Things I know....


Well-Known Member
The whole ENTIRE football program is stale rotted flesh....right down to the game day presentations and uniforms. The worst part about it is that people are now totally resigned to the fact that unless there is a buyout or KF gets caught trying to put more family members in government subsidized housing, we are SCREWED!!! Why even call for the head of Greg think KF is going to bring in someone who doesn't have his "Lose em' close" attitude...think again! Terrible coaching and philosophies aside, the BIGGEST problem is the lack of talent which comes from lazy recruiting, and a second class citizen mentality by the head coach. Sorry, but you don't win Championships trying to "Coach up" 2 stars for 12 straight games. Hate to beat a dead horse, but I have NEVER once thought that KF has ever maintained the thought of competing for a National Championship....again, see recruiting....not to mention his staff. I am not a wrestling fan, but I know enough about Dan Gable to know that he wanted his teams ready by the first match of the year, and winning a Big 10 Championship was something that simply happened along the way to a bigger goal. Things are stale and outdated right down to the white knee high socks the players continue to wear, 5 inch high numerals on the back of the helmets, and helmet logo that needs stretched out (too round)....and no, it can be stretched without looking like crack hawk. The sports media in Iowa confuses me the same way the national golf media does with Tiger Woods....they both are totally intimidated to the point of it being embarrassing. And for what? Neither man gives you ANYTHING new when being what is the big loss if you get on the bad side of them and get your credential pulled? Someone from your station will be allowed in with a microphone to get the same old stale why lose sleep....why not be the first person to step up and ask the questions that would get asked in cities like Columbus, OH or Austin, TX....time for a buyout now folks...things are NOT getting better. Being resigned to KF going out on his own terms should make Hawk fans vomit in their mouths.
The whole ENTIRE football program is stale rotted flesh....right down to the game day presentations and uniforms. The worst part about it is that people are now totally resigned to the fact that unless there is a buyout or KF gets caught trying to put more family members in government subsidized housing, we are SCREWED!!! Why even call for the head of Greg think KF is going to bring in someone who doesn't have his "Lose em' close" attitude...think again! Terrible coaching and philosophies aside, the BIGGEST problem is the lack of talent which comes from lazy recruiting, and a second class citizen mentality by the head coach. Sorry, but you don't win Championships trying to "Coach up" 2 stars for 12 straight games. Hate to beat a dead horse, but I have NEVER once thought that KF has ever maintained the thought of competing for a National Championship....again, see recruiting....not to mention his staff. I am not a wrestling fan, but I know enough about Dan Gable to know that he wanted his teams ready by the first match of the year, and winning a Big 10 Championship was something that simply happened along the way to a bigger goal. Things are stale and outdated right down to the white knee high socks the players continue to wear, 5 inch high numerals on the back of the helmets, and helmet logo that needs stretched out (too round)....and no, it can be stretched without looking like crack hawk. The sports media in Iowa confuses me the same way the national golf media does with Tiger Woods....they both are totally intimidated to the point of it being embarrassing. And for what? Neither man gives you ANYTHING new when being what is the big loss if you get on the bad side of them and get your credential pulled? Someone from your station will be allowed in with a microphone to get the same old stale why lose sleep....why not be the first person to step up and ask the questions that would get asked in cities like Columbus, OH or Austin, TX....time for a buyout now folks...things are NOT getting better. Being resigned to KF going out on his own terms should make Hawk fans vomit in their mouths.

The biggest problem is not even close to lack of talent. That's blatantly obvious.
Walker - Logo is too round...looks as if a 5th grader won a talent contest designing it. Look how nice mid-court at Carver looks now with it stretched out.

Rollface- what is the biggest problem?

Easton - I have no clue where the Ames reference comes from...been there once in my life, and I've lived out of Iowa for almost 30 years now.
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Hey Playmaker,

What a ******* post. For your information, KF now owns the basically what you are saying is that he's subsidizing himself. What a moronic thing to say cause everyone knows you can't do that. Everything else you said was right on though. I especially thought the Dan Gable comparison was really insightful. You do know he coached wrestling and I'm sure KF's football team would kill them in a game of football. No contest...not even close. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

All kidding aside...if you round the corners of that big block of type post you made, it should resemble a piece of crap. Thank you Cy.
You're gonna catch hell for that post. But I actually agree on a bit of it.

