This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today.......

Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

For starters, I doubt you could find even one statement from any Ferentz press conference over the past decade in which he placed the responsibility for a loss or lack of team success solely on his players. And I think your perception is entirely wrong.

But even setting aside that difference of opinion, your notion of what constitutes a man's character is myopic. I'm sure that you would take extreme offense at being judged by someone solely on a single aspect of your personality that they viewed as flawed.

So again...lack of perspective.

"And I think your perception is entirely wrong."

Well, ok.

"I'm sure that you would take extreme offense at being judged by someone solely on a single aspect of your personality that they viewed as flawed."

Constantly placing blame away from yourself year after year in press conferences when you are the head coach. You're right. It must be solely a single aspect of his personality that I am just focusing too much on. Good grief.............................
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

That may be true. I simply disagree with the OP's statement about KF's character. Say what you will about him as a coach good, bad or otherwise, but don't blur the line between who he is as a coach and who he is as a person. Kirk Ferentz the person is a wonderful human being regardless of any shortcomings he may have as a coach or keeper of the Hawkeye football program.

"but don't blur the line between who he is as a coach and who he is as a person."

Yeah, ferentz isn't a person when he's the coach and talking bs and acting like a child when reporters call him out at a press conference. It's just the coach, not really ferentz, who never really accepts his responsibility as head coach. Gotcha.

Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

"but don't blur the line between who he is as a coach and who he is as a person."

Yeah, ferentz isn't a person when he's the coach and talking bs and acting like a child when reporters call him out at a press conference. It's just the coach, not really ferentz, who never really accepts his responsibility as head coach. Gotcha.


With every post your characterization becomes more extreme and less supportable.
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

I never said the guy was perfect. I said he was a good person. We could go tit-for-tat with people citing every instance where KF's ragged edges showed and others could fire back citing every charitable work and contribution throughout the Iowa City community.

Bottom line is that if we really want to talk low-character coaches there are a dozens of deserving candidates. He's not one of them regardless of the state of the program.

Charity is a cakewalk when you are a multimillionaire. Doesn't excuse stealing from the poor.
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

I have mah issues with Kurt, but I don't think he goes around blaming others for the state of the program. Plz cite examples of him refusing to take responsibility kthanx.


Watch any of his press conferences. If he is asked why something bad is happening, it's almost always because lack of execution by the players or the other team is good. Oh, he's said it's his responsibility at times, but you can tell he doesn't really mean it. You can tell he's all nervous and scared like a little kid when he fakes ownership every time. He's even got the state of Iowa sports writers trained not to hurt his little feelings too much. Again, think the Rob Howe situation from a while ago. ferentz is a puss. Lost my respect for him as a coach and as a man long time ago, but I do respect him as a human being as I do all human beings. I think of him more as a big baby than a man. And, yes, I think hawkeye nation is slowly coming around to the fact that he's a paper tiger. I think he's a very shallow guy. Still way too many feretnz apologists on here I am finding though.

He had a good run at Iowa, let's be fair. But Iowa will never contend for a big ten title again under him, and I don't think he'll ever get very good talent again like he did ten years ago.


Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

With every post your characterization becomes more extreme and less supportable.
Right, when losing an argument make sure you attack the other guy on something other than the topic being debated.

Look, I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else on here who still think ferentz is a good coach and good man. Me, I'm not looking the other way any longer concerning him.

Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

I'm not going to be an apologist and make excuses for the way the team is playing right now. They need help. And though most people seem to want to level the finger at a single person, be it KF, GD, JV or maybe someone's mother...the bottom line is there is plenty of blame to go around. And lay blame people are happy to do. Right or wrong, this board has become a heaping pile of criticism. Some of it's valid to a one degree or another. Some of it borders on the ridiculous.

Undoubtedly, you bring up some valid points. However, anyone who wants to connect coach Ferentz's character to the performance on the field (or lack thereof) has a serious problem with perspective. It's been a growing sentiment and it's ludicrous. Say what you will about his coaching ability. Believe he has an arrogance about his program or position. Heck, consider him dismissive of the fans if you want to. But, people, find enough reason and perspective within yourselves to be able to disconnect Ferentz the coach from Ferentz the person.

