The whole ENTIRE football program is stale rotted flesh....right down to the game day presentations and uniforms. The worst part about it is that people are now totally resigned to the fact that unless there is a buyout or KF gets caught trying to put more family members in government subsidized housing, we are SCREWED!!! Why even call for the head of Greg think KF is going to bring in someone who doesn't have his "Lose em' close" attitude...think again! Terrible coaching and philosophies aside, the BIGGEST problem is the lack of talent which comes from lazy recruiting, and a second class citizen mentality by the head coach. Sorry, but you don't win Championships trying to "Coach up" 2 stars for 12 straight games. Hate to beat a dead horse, but I have NEVER once thought that KF has ever maintained the thought of competing for a National Championship....again, see recruiting....not to mention his staff. I am not a wrestling fan, but I know enough about Dan Gable to know that he wanted his teams ready by the first match of the year, and winning a Big 10 Championship was something that simply happened along the way to a bigger goal. Things are stale and outdated right down to the white knee high socks the players continue to wear, 5 inch high numerals on the back of the helmets, and helmet logo that needs stretched out (too round)....and no, it can be stretched without looking like crack hawk. The sports media in Iowa confuses me the same way the national golf media does with Tiger Woods....they both are totally intimidated to the point of it being embarrassing. And for what? Neither man gives you ANYTHING new when being what is the big loss if you get on the bad side of them and get your credential pulled? Someone from your station will be allowed in with a microphone to get the same old stale why lose sleep....why not be the first person to step up and ask the questions that would get asked in cities like Columbus, OH or Austin, TX....time for a buyout now folks...things are NOT getting better. Being resigned to KF going out on his own terms should make Hawk fans vomit in their mouths.