The Search: Expectation Management

Names are going to fly fast and furious at this point of the coaching search. That has been the tradition, anyway…you go for over a week with lists and names being thrown at you, analyzing how one possible fit might be better than another…hypothetical stuff.

However, it’s at this point in the search where you start hearing about Rick Majerus being in Iowa City…you start hearing about Rick Pitino’s wife and some crazy connection she has to the state of Iowa…you start hearing about how Bob Stoops would have taken the job but an AD wanted Terry Allen…wait, that one worked out OK.

You get the picture.

On Tuesday, the first real ‘volley’ along these lines was fired over at HaLo. Gregg Marshall’s name was brought up, and people began asking questions on every message board, and Scott Dochterman of the Cedar Rapids Gazette placed a few calls Marshall’s way.

“Did Iowa really offer him the job? Did he turn them down? Did they offer Brian Gregory the job and did he turn them down? Is Iowa going to be able to hire a name brand coach? Does Gary Barta know what he is doing? Maybe the perception of the Iowa job is worse than we thought?â€

That’s just for starters…

One thing that I think some Iowa fans should brace themselves for is the possibility that Gary Barta will announced someone as head coach that they either have barely heard of or feel is ‘beneath’ their lifelong perception of the Iowa basketball program.

The good news is, at least from what I have observed on the message boards the last week or so, is that a good portion of the fan base realizes the programdoes not have the same luster it had one year ago and certainly not 11 years ago and not even close to how it was viewed in 1986 when Iowa hire Tom Davis.

The next coach at Iowa, whether or not he has a ‘name’ is going to have a LOT of work to do.

Finding a coach that understands that should be the first box Gary Barta checks off in the interview process.

I believe Todd Lickliter knew there was a lot of work to be done, but I had members of the coaching staff tell me months after they arrived that they had no idea just how much work needed to be done or how bad things had gotten.

Iowa’s next coach had better know full well the rebuilding job that is ahead of him, and he had best have the appetite for possibly the hardest work he has ever put in. Anything les than that and the new coach will not succeed.

The new coach had better be a very good recruiter or surround himself with very good recruiters on the bench. You’ve seen that from me six or seven times the last week and I’ll keep writing it until the coach is hire and up until we know who his assistants are.

Given the importance of the two factors I just listed, you have already winnowed down the available pool of coaches that would be interested in the job. You can likely write off anyone over 50 that has been in coaching for a long time; you get to a point in your career and you don’t want to climb the hill, you’d just like to enjoy the view from how high you have climbed. That’s what I am getting at; this isn’t any commentary on age. 50 isn’t FIFTY for everyone, and that is not to say that folks over 50 don’t work hard. It’s that if you are at that age in this profession, you likely have climbed a few mountains and dug your way out of a few holes, and the likelihood that you can do it again decreases. You also get a bit set in your ways, as we saw with the last coach. What has worked elsewhere might not work at Iowa right now. If you aren’t at that position at that age, then that’s probably another reason to look in a different direction.

You are probably going to be hard pressed to lure any successful coach who is currently at a high major program. Why would they leave where they are? If they are successful, they have put in the hard work and they are now enjoying the fruits. I guess some people like the challenge of building things, but in a sport where major conference coaches are millionaires, you don’t see the builders as much as you used to.

I would say the chances are above fifty percent that Iowa’s next coach will come from outside the power six BCS conferences, and possibly someone that is a up and coming assistant at a power six conference.

That’s going to create a negative stir in the mind of some Iowa fans, but I would suggest those folks have not taken a real hard look at the state of the program.

Iowa needs someone that is going to come in, roll up their sleeves and flat out hump it for 18 to 24 months. They are going to need someone that is hungry to make their own name, someone for whom this job may be the first and/or only shot they might get to put their signature on something big.

The pool of candidates that fit this bill are not going to come with an NCAA tournament resume or a shiny coaching pedigree.

That doesn’t mean Gary Barta can’t pull something off along those lines, but I don’t think it will happen.

I’m OK with that, because Barta isn’t dealing from a position of strength right now, but he had to make the move he made last week. Just focus on the things that are going to matter for this hire; a recruiter, a tireless worker and someone that has thick skin…he’ll need it.

What about Chris Collins? He's never been a head coach, but he is young, has a great coaching background, excellent connections, and he is from Illinois.
WOWOWOW negativity, somebody's on their period

Right assessment, wrong poster… check the OP.

Nobody over 50, nobody that has a successful coach who is currently at a high major program, nobody that comes from inside the power six BCS conferences. And quite likely someone that is a up and coming assistant at a power six conference.

Sorry for inserting ‘negativity’ into this thread… :eek:
What about Chris Collins? He's never been a head coach, but he is young, has a great coaching background, excellent connections, and he is from Illinois.

