This coming season

Klink actually had good coverage on that play he just didn't make a play on the ball and Tiller made a good catch.
Someone posted this: "What made the OSU and Wisconsin losses hurt for me was I felt our guys played as hard as they could both games but both times our coaches made critical errors that set the other teams up to win both games."
Then ICHawk24 followed with his witty reply below:

I will bring up a critical error that I believe happened after the the Pryor 4th down scramble. After the scramble OSU still had a long way to go. And the hawks I believe had them in a 3rd and long on the next series. osu split their running back, fast guy, way out to the right, and we matched up with the middle linebacker, I think Angerer was on him, maybe it was another lbker. I saw that mismatch from the stands immediately and osu game planned it I am sure cuz they new we would be in our base defense, late in the game, on 3rd and long, with the game on the line, rather than have 6 dbacks in the game.

Norm was great over the long haul but his defense gave up way too many big third and long completions cuz the dline was tired and we didnt have good cover guys in or we didnt blitz.

I call that a huge error.

<<I saw that mismatch from the stands immediately>>

Yet you have no clue Pat Angerer was not on the team in 2010...

"You people"
Didn't you read the words "I believe" in my post. I cant distinctly remember all the details. All I know is the play I described happened late in that game, maybe it was Nielsen at LBker guarding the rb who was split out way wide right. maybe it was a 2nd down.

Dont you remember klinkenborg guarding the ISU freshman backup QB/receiver who was in the slot late in the game at ames a few years ago. It was 3rd or 4th and long I BELIEVE, late in the game Iowa leading 13-12 . not much time left and we have a middle backer guarding a slot receiver. you know the rest. Critical error.

WTF does Klinkenborg have to do with your complete and utter failure on the post on which jumper called you out?

<<You know the rest>>

You obviously don't know how a 4-3 works, or that LBs ROUTINELY have pass-coverage assignments. And it's not like Klink was out of position or "lacked" coverage on the play. He was with the guy the whole way.

Quit now, before you reveal your lack of credibility any further.
As a season ticket holder the past 10+ years, due to job instability and a trip to Florida in the fall I didn't renew this year. This had absolutely nothing to do with the performance of the team the past few years. That said, as the days go by and kick off gets closer I'm as jacked up as ever for the start of the season. Will definitely be different watching from home this year, but that said, I'm as excited as ever about the start of the season.
As a bridge to watching at home I suggest you meet up with some fellow Hawkeye fans at a local pub so you don't get hit with the reality all at once.
I don't understand so much of the criticizim when a LB ends up covering a slot or RB out of the backfield. How do you know what the other team is going to run. You can't predict and put a speedier DB in the game and somehow besure of a good match up. somebody explain this... I must be missing someting.
I don't understand so much of the criticizim when a LB ends up covering a slot or RB out of the backfield. How do you know what the other team is going to run. You can't predict and put a speedier DB in the game and somehow besure of a good match up. somebody explain this... I must be missing someting.

Nope, you're not missing a thing. One of the "evolutions" of the 4-3, especially coming from a 5-2 (as Iowa, among others, did), was continuing to utilize a "core/front" 4 without having to drop DEs into coverage (see Andre Tippett 1980 and 1981). Essentially, by moving to the 4-3, the DE-now-LB still could be face-up on the run/run blockers, be in necessary pass coverages without needing to go from 3-point stance to backing up, could move more freely in his zone, etc. Blitzing a LB didn't endanger pass coverages as it could in the old 5-2, and an athletic FS could still be effective in pass coverage AND become an "earlier" factor in run support.

In other words, LBs in pass coverage isn't:
1) Anything "new"
2) "Wrong"
3) "Stupid"
4) "Dumb", or
5) "Idiotic"

It is, apparently, foreign to a frighteningly-large sub-section of Iowa fans.

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