Things I know....

going off topic a bit here.


There isn't a shred of evidence that he would make a good OC. Especially given his tenure coachin and because he has not as of yet distinguished himself as an offensive line posission coach.

PLEASE STOP THE MADNESS This goes is the heap with Hire Bob Stoops and Paint the water tower

Wow, you put in some all caps there! Damn! Being serious here, I agree. There is nothing to back up that he would be a good OC. I only mentioned it because Jon and Rick Brown have mentioned that they wouldn't be surprised if it went down like that. And if there is one coach would could convince Kirk to change some things, its Brian.

But now I'm done with the narrative. Out of respect for you, I will STOP THE MADNESS.
I guess my expectations for a coach making 4 million dollars per year are just too out of whack for some of you safe Iowans who just like to watch our boys go 7-5 every year....good old John Lowdermilk needs a ten yard head start to catch a Maryland receiver, but "Gosh dang it" he's one of ours....we don't need any 4 star players....they don't do things the "right Way". Captain Kirk ***tired moniker*** will right the ship soon!!!

Even Jon has taken his blinders off and now tells it like it matter his affiliation. Who are y'all pretending to defend by burying thy head in the sand?

My question is who are you trying to promote. This board has had an incredible amount of critics concerning KF and nobody is happy with a 7-5 record. That sounds like stuff made up on cyfan that's why you get the troll messages. Bring some insight into what should be done. We all know the complaints. Who do you want as coach. How about the buyout, change assistant coaches only, join the MAC, bring something new.
If a a Big Ten winning percentage of just north of 50% is a legacy, then it's no wonder you think KF's legacy is secure. His legacy is mediocre at best. Iowa Sate fan having fun? Boy, you people are either real paranoid, or real stupid. What Cyclone fan would go to Miami 5 days early to take in the 2002 Orange Bowl? I guess this one, huh?

The more you post the more cyfan comes through. How's the legacy in Ames?
I don't know much.... But I know I love the Hawkeyessssssssssssss

and that may be ...... All I need to knowwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Well stated! Agree with every aspect.

Never met but by all accounts and perceptions, KirkFer = good husband, good father, good man, loyal, compassionate and generous. Great attributes and characteristics to hang your hat on.

However, I will probably never know KirkFer as a friend. I will probably never interact with him on such a personal level as to know those attributes. My only "relationship" with him is that he coaches my alma mater's football team -- the one and only, at any level, that I've ever cheered for and invested in as a fan.

Based on that, I only "know" KirkFer as a poor player- to-scheme manager and poor football strategist, especially on the fly / within a game. I only attribute to him the responsibility for putting a nearly unwatchable, certainly underperforming, product on the field.

The result ... over the last 6 or 7 years of his tenure, I've slowly bled out and am very close to that state of existence in your last paragraph.
-- Despite having season tickets, I could care less if I attend the last 3 games and will plan on selling them (as I did the Indiana game).
-- I am certainly not renewing those tickets next season (unless KirkFer, that G.d. G.D., or both are no longer on the sidelines).
-- I have little to no excitement, let alone motivation, to even watch the game on TV, at least live.
-- I hope Iowa wins but have resigned to expecting they won't.
-- I sometimes find myself having more and more contemptuous feelings toward Iowa football.
(This is a real internal conflict for me, too. I want to LOVE Hawkeye football like I did growing up and have for over 40 years. I want to feel that passion and pride, like I still do for basketball. It's such a painful ... loss; like a divorce or death. The fire, the joy ... it's in a deep coma, barely sputtering to survive on life support.)

I'm still not at the point where I actively cheer for another team. Partly out of feeling it would be hypocritical to hop on another bandwagon (despite the super-fan Polly's around here, that's not how I roll) and very much due to the guilt over betraying Iowa.

I guess I consider myself a Hawkeye football agnostic, bordering on atheism.

I can only country, and it is your money and time. I love Iowa fb and bb, and cannot not watch them .
If we do rip off some wins yet this year, you will be back. I go around the league and basically every fan base not named MSU, OSU and Minny dislike their current coach. you have company.
I can only country, and it is your money and time. I love Iowa fb and bb, and cannot not watch them .
If we do rip off some wins yet this year, you will be back. I go around the league and basically every fan base not named MSU, OSU and Minny dislike their current coach. you have company.

