OK Fry,
In small towns, I will grant you that farmers are now the new rich. Yes, he likely has 2 accountants. I imagine Kelly is a coach through and through and doesn't know much about life beyond football.
Unless it's someone like Bob Van Diest or Tom Rosen or Jimmy John Liautaud, there aren't many 9 figure farmer/owners out there as individuals, especially in a small geographic area.
I can name as many as you want just in Sioux County alone. You're apparently out of touch with the demographic which isn't good in your line of work. Maybe you've been out of the area too long.
Iowa is not Illinois. Not in crops, land value, or animals. Not even close.
Sioux, O'Brien, Plymouth, and Lyon counties are quite literally packed with people holding 8 figures in land. Right outside Sheldon ground sold for $30,000 a couple months ago. A huge tract for $26,250. And guess what, both of those sales were cash. I can rattle off a huge list of names of guys with 1,000 acres around this area with no loans against it. just owning 1,000 acres here makes you worth at least $25M and that's without your operation, your livestock, your other investment/properties, etc. You can call that illiquid assets if you want, but you'd be wrong, because if it went up for sale today they'd have the cash in their account tomorrow. Banks back these guys without a single question exactly because their assets are so liquid. They're literally everywhere around here. The reason you don't see it is because a huge portion of them are driving 5 year old pickups and wearing Wrangler jeans and Hanes t-shirts.
Bar K has over a hundred thousand head on paper at any given time in Iowa, Colorado, and Texas, and they have even more in Brazil. There are 10+ similar sized operations within a 30 minute drive to me. Iowa produces over 3 times as much pork as the next closest state and each hog building prints money faster than they can spend it.
Meadowvale in Rock Valley is capped at 20,000 head right now and looking to expand. Single family owner.
Roorda in Paullina is putting out 45,000 gallons of milk a day on 4,200 head and expanding next summer. Single family owned.
Hickory Hill in Newkirk is same size as above and this summer doubled capacity, filling it by spring. Single owner.
All of those places are less than a half hour from where I'm sitting and I could go on and on.
I know you don't understand, but Iowa has 6.67% millionaires as a percentage of total households. California is 6.61%… Iowa's percent change in millionaires since 2016 is 6.3% which is the 4th fastest growing subset in the country.
Try and keep up.