Thomas Gilman 2012 recruit...

I have seen both Gilman and Clark in competition, in the practice room and off the mat quite a few times. Gilman is the more complete wrestler at this stage and he handles his business on and off the mat, he lives the lifestyle and has the same goals that Iowa looks for in recruits. His results nationally are not a mistake and in my mind along with several others Gilman would be Clark whether it was Folk or Free. That being said Clark has the potential to be a very good college wrestler and could become the better of the two, we shall see.

maybe I am reading into this to much but in the post above it sounds like you are implying that Clark does not live the lifestyle and do the right things on and off the mat? Its pretty clear you think Gilman is the better wrestler now but to imply that Clark is not living the lifestyle that Iowa looks for in recruit is a false statement.

I hope we get them both and they are able to find different weights to compete at for the Hawks, they would be great workout partners for each other.
No I did not say that at all, I just know that Gilman has the qualities Iowa looks for, did not say Clark didn't.

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