This year just wasn't meant to be

I came to realize last night after the game that this just wasn't our year. Last year we got all of the bounces and then some and this year it just hasn't happened. That's college football and that is why we all watch it every Saturday for 4 months. I thought as well as every hawk fan that this would be the year to make a push, but as we lost the close games I started to realize this year isn't meant to be and we aren't as good as last year. I was very frustrated in the loses to Wisconsin and Northwestern. Stanzi's only has 4 int's this year, no pick 6's for TD's. Last year we were 4-0 in games he threw a pick 6. I think that he has been far more accurate than last year and has made better decisions, but I have noticed at the end of the games he is way to conservative and doesn't want to take the chances he took last year and that actually hurt us. He just seems scared to make a mistake at the end of the game. He seemed to check down a lot at the end of games, especially in the Northwestern game when we had a 3rd and long with no timeouts left and 20 seconds left. He threw another dump down pass to A-rob, luckily he dropped it, but if he hadn't dropped it game would have been over again because of another mental mistake by Stanzi. Fact is his head wasn't in it at the end of games and the whole team pressed at end of games, where as last year they didn't have any worries because last year wasn't supposed to happen.
Stanzi had a pick 6 at zona, granted it wasnt his fault but it was a pick 6 none the less.

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