This may get some negative attention...

"The supervisor, who was not named, stated that he admonished Gray multiple times about his behavior, the report states."

What a joke. For everyone that thinks Iowa is so different than other schools, this is just an example of how ANY school or institution is at risk if they hire the wrong leadership. And when I say hire the wrong leadership I am referring to the "Leaders" who it appears didn't officially investigate this or REALLY sanction him.

I will hold off any real judgement on this until more facts are in, but this is not good, to say the least.

Why would he need to be re-assigned with coaches not wanting him involved in their recruiting if he were not doing anything wrong. This could get really ugly, because if he did the things in the more in-depth report above then Iowa has a LOT to answer for, ethically and financially.

There seem to be so many allegations in this story coming from different sources, it will be hard to believe something isn't going on and based upon the reporting it would seem hard to believe administration couldn't have done something.

it is their job to keep kids and everyone else on that campus reasonably safe from this sort of thing.
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"The supervisor, who was not named, stated that he admonished Gray multiple times about his behavior, the report states."

There seem to be so many allegations in this story coming from different sources, it will be hard to believe something isn't going on and based upon the reporting it would seem hard to believe administration couldn't have done something.

it is their job to keep kids and everyone else on that campus reasonably safe from this sort of thing.

If he was admonished back in the early '90s for this behavior and gray didnt argue about the admonishment then he should have been let go. He could have been downsized out of his job if the UI Admin is so chicken s**t. This is terrible. When someone acts on their weirdness and gets caught they have to go.

And then the UI hired him again. And he talked to recruits and their parents let alone had any student contact. wowowowowowowowo
The university where I work had a similar situation. The reason you let the person resign is then it keeps the information away from the Freedom of Information Act.
Pierre Peirce.

Rape by football players.

Drug-testing fiasco.


Now, you rehire a pervert after there were already questions about sexual misconduct during his first stint.

What do all these incidents have in common?

Most, if not all, were attempted and basically handled "internally" at least initially. Committees were formed and even those were handled by Administrators, Regents, etc. I would still consider that internal. *See current Governor of Pennsylvania actions during Sandusky reign of terror.

If you don't think Sandusky-type BS couldn't happen here or most any campus then you are fooling yourself.

Too much $$$$. Too many vested interests at stake.

We need a serious dose of perspective.

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