I gotta say, I like Jerry Kill. Just one of those guys it's hard to dislike. He seems solid as a game planner and X's/O's guy. His biggest issue is his health.
Pretty good post. Well done. I've read on this message board and heard in some of Jon's podcasts that the hope of many is that Greg Davis is a place holder type of coach while Brian Ferentz is being groomed for OC. If that is in fact the case, I could see some things change on offense. Not a lot but I could see a bit more aggressiveness.

Ive said it a couple times the Greg Davis hire was not about finding the most qualified candidate to score points it was about finding the most qualified candidate for Kirks own personal family agenda.
-------it was about finding the most qualified candidate for Kirks own personal family agenda.

Rollface - Does that mean Davis also controls the public subsidized housing in Iowa City? Ohhhh, it all makes sense now.
Anyonebutyou are you out there to post or just to down vote and run like the coward you are. You're like a 7th grader that breaks the school bus window and runs back to tell his friends how cool he is until the next day when a girl gives you a beating. Take off your dress and be brave enough to post something to refute my argument. Will she show up, cyfan troll.
-------it was about finding the most qualified candidate for Kirks own personal family agenda.

Rollface - Does that mean Davis also controls the public subsidized housing in Iowa City? Ohhhh, it all makes sense now.

Or incompatence, take your pick.

There was almost certainly an alterior motive to hiring a guy that old who no one else wanted.
You need to grow up. I'm guessing you are an Iowa State student having a little fun.

If Ferentz never wins another game his legacy is secure.

Your story, on the other hand, is yet to be written. Try writing something constructive....or thoughtful.....or original......or humorous. Your post is tedious, shrill and tired.

Signing off. You are wasting our time with this post.

Yes his legacy of mediocrity will always be secure.
Well stated! Agree with every aspect.

Never met but by all accounts and perceptions, KirkFer = good husband, good father, good man, loyal, compassionate and generous. Great attributes and characteristics to hang your hat on.

However, I will probably never know KirkFer as a friend. I will probably never interact with him on such a personal level as to know those attributes. My only "relationship" with him is that he coaches my alma mater's football team -- the one and only, at any level, that I've ever cheered for and invested in as a fan.

Based on that, I only "know" KirkFer as a poor player- to-scheme manager and poor football strategist, especially on the fly / within a game. I only attribute to him the responsibility for putting a nearly unwatchable, certainly underperforming, product on the field.

The result ... over the last 6 or 7 years of his tenure, I've slowly bled out and am very close to that state of existence in your last paragraph.
-- Despite having season tickets, I could care less if I attend the last 3 games and will plan on selling them (as I did the Indiana game).
-- I am certainly not renewing those tickets next season (unless KirkFer, that G.d. G.D., or both are no longer on the sidelines).
-- I have little to no excitement, let alone motivation, to even watch the game on TV, at least live.
-- I hope Iowa wins but have resigned to expecting they won't.
-- I sometimes find myself having more and more contemptuous feelings toward Iowa football.
(This is a real internal conflict for me, too. I want to LOVE Hawkeye football like I did growing up and have for over 40 years. I want to feel that passion and pride, like I still do for basketball. It's such a painful ... loss; like a divorce or death. The fire, the joy ... it's in a deep coma, barely sputtering to survive on life support.)

I'm still not at the point where I actively cheer for another team. Partly out of feeling it would be hypocritical to hop on another bandwagon (despite the super-fan Polly's around here, that's not how I roll) and very much due to the guilt over betraying Iowa.

I guess I consider myself a Hawkeye football agnostic, bordering on atheism.

Well said. I concur.
going off topic a bit here.


There isn't a shred of evidence that he would make a good OC. Especially given his tenure coachin and because he has not as of yet distinguished himself as an offensive line posission coach.

