Think First Before Criticizing McCaffery

The idiots defending Gary Barta, and I use the term "IDIOTS" very loosely, should never watch another competitive sporting event again! It's obvious you have no concept of what it means to compete. At anything.
The good news is, as of March 27th, 2014, we are holding down the 11th place position in the BIG conference, still ahead of NW but we have dropped 24 overall spots down from 110 to 134th. So Gary Barta is striving to put us further behind in the race to win Conference championships. That's awesome. I have to go forward this information onto the BOR and the U of I president. They must be so pwoud. So very pwoud!
You see, I'll take the field against Gary Barta, every day and twice on Sunday. Any AD that offers the contracts that he does and continually finish at the bottom of the conference standings in over all athletics, is a FAILURE as far as I'm concerned. This is not difficult to quantify. The 2013 final Dircetors Cup standings has Iowa finishing 11th in the BIG conference behind only Northwestern. Iowa State finished 53rd, by the way and Iowa finished 110th!!!
Congratulations, Gary Barta. You've managed to boost the University of Iowa athletic department all the way to twice as bad as Iowa State. You are the man.

Director’s Cup argument? Yeah 3-9! But tennis team was sweet!
You see, I'll take the field against Gary Barta, every day and twice on Sunday. Any AD that offers the contracts that he does and continually finish at the bottom of the conference standings in over all athletics, is a FAILURE as far as I'm concerned. This is not difficult to quantify. The 2013 final Dircetors Cup standings has Iowa finishing 11th in the BIG conference behind only Northwestern. Iowa State finished 53rd, by the way and Iowa finished 110th!!!
Congratulations, Gary Barta. You've managed to boost the University of Iowa athletic department all the way to twice as bad as Iowa State. You are the man.

People used to take the field against Tiger back in the day. Saying you would take the field against Barta isn't saying much.
I care a lot about Iowa sports and I know an incompetent AD when I see one.

Fran brought us to a top 10 ranking in 3 and a half years. Would a more competent AD have known in an interview that a Fran coached team would collapse after that and hired someone else better instead?

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