the next 3 years.
I would most like to see Fran gank Rodell Davis from Providence. Ro is from Chicago, and is an experienced assistant D1 coach and recruiter.
All the names mentioned would probably do well. My vote would be for Horner. He is younger than the others mentioned which means more recruits might know him, he is from Iowa (unlike a Gamble or Murray) so he might help keep Iowa's best in state, and he was a point guard and to me point guards are like coaches on the floor. He would do well.
Yes I understand to join the Iowa Murray staff he would give up all those other things but it might not be that easy. He's got big boy jobs, those aren't exactly like leaving McDonalds.

I also don't see BJ here. He's an NBA agent whos biggest client is going to sign the biggest contract of his career. I also think the NCAA might be uncomfortable having a former NBA agent on staff as an assistant coach...
In terms of bringing in an Iowa guy, Kenyon would be fine, what has he ever coached at the college level or recruited. It would be a good hire PR wise, but I am not sure it makes bb sense. Just wondering!

He was a JUCO coach for a while not too long ago. If I remember correctly, he was involved with the program for a year or two as a grad assistant type of person as well while going back to school. I may be wrong on that, but he has been a JUCO coach.
Mitch Buonaguro is the coach i think he will bring from Siena.

Buonaguro has expressed strong interest in the Siena job. Likely he'll be interviewed but it appears the school will entertain other resumes as well. My guess is that Buonaguro will have a sense of where he stands by the end of the week, and that could determine whether he joins Fran in Iowa City.
Also, just throwing this out there, but Greg Stokes is an assistant coach at Kirkwood. Not sure what kinds of connections he has as far as recruiting goes, I'd need someone here to help fill me in on that. I'm just throwing his name out there. He could also help us maybe bring in Kaylon Williams. And Im sure Lisa Bluder wouldn't mind having Stokes on the men's staff. Might improve her chances of landing Kiah.
i would be surprised if Settles isn't considered also . since he talked about his recruiting of Settles.

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