This is why it's painful..

BS. Hes content. That type of quote from KF is something a person would say with zero pressure for job security. College football is a bottom line business, W/L's, everywhere but Iowa. Nobody gives a **** how the game goes, did you win or lose, that's all that counts in major college football.

This. Actions speak much louder than words, and KF's actions basically amount to DGF.
I agree that he's ultimately judged by Ws and Ls but, c'mon, you know what he was trying to say. He's saying he cares more about whether the team is getting better or not, not that he's "striving to be mediocre". There's a lot to criticize Kirk for but we know that he's not just content putting up a mediocre product and cashing in. That's just not true.

It is true that the product has been mediocre and he's cashing in, but it's not true that he's content with that.[/QUOTE]

Lol. Please provide any evidence to the contrary. Derp Davis still here after 3 years of even more pathetic offense than Iowa normally has. Nepotism. **** poor recruiting and no effort to improve (ie actually hire someone who CAN recruit). Can't put best players on the field. Weisman carries eclipsing the some of the greatest players to EVER wear black and gold. I could go on forever, but just thinking about this pisses me off. I'd be ok with losing every game this year if it was guaranteed Kirks *** was firmly punted.
I don't know if Kirk is happy winning 6-7 games a year but I think he approaches the team like he does game planning where he is so worried about things turning out bad he's afraid to take a risk at being good-great.
I agree that he's ultimately judged by Ws and Ls but, c'mon, you know what he was trying to say. He's saying he cares more about whether the team is getting better or not, not that he's "striving to be mediocre". There's a lot to criticize Kirk for but we know that he's not just content putting up a mediocre product and cashing in. That's just not true.

It is true that the product has been mediocre and he's cashing in, but it's not true that he's content with that.[/QUOTE]

Lol. Please provide any evidence to the contrary. Derp Davis still here after 3 years of even more pathetic offense than Iowa normally has. Nepotism. **** poor recruiting and no effort to improve (ie actually hire someone who CAN recruit). Can't put best players on the field. Weisman carries eclipsing the some of the greatest players to EVER wear black and gold. I could go on forever, but just thinking about this pisses me off. I'd be ok with losing every game this year if it was guaranteed Kirks *** was firmly punted.

That would be the first time we've seen something firmly punted in a couple years.
I don't know if Kirk is happy winning 6-7 games a year but I think he approaches the team like he does game planning where he is so worried about things turning out bad he's afraid to take a risk at being good-great.

I think his main goal on the sidelines is "don't do anything stupid". He had even said things like that in post game interviews. He thinks any decision out of his norm (which is every single decision that involves the least amount of risk) can be classified as something stupid. At the end of the game he can "sleep good at night" if they were out executed. Imagine how he would sleep if he called for a fake punt in a close game that they ended up losing.
It's freakin' Iowa. Year in & year out, Iowa should have the worst record in the B1G. It is amazing what Hayden & Kirk have done. Quit your bitchin' & put your money where your mouth is. Go out & build your high schools multi-million dollar weight lifting facilities. Maybe then Iowa high school football won't be such a joke & the state won't have the worst talent base in the conference.
It's freakin' Iowa. Year in & year out, Iowa should have the worst record in the B1G. It is amazing what Hayden & Kirk have done. Quit your bitchin' & put your money where your mouth is. Go out & build your high schools multi-million dollar weight lifting facilities. Maybe then Iowa high school football won't be such a joke & the state won't have the worst talent base in the conference.

Ok get the rich *** people in Iowa to fund the local schools in sports and the arts, not just sports. Let's turn this into a political and controversial thread now because you opened it up to that. I think what is controversial is Iowa's ranking in recruiting the last 5 years.

Iowa does not have the population per se but you would think there could be more D1 talent.
I agree that he's ultimately judged by Ws and Ls but, c'mon, you know what he was trying to say. He's saying he cares more about whether the team is getting better or not, not that he's "striving to be mediocre". There's a lot to criticize Kirk for but we know that he's not just content putting up a mediocre product and cashing in. That's just not true.

It is true that the product has been mediocre and he's cashing in, but it's not true that he's content with that.
I would agree that Kirk is not content with mediocrity. I can even understand the idea he consoles himself when he lays his head on his pillow with the "you can play a good game against a good team and still get beat" mantra.

What I cannot understand and what I will not agree with is that the measuring scale is if the team is getting better or not in the middle of November.

By November that measuring scale is out the window and the measuring scale of Ws and Ls and "playing for championships" (his own words) is used.