PLEASE STOP THE MADNESS This goes is the heap with Hire Bob Stoops and Paint the water tower

Agree but Kirk is the one in charge and makes this decision. If he wants his son to be OC and make it the safe, predictable hire then he will.
I will make just one last point in this tread....again, Davis is no more the problem than O'Keefe. Davis takes direct orders to play to, I mean play things close, the same way O'Keefe did. If KF could recruit, we would be 7-0 right now with Davis given our schedule....even with terrible coaching. But terrible coaching will NEVER win if you are recruiting terrible....Iowa suffers from both. KF is the problem, and we will see Davis take the fall for it at years end.....and then all the idiots will rejoice. Just more moving the chairs around on the Titanic folks.
I will make just one last point in this tread....again, Davis is no more the problem than O'Keefe. Davis takes direct orders to play to, I mean play things close, the same way O'Keefe did. If KF could recruit, we would be 7-0 right now with Davis given our schedule....even with terrible coaching. But terrible coaching will NEVER win if you are recruiting terrible....Iowa suffers from both. KF is the problem, and we will see Davis take the fall for it at years end.....and then all the idiots will rejoice. Just more moving the chairs around on the Titanic folks.

So tell us what you think of KF?
The whole ENTIRE football program is stale rotted flesh....right down to the game day presentations and uniforms. The worst part about it is that people are now totally resigned to the fact that unless there is a buyout or KF gets caught trying to put more family members in government subsidized housing, we are SCREWED!!! Why even call for the head of Greg think KF is going to bring in someone who doesn't have his "Lose em' close" attitude...think again! Terrible coaching and philosophies aside, the BIGGEST problem is the lack of talent which comes from lazy recruiting, and a second class citizen mentality by the head coach. Sorry, but you don't win Championships trying to "Coach up" 2 stars for 12 straight games. Hate to beat a dead horse, but I have NEVER once thought that KF has ever maintained the thought of competing for a National Championship....again, see recruiting....not to mention his staff. I am not a wrestling fan, but I know enough about Dan Gable to know that he wanted his teams ready by the first match of the year, and winning a Big 10 Championship was something that simply happened along the way to a bigger goal. Things are stale and outdated right down to the white knee high socks the players continue to wear, 5 inch high numerals on the back of the helmets, and helmet logo that needs stretched out (too round)....and no, it can be stretched without looking like crack hawk. The sports media in Iowa confuses me the same way the national golf media does with Tiger Woods....they both are totally intimidated to the point of it being embarrassing. And for what? Neither man gives you ANYTHING new when being what is the big loss if you get on the bad side of them and get your credential pulled? Someone from your station will be allowed in with a microphone to get the same old stale why lose sleep....why not be the first person to step up and ask the questions that would get asked in cities like Columbus, OH or Austin, TX....time for a buyout now folks...things are NOT getting better. Being resigned to KF going out on his own terms should make Hawk fans vomit in their mouths.

Here is what I know. If you win a Big Ten championship, you probably didn't do it by mistake but you set out to do it. KF has won a share of two of those and one of them was an undefeated Big Ten season. Since you cannot do that by accident, you must have set out to do that. If you can win a Big Ten championship, then depending upon the season you can also win the national championship. Setting out to win the Big Ten can probably be considered as setting a corresponding goal of setting out to win the national championship. If you do the first there is a good chance you get a shot at the other. Therefore, you are wrong when you state he has never tried to win a national championship.

I think my logic is sound. Just because you don't like what you see now or how the coach talks and what he says when he is in front of a camera doesn't mean he isn't trying to win every game or win a conference or Big Ten championship. One thing I also know, and I can say this without defending our coach. Just because you are ticked off doesn't mean everything you say is right and everything the coach does is wrong. He is a smart enough football person to have gotten that job and won two Big Ten titles along the way. He knows something. He will probably be in the College Football Hall of Fame someday, too. They don't put coaches in there for being mediocre, whether you like it or not.

None of this means there aren't seasons we all wish were different. But some people can look at the body of work and not just the weekly or even a yearly result. And to put my point of view into perspective, I thought it was time to let Tom Davis go when they did. So don't tell me I am afraid to see something better by getting rid of the current coach. I still believe that was the right move at the time. It was the right move independent of the subsequent hire. You don't make a bad decision/no decision because you are afraid the next hire won't work out.

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