The truth about our D, a statistical analysis.

We are 6th in the nation allowing 15.45 points per game.

In league play we are second in the conference at 16.9 ppg allowed (Ohio State is 1st at 13.6).

In 7 league games we have held EVERY opponent under thier scoring average. Collectively we have held B10 opponents to 12.6 ppg under thier scoring average.

In 7 league games we have held 2 teams to thier lowest scoring total of the year (Penn State 3pts, Michigan state 6 pts) and we have held 4 teams to thier 2nd lowest scoring total of the year (Indiana 13pts, Michigan 28pts, Ohio State 20pts, Wisk 31pts).

I too have been frustrated watching teams score go ahead points in the 4th quarter but you have to have some perspective as well. The defenses job is to hold the other team to as few points as is possible (regardless of when they occur) and overall they have done a remarkable job.

If we play off stats, then Iowa scored enough points in our losses to win the game right??

AZ -Iowa scored 27 but lost for many reasons, not just because of defense
Wisconsin- Iowa scored 30, but gave up 31
NW-Iowa scored 17 but gave up 24
OSU-Iowa scored 17 but gave up 20

Again, all losses late 4th qtr drives by our opponent! Not short drives, but majority of the damn field!!!

Stats are just that, stats! They do not tell the whole story. Yes our defense holds opponents to average 15.45 points a game. Correct me if I'm wrong, although we did not lite it up on offense, we did score more than 15 points in all of our losses, but our defense for most part, could not stop anybody and gave up points beyond there average. Stats mean nothing in the end!!!
It amuses me that people still want to put all of the blame on the defense for the close games we have lost. When considering the three aspects of the game (O, D, and special teams). The D has been the most consistent, and better than both the O and Special Teams. The D holds Ohio St to 20 points(a team averaging close to 50 in their last 3 games) and somehow it is fault of the defense that we lost the game. How about the missed field goal? The starting field position for OSU on around the 40 yard line? You blame the D for allowing teams to march the field at the end of games, yes it has happened and it is frustrating, but also remember the inability for our offense to get us in field goal range in those game with 2plus min and to's to spare.
No excuse for the offense to not put up more than 17 for 18 against IU and NU. Getting only 17 vs Ohio St is understandable I guess, but against IU and NU is un-acceptable. After scoring 37 and 31 against MSU and Wiscy. The defense has done its job for the most part. And it would have been a mute point if the offense scored more. Its just hard to watch other teams march down the field on our tired defense because our offense couldnt get the job done.
I think in every game we lost the team had to convert a fourth down to continue. Yes I understand they did, but D was close Linebackers hurt us. Not having Norm killed us. I think if there is a lesson to be learn here. When you have a qualified Offense you have to put the game away.
I swear, sometimes when I read posts on here, I feel like I'm in some kind of alternate universe.....up is down, black is white, day is night.

For going on 12 years now, with the exception of 2002, our offensive production has been somewhere south of 50th in the country. That is below average when you consider just BCS conferences.

Now, all of a sudden, when the defense has shown time and time again this year that it can't hold a lead, fans expect that the offense should have somehow been the savior?!?! Give me a break. Other than 2002, we've never had an offense that could just score at will on teams.

On the other hand, over the previous 11 years, we are 73-6 when having the lead going into the 4th quarter. Let me repeat that......73-6 when having the lead going into the 4th quarter. And the reason for that hasn't been our's been our defense.

So to all of a sudden expect that the offense should have done more, when 11 out of 12 years it hasn't shown the ability to do so, is downright silly. You dance with the one that brung ya, and for the last 12 years, the defense has brung us to the dance. Unfortunately, this year, the defense blew a tire on the way to the dance.
You have to score more than 17 if you expect to beat Northwestern. Im sorry but its just the truth, 3 years in a row Iowa failed to score more than 17 against them and they lost all 3. The offense was averaging almost 30 ppg in the first half of the season, so far in the second half they have barely broken 18. And in 2 of those instances against less than stellar defenses. Just sayin, the defense probably played well enough to beat Northwestern, if the offense put up more than 17 and not turned it over. Against Ohio State 4 and 10 wouldnt have been an issue if the offense could have converted some first downs and chewed some clock up when they had the lead late in the 4th, but they couldnt even get positive yardage because of some bad play calling IMO. Even just getting first downs in critical situations can get you the win, the last 3 games the Offense has been terrible at that and on third downs especially.
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I think the Micro stings more this year than most...because the margin for defeat has been so painfully small.