He may or may not be a lot of things as a coach. But as a person, Kirk Ferentz has always been first rate. Villainizing someone because of the way their team is playing on the field says far more about you as a person than them.
That's some good stuff, too.
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

Watch any of his press conferences. If he is asked why something bad is happening, it's almost always because lack of execution by the players or the other team is good. Oh, he's said it's his responsibility at times, but you can tell he doesn't really mean it. You can tell he's all nervous and scared like a little kid when he fakes ownership every time. He's even got the state of Iowa sports writers trained not to hurt his little feelings too much. Again, think the Rob Howe situation from a while ago. ferentz is a puss. Lost my respect for him as a coach and as a man long time ago, but I do respect him as a human being as I do all human beings. I think of him more as a big baby than a man. And, yes, I think hawkeye nation is slowly coming around to the fact that he's a paper tiger. I think he's a very shallow guy. Still way too many feretnz apologists on here I am finding though.

He had a good run at Iowa, let's be fair. But Iowa will never contend for a big ten title again under him, and I don't think he'll ever get very good talent again like he did ten years ago.


From what you have posted in this thread, I have all the evidence in the world that you are a small, bitter, loathesome person. You are obviously troubled, and have no ability to see reality. KF blames others? KF is a puss? KF is scared? KF is shallow. KF has worked countless hours of charity work (time and money) helped more young men succed, and excelled at his profession for 10 years.....all things you have never, or will ever do in your lifetime.

Speaking of Rob Howe, what do you think his opinion of KF is? I wonder what his opinion of you he would have? Howe: Lighten Up
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

Right, when losing an argument make sure you attack the other guy on something other than the topic being debated.

Look, I mean no disrespect to you or anyone else on here who still think ferentz is a good coach and good man. Me, I'm not looking the other way any longer concerning him.


Address his coaching then, and quit attacking him as a man and person.
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...


I was trying to prove a point, that judging someone you don't know is stupid, with the things I said. ultimately I have no idea what type of man or person that Freed is.
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

I was trying to prove a point, that judging someone you don't know is stupid, with the things I said. ultimately I have no idea what type of man or person that Freed is.

Oh. OK. Nevar mynd then.

But Dean, can I give you some free advice? Stop feeding the troll, brah.
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

Oh. OK. Nevar mynd then.

But Dean, can I give you some free advice? Stop feeding the troll, brah.

You are probably right. I actually smell an Alt on this one.....OoTH maybe?
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

Address his coaching then, and quit attacking him as a man and person.

Nope, it says a lot about one's character when he deflects his responsibility on to others. I've already given examples. That goes to who he is as a man.

As per your previous reply to my post? You may be right. I probably should not have called ferentz names. My fault.

Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

You are probably right. I actually smell an Alt on this one.....OoTH maybe?

Hmmm....maybe, but the grammar, spelling, and punctuation are significantly above ol' OoTH's usual standards.
Re: This season was the last straw for me. I had to make my first post here today...

Watch any of his press conferences. If he is asked why something bad is happening, it's almost always because lack of execution by the players or the other team is good. Oh, he's said it's his responsibility at times, but you can tell he doesn't really mean it. You can tell he's all nervous and scared like a little kid when he fakes ownership every time. He's even got the state of Iowa sports writers trained not to hurt his little feelings too much. Again, think the Rob Howe situation from a while ago. ferentz is a puss. Lost my respect for him as a coach and as a man long time ago, but I do respect him as a human being as I do all human beings. I think of him more as a big baby than a man. And, yes, I think hawkeye nation is slowly coming around to the fact that he's a paper tiger. I think he's a very shallow guy. Still way too many feretnz apologists on here I am finding though.

He had a good run at Iowa, let's be fair. But Iowa will never contend for a big ten title again under him, and I don't think he'll ever get very good talent again like he did ten years ago.