Show me a Duke/Coach K disciple that has succeeded anywhere. It seems that all that I recall(not many...Snyder and Amaker off hand) dont do very well. I would expect the same for Collins.
we wont know if its a "bad" hire for 3 years....look what ferentz did in his first 3 long as the new coach shows improvement and hope in the next 2 years, he will have done his job

I agree completely. It's highly likely at least half of the posters won't like the new hire. Everyone has their own favorite candidate. I have my top 3 but that doesn't matter. I have nothing to do with this entire process. I'll pull for the guy that gets the job and cheer for the Hawks...and hopefully all of us will be happy in 3 years with the hire.
I think Jon's whole post screams one name...Forbes. And I would be perfectly fine with that. He will have passion for the job, is considered by the Tenn. boards the best recruiter, and has the experience. Yeah, I said it. He will be a head coach somewhere in the near future. I hope it's at his dream job in Iowa City.
I think Jon's whole post screams one name...Forbes. And I would be perfectly fine with that. He will have passion for the job, is considered by the Tenn. boards the best recruiter, and has the experience. Yeah, I said it. He will be a head coach somewhere in the near future. I hope it's at his dream job in Iowa City.

Passion for the me, that will be the key to success for our new coach. He needs to be someone genuinely excited about being a Hawkeye, and not just being the state's newest millionaire. You have to believe in what you're selling if you want to attract high level recruits to the Iowa program.
Passion for the me, that will be the key to success for our new coach. He needs to be someone genuinely excited about being a Hawkeye, and not just being the state's newest millionaire. You have to believe in what you're selling if you want to attract high level recruits to the Iowa program.


I'm for Forbes. An established coach could have success here but since that doesn't seem to be likely I think that someone who is passionate about the job, someone who REALLY wants it is the way to go. The road ahead will be hard - very hard - and if the next HC is not deeply motivted he will probably fail.
Hey, BSpringsteen.


It isn't that much of a fish bowl, relatively speaking. I don't know what it means when one guy says Alford and Lick didn't get it. What, they didn't know it was a fish bowl. They came from Indiana! Give me a break. They might not have succeeded, but that doesn't mean they didn't get that it was a fish bowl, if it actually is.

When people say it is a fish bowl, are they people that have never lived outside of Iowa?

That comment is off. Raveling was a single black male in Iowa 23 years ago. Lute was thin-skinned, but he thought it was a fish bowl so now a lot of people say it is a fish bowl. Try to work at Nova and get back to me after being around the Philly media a few days.

Or go to UCLA and go to 6 NCAAs in 7 years with one losing record (the last year) and get to the Elite 8 once and the Sweet Sixteen 4 other times with only one first round loss and get fired. Then tell me about the fish bowl in IC.

Check this out re Lavin:

During Lavin's tenure as a head coach, he was one of only two coaches in the country, along with Duke's Mike Krzyzewski, to lead his team to five NCAA "Sweet 16s" in six years ('02, '01, '00, '98, '97). Lavin guided UCLA to six consecutive 20+ game winning seasons and to six consecutive NCAA tournaments. As head coach, his career record in the first two rounds of the NCAA Tournament is 10-1.

He got fired in the first season he didn't make the NCCA Tourney. Dude made the Tourney 6 times in 7 years and lost in the first two rounds ONE time???!!! Then he got fired? That, my friends, is a freakin' fish bowl. Not Iowa City.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.
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I am not yet sold that Forbes could recruit as well as Barbee, and that is his niche.
Barbee has coached Div 1 teams for 4 years,so he knows exactly what the heat of the game decisions are like...Forbes has had BillyG,and Bruce Pearl making the decisions. I am still not convinced that Pearl is not the guy who makes Tenn recruiting special...sure Forbes is good, but Pearl is the closer. Who knows if our assistants were solid the last three years,but Lick could not close?

I think this is too important of a hire to gamble on a guy who has not been a head coach...just wanting the job a lot is not enough.
I am not yet sold that Forbes could recruit as well as Barbee, and that is his niche.
Barbee has coached Div 1 teams for 4 years,so he knows exactly what the heat of the game decisions are like...Forbes has had BillyG,and Bruce Pearl making the decisions. I am still not convinced that Pearl is not the guy who makes Tenn recruiting special...sure Forbes is good, but Pearl is the closer. Who knows if our assistants were solid the last three years,but Lick could not close?

I think this is too important of a hire to gamble on a guy who has not been a head coach...just wanting the job a lot is not enough.

Lickliter coached Div 1 teams for 6 years prior to Iowa, and did a great job at it, but that didn't translate to success at Iowa. Any coach aside from guys like Pearl, Dixon, Coach K, Roy Williams, etc will be considered a "gamble".
Re: Hey, BSpringsteen.


It isn't that much of a fish bowl, relatively speaking. I don't know what it means when one guy says Alford and Lick didn't get it. What, they didn't know it was a fish bowl. They came from Indiana! Give me a break. They might not have succeeded, but that doesn't mean they didn't get that it was a fish bowl, if it actually is.

When people say it is a fish bowl, are they people that have never lived outside of Iowa?

That comment is off. Raveling was a single black male in Iowa 23 years ago. Lute was thin-skinned, but he thought it was a fish bowl so now a lot of people say it is a fish bowl. Try to work at Nova and get back to me after being around the Philly media a few days.