That being said, the macro cannot be ignored IMO, because there are a lot of folks of the opinion that Iowa needs to make big changes on defense. I don't see it that way at all.
the defense's stats have been skewed by the fact Iowa has the fewest turnovers in the nation.

weve given up more 80 plus yard drives this year than in recent memory.

3 or 4 versus Wisconsin and 2 against NW.

we lack playmakers this year on defense. after Greenwood broke on the pass and made a big INT versus Wisconsin I hoped that would become a trend for him. It didnt. We are near the bottom in tackles for loss this year as well.
Hey FluffMan - Here are some more meaningful Red Zones stats for you:
1. Arizona = 3/5 Last possession @Iowa 15 (Victory Snaps)
2. Wisky = 5/5
3. IU = 3/4 (w/ dropped TD on 4th down)
4. NU = 3/3
5. tOsu = 3/3
That is an 85% failure rate in 4 losses. Talk about failure!!!!
Congratulations, you've discovered that teams that execute in the redzone against us stand a better chance at winning than those that dont, shocking...

BTW our record in the 5 games you list there is 1-4. The failure rate in the 4 losses is actually 87.5%.

You reap what you sow.

1) If you wand your opinions treated with respect it helps to give respect to others.
2) If you are going post a statistical rebuttal make sure it's correct.
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Once again defensive red-zone failures at the end of games against teams like IU and NU wouldn't be a problem if the offense would score more than 17 FREAKING POINTS. I mean COME ON PEOPLE. This is a veteran laden offense, Senior QB, Senior record breaking receiver. Great TE, Pretty good O Line. and we only score 17 FREAKING POINTS? I'm getting sick of all this talk about the defense not living up to the hype.

This offense has to score more than 17 if it expects to beat the likes of IU and NU and anybody else for that matter. Its just unacceptable, when the next week Wiscy scores 83.

Its not at all unreasonable to expect this veteran offense to put up 24-30 ppg especially against weak defenses like IU and NU. The defense plays great all the time, but if the offense doesn't get first downs and move the ball and score it just puts all the pressure on the D and makes them stay out there and get gassed.
i don't think anyone is saying the defense isnt good but they are not great. to me it is like comparin marino to montana. both were awesome and made plays but one was great because of when he made them.
i don't think anyone is saying the defense isnt good but they are not great. to me it is like comparin marino to montana. both were awesome and made plays but one was great because of when he made them.

Pretty fair analogy there.
What boggles my mind is that fans who are critiquing the D are NOT accounting for the fact that Iowa has been forced to play much of the season without ANY consistency in personnel at LB.

Folks aren't adequately appreciately what guys like Tarp and Nielsen brought to the table.

Folks aren't appreciating that our CB play is much better now than it was early in the season.

Lastly, folks aren't appreciating that the O hasn't been executing at all that high of a level since the MSU game.
What boggles my mind is that fans who are critiquing the D are NOT accounting for the fact that Iowa has been forced to play much of the season without ANY consistency in personnel at LB.

Folks aren't adequately appreciately what guys like Tarp and Nielsen brought to the table.

Folks aren't appreciating that our CB play is much better now than it was early in the season.

Lastly, folks aren't appreciating that the O hasn't been executing at all that high of a level since the MSU game.
Can't really add anything to this thread.......I'm with rawhawk73 on this both of his post in this thread have been on point. or should I say go along with my thought process.
i think that if we could get points (even if it was just 3) when all to often we have gone 3 & out or settled for a field position punt, rather than going for the throat.
If you look at the games that we actually had our full healthy LB crew we had some of our best games this year defensively. If someone can unearth the depth chart for all the games and cross reference it with defensive performance, i think most would retract their beliefs

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