KF does not get the benefit of not changing the scales. I noticed he reference the Wisconsin game. How 'bout the Nebby game?
I would agree that Kirk is not content with mediocrity. I can even understand the idea he consoles himself when he lays his head on his pillow with the "you can play a good game against a good team and still get beat" mantra.

What I cannot understand and what I will not agree with is that the measuring scale is if the team is getting better or not in the middle of November.

By November that measuring scale is out the window and the measuring scale of Ws and Ls and "playing for championships" (his own words) is used.

KF does not get the benefit of not changing the scales. I noticed he reference the Wisconsin game. How 'bout the Nebby game?

I don't think you got the point of my post. I was calling b.s. on those who say he doesn't care about winning and only wants his money.

But you see the KDS (Kirk derangement syndrome) sufferers on this board spout out all of the hate.
It's freakin' Iowa. Year in & year out, Iowa should have the worst record in the B1G. It is amazing what Hayden & Kirk have done. Quit your bitchin' & put your money where your mouth is. Go out & build your high schools multi-million dollar weight lifting facilities. Maybe then Iowa high school football won't be such a joke & the state won't have the worst talent base in the conference.
Not sure if this is serious or not. :confused:
I agree that he's ultimately judged by Ws and Ls but, c'mon, you know what he was trying to say. He's saying he cares more about whether the team is getting better or not, not that he's "striving to be mediocre". There's a lot to criticize Kirk for but we know that he's not just content putting up a mediocre product and cashing in. That's just not true.

It is true that the product has been mediocre and he's cashing in, but it's not true that he's content with that.

You may be right, but I think most of us would like to hear Kirk come out and say something to the contrary, but he never does. Throw us a bone, here, coach. Don't make us have to ASSUME that you aren't content with it.

I'm not saying he has to go off on the media, players, etc. or throw his clip board, but for crying out loud, show a little fire.
Kirk Ferentz has reduced Iowa Football to about as much fun as being beaten with a bag of Oranges for 3.5 hrs.

In the last 10 seasons of play he has - ONE - season that he can hang his hat on despite being one of the highest paid coaches in the country for half that time.

At 73-54 he's hardly setting the world on fire. Take away the pathetic wins from his gutless non-conference scheduling and he's nothing but a .500 coach with the resources of a Top 15 school.

When he goes Barta needs to be following right behind him on I-80 out of town.
Kirk Ferentz has reduced Iowa Football to about as much fun as being beaten with a bag of Oranges for 3.5 hrs.

In the last 10 seasons of play he has - ONE - season that he can hang his hat on despite being one of the highest paid coaches in the country for half that time.

At 73-54 he's hardly setting the world on fire. Take away the pathetic wins from his gutless non-conference scheduling and he's nothing but a .500 coach with the resources of a Top 15 school.

When he goes Barta needs to be following right behind him on I-80 out of town.

I know there's a lot of anger towards Barta, but in general, Iowa athletics are improving. Men's BB was 3rd in the BT, with an NCAA tournament win. Women's BB was 2nd in the BT with 2 NCAA wins. The Wrestling team was Tied for 1st in the BT and 2nd in the NCAA. Baseball they're 2nd and an NCAA qualifier. Men's Golf was 2nd in the BT and an NCAA qualifier. Gymnastics finished 6th at the NCAAs. Field Hockey was No. 15 in the country. Not outstanding, but not bottom of the barrel, either. Things seem to be globally improving, if not specifically for football. Feelings about Barta do go to prove that Football moves the needle. Even if Ferentz flames out in the next year or two, I don't think it's an automatic that Barta follows. I'm not defending him at all costs, and there are some curious comments, statements and marketing blunders that get made, but one should look at his performance in full. In the end, the Field Hockey flap may be his greater undoing if any of those allegations stick.
I know there's a lot of anger towards Barta, but in general, Iowa athletics are improving. Men's BB was 3rd in the BT, with an NCAA tournament win. Women's BB was 2nd in the BT with 2 NCAA wins. The Wrestling team was Tied for 1st in the BT and 2nd in the NCAA. Baseball they're 2nd and an NCAA qualifier. Men's Golf was 2nd in the BT and an NCAA qualifier. Gymnastics finished 6th at the NCAAs. Field Hockey was No. 15 in the country. Not outstanding, but not bottom of the barrel, either. Things seem to be globally improving, if not specifically for football. Feelings about Barta do go to prove that Football moves the needle. Even if Ferentz flames out in the next year or two, I don't think it's an automatic that Barta follows. I'm not defending him at all costs, and there are some curious comments, statements and marketing blunders that get made, but one should look at his performance in full. In the end, the Field Hockey flap may be his greater undoing if any of those allegations stick.