Or go to UCLA and go to 6 NCAAs in 7 years with one losing record (the last year) and get to the Elite 8 once and the Sweet Sixteen 4 other times with only one first round loss and get fired. Then tell me about the fish bowl in IC.

Check this out re Lavin:

During Lavin's tenure as a head coach, he was one of only two coaches in the country, along with Duke's Mike Krzyzewski, to lead his team to five NCAA "Sweet 16s" in six years ('02, '01, '00, '98, '97). Lavin guided UCLA to six consecutive 20+ game winning seasons and to six consecutive NCAA tournaments. As head coach, his career record in the first two rounds of the NCAA Tournament is 10-1.

He got fired in the first season he didn't make the NCCA Tourney. Dude made the Tourney 6 times in 7 years and lost in the first two rounds ONE time???!!! Then he got fired? That, my friends, is a freakin' fish bowl. Not Iowa City.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.

Re: Hey, BSpringsteen.


It isn't that much of a fish bowl, relatively speaking. I don't know what it means when one guy says Alford and Lick didn't get it. What, they didn't know it was a fish bowl. They came from Indiana! Give me a break. They might not have succeeded, but that doesn't mean they didn't get that it was a fish bowl, if it actually is.

When people say it is a fish bowl, are they people that have never lived outside of Iowa?

That comment is off. Raveling was a single black male in Iowa 23 years ago. Lute was thin-skinned, but he thought it was a fish bowl so now a lot of people say it is a fish bowl. Try to work at Nova and get back to me after being around the Philly media a few days.

Or go to UCLA and go to 6 NCAAs in 7 years with one losing record (the last year) and get to the Elite 8 once and the Sweet Sixteen 4 other times with only one first round loss and get fired. Then tell me about the fish bowl in IC.

Check this out re Lavin:

During Lavin's tenure as a head coach, he was one of only two coaches in the country, along with Duke's Mike Krzyzewski, to lead his team to five NCAA "Sweet 16s" in six years ('02, '01, '00, '98, '97). Lavin guided UCLA to six consecutive 20+ game winning seasons and to six consecutive NCAA tournaments. As head coach, his career record in the first two rounds of the NCAA Tournament is 10-1.

He got fired in the first season he didn't make the NCCA Tourney. Dude made the Tourney 6 times in 7 years and lost in the first two rounds ONE time???!!! Then he got fired? That, my friends, is a freakin' fish bowl. Not Iowa City.

Thanks for allowing me to vent.

This place IS a fishbowl. You talk about Indiana being a fishbowl, so how did Alford and Lick not get it? Indiana is home to the Indianapolis Colts, the Pacers, Purdue athletics, Notre Dame football, Indiana basketball, as well as Xavier and Butler basketball. There are many more teams to pay attention to. In Philly, same story. They've got the Eagles, Phillies, Sixers and Flyers, plus Penn State football. Villanova basketball is not one of the top 2 things people pay attention to. In Iowa? Iowa basketball and football are king, regardless of how good/bad they are. Iowa State and UNI basketball get pub when they're good. And that's about it. We don't have the pro teams in-state. We don't have loads of other colleges to divert attention.
You fire Lick for Steve Forbes and Barta needs to be the next to go. Should have just kept Lick and brought in a recruiter if you want to go that route.

Have you heard Forbes talk on the radio? Have you heard Lick talk on the radio? Did you notice how one speaks with contagious enthusiasm while the other speaks with the auditory equavilant of a weak, cold handshake?
Our fishbowl is not easy to adjust too....lute and raveling didn't like here in the long run, Mr. Davis understood it, alford and lick didn't get it.

Not sure who would besides Forbes.

I also hope that Barta isn't out looking for another real, real nice guy.

What was Lute's nickname?
Mr. Davis's?

Do you remember what their peers called those two?
Hmmmmmm.... THIS, after posting 'The List'... nice Jon. What next?? At least the banter is keeping the site alive...

I have said all along that the list of names I would be discussing would be folks that I felt fit a profile I would hope Iowa would look at. Several of the names I have discussed would still be a good fit IMO, they just might not be the first tier.
+2 who creates the expectations that need to be managed??

I've had Pearl at the top of my list the entire time. Still do. But it's probably not going to happen, and I haven't said it would. My expectations all along have not been top tier, but there have been rumblings from some top tier names that I have passed along.

The rest is up to you...if you read things into what is written that are not there, then that's on you.
This sounds depressing. I'm going to be really unhappy with any mid-major coach but Barbee, and pretty much any assistant out there. I'll support whomever is hired, but Iowa cannot afford a bad hire.

I will be ****** at any mid major coach period...there was no reason to fire one if you are going to turn around and hire another that is just flat out depressing if that is all Iowa can get.
I will be ****** at any mid major coach period...there was no reason to fire one if you are going to turn around and hire another that is just flat out depressing if that is all Iowa can get.

You really can't believe that, can you?

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