It's also full of trolls.

No just full of jerks. Has not been full of trolls bince 2/8/13..... and yoou no wut?! The site sux ever bince. There is no life, no spark, no nothing, on these boards, and now the Hawks are playing like they realize how awful this site is anymore.
No just full of jerks. Has not been full of trolls bince 2/8/13..... and yoou no wut?! The site sux ever bince. There is no life, no spark, no nothing, on these boards, and now the Hawks are playing like they realize how awful this site is anymore.

No just full of jerks. Has not been full of trolls bince 2/8/13..... and yoou no wut?! The site sux ever bince. There is no life, no spark, no nothing, on these boards, and now the Hawks are playing like they realize how awful this site is anymore.


It's full of drunk guys most likely....who tend to be jerks. YOU'RE ALL GUILTY OF PWI! posting while intoxicated. Just go to bed, troll food.
Good effort guys. Go two years in a row with tournament talent on team and fail to reach the field of 64 going on nine years. And on the eighth year of that run end your season losing 7/8.

Yeah we are the Hawkeyes. Where it's a great day to lose. Oh you like my girl friend... Take her, I'm tired of the effort.

Screw it, I'm tired of cheering in the continued trend of underachievement. I don't support that in my Co worker's. And I don't in my sports entertainment. Go Bluejays, Go Shockers, Go Syracuse... Cheering for the Hawkeyes is like sitting in on a dunk tank but instead of falling into water on a ball hitting the target.. You get kicked in the man jewels.

End rant. Hopefully I'll feel better.
Nobody on here cares how you feel.
What do you honestly want people to say? What a ride. It was awesome see the Hawkeyes gain national attention. I'll look past that end of the season collapse and hang on the hopes that they can put together a better season next year with less talent.
Be ****** all you want....but people calling the team losers, suckeyes, chokeyes, and other vile crap is bush league and uncalled for. Back in the day, before social media allowed people to publicly rip others, we called those people cowards....and I still do. It's pathetic. And allowing that to go on is just as bad. Sorry to call you out, Jon, but it's ridiculous. Team just got thru having their "little brother " go under the knife and may end up with cancer and this is their reward.... To have "fans" publicly rip and ridicule them? It's embarrassing and we should be better than that.

Calling people cowards as you hide behind your keyboard is just.... Uh, cowardly! Yeah. It's cowardly!
Get over yourselves! Sitting like fat cats criticizing like you can do better. Life isn't all about your entertainment. We have some of the worst fans. I love the Hawks, but hate this vocal minority.

The guys played hard tonight, it has been a tough month for the team and for Fran personally and some of you pukes are making jokes about it.

I hate these message boards, but someone needs to be a voice of reason.

You offenders are just pathetic, get a freaking LIFE!
You need help.
Get over yourselves! Sitting like fat cats criticizing like you can do better. Life isn't all about your entertainment. We have some of the worst fans. I love the Hawks, but hate this vocal minority.

The guys played hard tonight, it has been a tough month for the team and for Fran personally and some of you pukes are making jokes about it.

I hate these message boards, but someone needs to be a voice of reason.

You offenders are just pathetic, get a freaking LIFE!
This is a message board...don't come here if you are not willing to see all sides to stories. I have lived in Nebraska and in SWI for 52 years and I can see you need to watch Husker Nation if you think Iowa fans are classless and clueless. I am sorry but ignore or don't come here, this is free will.