Way too little and way too late. Barta's absymal overall record given the resources and budget at his disposal in no way can be excused for the extremely short term success some of the sport's teams are having. You'll notice that the "success" is without any Conference or Tournament Championships except for wrestling?

Gary Barta is on the hook for the all time worst hire and contract given in school history and needs to go when Ferentz does.
Kirk Ferentz has reduced Iowa Football to about as much fun as being beaten with a bag of Oranges for 3.5 hrs.

In the last 10 seasons of play he has - ONE - season that he can hang his hat on despite being one of the highest paid coaches in the country for half that time.

At 73-54 he's hardly setting the world on fire. Take away the pathetic wins from his gutless non-conference scheduling and he's nothing but a .500 coach with the resources of a Top 15 school.

When he goes Barta needs to be following right behind him on I-80 out of town.
No, no, no, no, no, no!

Barta has to go first. The CONTRACT should be the reason.
He can't have any influence on the next coaching decision
I don't think you got the point of my post. I was calling b.s. on those who say he doesn't care about winning and only wants his money.

But you see the KDS (Kirk derangement syndrome) sufferers on this board spout out all of the hate.
True, but I got your point. I agreed with you in the first paragraph.

I don't agree with KF that the test is "as long as the team is getting better..." mantra so "he can sleep easy irregardless of the result on the field."

When KF says it like that he is setting himself up for charges of contentment and mediocrity. I'm not going to defend him for saying stuff in a stupid manner. I will defend at times defend him against stupid personal attacks.

on a personal note: Steve Garvey was my favorite player when I was a kid; "hated" Pete Rose and every SF Giant. Still "hate" every SF Giant.
For me, it's all about the cool and dry spring breezes when you're getting ready for the coming season. Breathing the fresh air, knowing your alive- seeing your shadow in the bright sunlight to prove it.

You know what? You're a God Damn sword boat capt.... I mean Football coach. Is there anything better in the world?
How about this quote regarding stakes for a game 7 playoff match-up (slightly paraphrased for brevity): "In this situation, one of us [advances], and one of us goes on vacation. We'd each rather [advance], but vacation is not terrible."

That comes from 5-time NBA champion coach Greg Popovich.

Coaches at these levels (Pro or DI College) are incredibly competitive and driven. I find it refreshing when they admit that sports are not life and death.

Talk is cheap, and it would not make a hill-of-beans worth of difference if Coach Ferentz went off in a press conference about how much he hates losing. The end-product is the only thing that matters, and if you want to get mad about the quality of the end-product for Iowa FB, have at it. But to get bent out of shape because the coach infers that in-season they focus more on process-evaluation than outcome-evaluation (you know, like pretty much all successful people in life)? That seems a bit silly.
How about this quote regarding stakes for a game 7 playoff match-up (slightly paraphrased for brevity): "In this situation, one of us [advances], and one of us goes on vacation. We'd each rather [advance], but vacation is not terrible."

That comes from 5-time NBA champion coach Greg Popovich.

Coaches at these levels (Pro or DI College) are incredibly competitive and driven. I find it refreshing when they admit that sports are not life and death.

Talk is cheap, and it would not make a hill-of-beans worth of difference if Coach Ferentz went off in a press conference about how much he hates losing. The end-product is the only thing that matters, and if you want to get mad about the quality of the end-product for Iowa FB, have at it. But to get bent out of shape because the coach infers that in-season they focus more on process-evaluation than outcome-evaluation (you know, like pretty much all successful people in life)? That seems a bit silly.

I wonder if my job would find it refreshing. "I messed up my customer's account. Oh Well, it's not life or death." "Sir, we misunderstood the layout of the prints and built everything in the wrong location. Oh well, it's not life or death." My situation and KF situation are similar in that millions of dollars are at stake.
When they are making that kind of coin and the consumers are paying top dollar then they goddamn better well treat it like life or death. If not, then hire some no name coach and pay him the bare minimum with NO EFFING BUYOUT!!!!
I wonder if my job would find it refreshing. "I messed up my customer's account. Oh Well, it's not life or death." "Sir, we misunderstood the layout of the prints and built everything in the wrong location. Oh well, it's not life or death." My situation and KF situation are similar in that millions of dollars are at stake.
When they are making that kind of coin and the consumers are paying top dollar then they goddamn better well treat it like life or death. If not, then hire some no name coach and pay him the bare minimum with NO EFFING BUYOUT!!!!

Putting the outcome in perspective does not indicate an indifference to the outcome.

Focusing on the processes under your control that influence that outcome, as opposed to focusing solely on the outcome itself (which is also influenced by many factors outside of your control), does not indicate an indifference to the outcome.

You seem to be failing to grasp this nuance.

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