The press conference did NOT address the issue of other players testing postive.


Well-Known Member
I, along with many others, are undoubtedly relieved that there are no further suspensions. That said the PC did little to address rumors of other positive tests. We will likely never know specifics (nor should we) on this matter, but they made a point of saying if the players first strike was there we would likely never hear about it.

For me that's enough, as I have the utmost faith in our program, and in it's leaders, that they do things the right way. Don't think for a second though that it's going to be enough for the pot stirrers, and the *hit chuckers around here.
They said they had zero positive drug tests in the past year. How much clearer can they be?

They didn't say that. They said they haven nothing further to announce. They also said one failed test wouldn't necessarily mean suspension provided it was a first strike. They said they wouldn't comment on specific failed tests if there wasn't a suspension to announce, and they said there were no further suspensions to announce.
Personally, I hope this puts to rest all of the "Hawk Fans" stirring up rumors! Let our players and coaches finish up finals week and focus on the bowl game 2 weeks from today!
Duff, you need to learn how to quit when you're behind. Perhaps you should step away from the computer for a bit so as to not embarrass yourself further.
I, along with many others, are undoubtedly relieved that there are no further suspensions. That said the PC did little to address rumors of other positive tests. We will likely never know specifics (nor should we) on this matter, but they made a point of saying if the players first strike was there we would likely never hear about it.

For me that's enough, as I have the utmost faith in our program, and in it's leaders, that they do things the right way. Don't think for a second though that it's going to be enough for the pot stirrers, and the *hit chuckers around here.

I agree with the overall point of your post and I agree. But you appear to be stirring the pot by bringing this up. Just sayin....
Perhaps you should step away from the computer for a bit so as to not embarrass yourself further.

Says the person who has to resort to mocking ISU and their fans in another thread just to make themselves better about Iowa's inability to stay out of trouble. :rolleyes:
I'm not stirring anything. I'm saying I'm satisfied with everything they said, but don't think for a second that this is going to quell the rumour mill/Iowa's dirty crowd. Go take a peak at cyclown fanatic, I guarantee you there are posts on there right now about how this was a huge sham of a PC, and that this is similar to the sexual assualt "cover up" blah blah blah.
I, along with many others, are undoubtedly relieved that there are no further suspensions. That said the PC did little to address rumors of other positive tests. We will likely never know specifics (nor should we) on this matter, but they made a point of saying if the players first strike was there we would likely never hear about it.

For me that's enough, as I have the utmost faith in our program, and in it's leaders, that they do things the right way. Don't think for a second though that it's going to be enough for the pot stirrers, and the *hit chuckers around here.

You're not stirring the pot, you are 100% correct.

And unless you're a completely blind homer, you can see what happened, and that we are moving on from it now.
You're not stirring the pot, you are 100% correct.

And unless you're a completely blind homer, you can see what happened, and that we are moving on from it now.

Put me in the blind homer camp and explain to me what happened other than one player got arrested, another transferred, and one is suspended for reasons unknown, but probably academic.
I, along with many others, are undoubtedly relieved that there are no further suspensions. That said the PC did little to address rumors of other positive tests. We will likely never know specifics (nor should we) on this matter, but they made a point of saying if the players first strike was there we would likely never hear about it.

For me that's enough, as I have the utmost faith in our program, and in it's leaders, that they do things the right way. Don't think for a second though that it's going to be enough for the pot stirrers, and the *hit chuckers around here.

I am nervous as hell. That press conference did nothing to settle me down. I understand that they have an obligation for privacy but that just didn't satisfy me in anyway. I am sure you will be ripped up and down all day Duff but I am with you.
Put me in the blind homer camp and explain to me what happened other than one player got arrested, another transferred, and one is suspended for reasons unknown, but probably academic.

Why do they have concerns about how their drug testing system is performing? How did they have a season where nobody failed?

I am not too far removed from college, went too long and never finished partially because of issues like these. Their answers, prepared statements and non answers threw up red flags to someone like me.
Put me in the blind homer camp and explain to me what happened other than one player got arrested, another transferred, and one is suspended for reasons unknown, but probably academic.

Let's see. Sources indicate players refused and/or failed drug tests.

Then the presser announced individual players who refused/failed a drug would not be announced, and that it even with a failure/refusal the player can still compete in a game if they undergo counseling and treatment.

Believe what you wish.
I can say emphatically that I disagree with the rules, in the business world (no matter the age) you lose your job without prejudice. This creates a sense that "the rules do not apply to us" type mantra. While I am happy there is no more suspensions, but at what cost will we pay for this down the road?
yeah, reading between the lines it does sound like there were more than just DJK that had drug issues.

You can't tell me they would be this much talk about revamping their drug testing techniques for just one player.....a player who's never had a major legal issue while at the school, and for the most part all of us believed to be an ideal teammate and person (minus the drama queen aspect).

Barta/KF stated that if a player did fail a test, the first thing they do is get him counseling and help to be proactive about a potential problem. They flat out said that player could still compete in a game if it's the first offense.

I'm actually OK with that type of situation as i'm sure it's the same at every other college. The coaches and AD aren't stupid, they know kids are going to do drugs and drink in college. They just hope the kids can be smart about when and what they partake in.

So going forward we can at least know from now until kickoff, the staff doesn't expect any more suspensions, but that doesn't mean someone isn't going to be stupid before the game.

I do wonder why it seems Iowa is having a "issue" when other schools seem to be fairly quiet on this issue. The Pac-10, SEC schools have just as much a party atmosphere as Iowa City, in fact I'd imagine it's better in the USC type areas because of the Hollywood style they have going on. Maybe it's due to Iowa doing things the right way so when someone is caught, it's actually brought out into the open and not hidden.

Hard to say, but hopefully we can start moving forward and maybe have the players TRY to win the bowl game, considering they gave up at the end of this year.
That may be true in your tiny universe of the food and beverege industry but it's not true outside of it.

Unless safety is an issue (transportation etc) many legitimate work places now require treatment rather than firing.
Hey why don't you guys start some new rumors and inuendos? Seems like you just can't have enough misery in your feeble lives. Kick this dog until it barks again.
You're not stirring the pot, you are 100% correct.

And unless you're a completely blind homer, you can see what happened, and that we are moving on from it now.

Exactly, they admitted that there are ways around the tests. This is not new knowledge to most people who do not have their head buried in the sand but I am not sure what can ever be done to fix it. Athletes are celebs here, and guess what, people in the limelight seem to think they cannot be touched. It is no different at any major university.

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