Just the other day I was wondering if winning a national title has ever been s goal of KF. Not bc I think he wants to lose but just bc everyone has a different standard of success.

I think new UNIs are overdue, but then again, look at Bama. And on the opposite end, there's Oregon.
Sooooo....since when does speaking the truth make you a Cyclone troll? Maybe that is what happens on this sight....I dunno.
I guess my expectations for a coach making 4 million dollars per year are just too out of whack for some of you safe Iowans who just like to watch our boys go 7-5 every year....good old John Lowdermilk needs a ten yard head start to catch a Maryland receiver, but "Gosh dang it" he's one of ours....we don't need any 4 star players....they don't do things the "right Way". Captain Kirk ***tired moniker*** will right the ship soon!!!

Even Jon has taken his blinders off and now tells it like it matter his affiliation. Who are y'all pretending to defend by burying thy head in the sand?
I guess my expectations for a coach making 4 million dollars per year are just too out of whack for some of you safe Iowans who just like to watch our boys go 7-5 every year....good old John Lowdermilk needs a ten yard head start to catch a Maryland receiver, but "Gosh dang it" he's one of ours....we don't need any 4 star players....they don't do things the "right Way". Captain Kirk ***tired moniker*** will right the ship soon!!!

Even Jon has taken his blinders off and now tells it like it matter his affiliation. Who are y'all pretending to defend by burying thy head in the sand?

Yawn. Good night cyfan.
Wow. You are really being merciless and tough on the Iowa program. You must be a real perfectionist, enjoying great success in your life to be so hard on others.

You remind me of the idiot Michigan fans who wanted Lloyd Carr fired (he actually WON a national championship at Michigan). They've been crap ever since.
Children - Feeling sorry for KF??? Have you not seen his record since the "Fake punt" loss to Wisconsin? What about against Iowa State? What about winning % as a double digit favorite? BTW, did you know that Iowa hasn't been ranked in the Top 25 since November 2010....and I am being merciless? You need some sleep.
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The whole ENTIRE football program is stale rotted flesh....right down to the game day presentations and uniforms. The worst part about it is that people are now totally resigned to the fact that unless there is a buyout or KF gets caught trying to put more family members in government subsidized housing, we are SCREWED!!! Why even call for the head of Greg think KF is going to bring in someone who doesn't have his "Lose em' close" attitude...think again! Terrible coaching and philosophies aside, the BIGGEST problem is the lack of talent which comes from lazy recruiting, and a second class citizen mentality by the head coach. Sorry, but you don't win Championships trying to "Coach up" 2 stars for 12 straight games. Hate to beat a dead horse, but I have NEVER once thought that KF has ever maintained the thought of competing for a National Championship....again, see recruiting....not to mention his staff. I am not a wrestling fan, but I know enough about Dan Gable to know that he wanted his teams ready by the first match of the year, and winning a Big 10 Championship was something that simply happened along the way to a bigger goal. Things are stale and outdated right down to the white knee high socks the players continue to wear, 5 inch high numerals on the back of the helmets, and helmet logo that needs stretched out (too round)....and no, it can be stretched without looking like crack hawk. The sports media in Iowa confuses me the same way the national golf media does with Tiger Woods....they both are totally intimidated to the point of it being embarrassing. And for what? Neither man gives you ANYTHING new when being what is the big loss if you get on the bad side of them and get your credential pulled? Someone from your station will be allowed in with a microphone to get the same old stale why lose sleep....why not be the first person to step up and ask the questions that would get asked in cities like Columbus, OH or Austin, TX....time for a buyout now folks...things are NOT getting better. Being resigned to KF going out on his own terms should make Hawk fans vomit in their mouths.

I disagree that my nephew who's on the team and has worked his *** off for the last 3 years is 'stale rotted flesh'.
Children - Feeling sorry for KF??? Have you not seen his record since the "Fake punt" loss to Wisconsin? What about against Iowa State? What about winning % as a double digit favorite? Merciless? You need to go to bed.

You need to grow up. I'm guessing you are an Iowa State student having a little fun.

If Ferentz never wins another game his legacy is secure.

Your story, on the other hand, is yet to be written. Try writing something constructive....or thoughtful.....or original......or humorous. Your post is tedious, shrill and tired.

Signing off. You are wasting our time with this post.

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