The press conference did NOT address the issue of other players testing postive.

What if no one else did?

It comes down to the fact that you can't prove a negative. So no matter what they had said some people were going to come up with other things that they didn't address in order to fit things back into their own view of what's going on with the program.

The also did not address whether Ken O'Keefe will be fired. They did not address whether Ferentz will resign at the end of the year. They did not address whether player X is actually a cyborg. But we can't really make any inferences based on their failure to address these things, because I just made all of these things up. Much like the rumors we've been hearing the past week.

The rumors were that drug use was rampant and that multiple players had refused and failed multiple tests. Now we're saying, well, there's no evidence that maybe some players didn't fail ONE test, which is a much, much different thing than what was previously rumored.
Playing college football is not driving a semi, train, being an armed police officer etc. I also doubt if someone is caught for first offense it isn't talk to a counselor for an hour and then business as usual. I am sure it is multiple meetings with drug counselors, multiple meetings with coaches, benchmarks to be maintained with school and practice, etc.

So I think that is the penalty, knowing you screwed up and having to work back the trust from the staff.

Yes Tex, I agree the "release from duty" equivalent would be a suspension, and that's less harsh than loss of job per your original post. However, this is common only in regulated transportation and public-safety jobs, and even then the individual's name is not made public.

I could bring myself to support moving to automatic first-offense suspension for student-athletes, IF it was shown the current penalty structure isn't meaningful to the players, and IF we were confident the underlying reason would remain private ("violation of team rules"). Not convinced on either of these.

Whether this is a "mixed message" depends on the internal discipline meted out to first-time offenders. You're wrongly assuming there's no penalty at all. From what I've heard over the years, getting on Kirk's bad side is not enjoyable whatsoever. Per former players, we know only a fraction of what goes on within Fort Kinnick.

I could agree with that. I think that some penalty is necessary, however I think it is inevitable that we will find out who was suspended- and proceeding to just label it as "violation" of teams rules allows a wide variety of speculation. Thus forcing people to utilize their many connections they have in IC. Just like I did. Full disclosure is all I ask for, because double standards breeds discontent. If you truly are a team and are very cohesive there would be no "leakage"
I guess I still feel there is a disconnect on how our "over and beyond" policies relate to the NCAA. If a player were to test positive for MJ. It is a band substance under the NCAA. While our internal protocol is counseling and not neccessarily suspension, I feel this still conflicts with the NCAA. Ultimately, wouldn't we be putting ourselves on the radar of the governing body of the NCAA? Is that what we want?

Overall, I thought it was a typical PC presser. I thought they answered the fact that rumers were flying and eluded to reasons for Hamptom leaving (no longer a good fit-mutually decided) Robinson, (needs to take care of academic business) etc etc.
So no matter what they had said some people were going to come up with other things that they didn't address in order to fit things back into their own view of what's going on with the program.

And some people were going to come back and act like it's all roses and rainbows and nothing is really wrong because it fits their own view of what's going on with the program.
I, along with many others, are undoubtedly relieved that there are no further suspensions. That said the PC did little to address rumors of other positive tests. We will likely never know specifics (nor should we) on this matter, but they made a point of saying if the players first strike was there we would likely never hear about it.

For me that's enough, as I have the utmost faith in our program, and in it's leaders, that they do things the right way. Don't think for a second though that it's going to be enough for the pot stirrers, and the *hit chuckers around here.

<<For me, that's enough, as I have the utmost faith in our program, and in it's leaders...>>

Are these the same leaders that "failed DJK" when they "allowed him to leave with a convicted drug dealer"? Just checking :)

As for positive tests, I think the biggest "positive" out of the presser is the fact that although the university test "beyond" Big Ten or NCAA standards, the leadership is looking into whether they are doing enough, and whether or not the system needs to be tweaked. They don't believe anyone is "sabotaging" or "corrupting" the system, but they see the potential for it to happen.

Meanwhile, Cam Newton is "unaware" that daddy is "shopping his services"...
And some people were going to come back and act like it's all roses and rainbows and nothing is really wrong because it fits their own view of what's going on with the program.

There is nothing roses and rainbows about DJK getting arrested, Jewell leaving, and ARob getting temporarily booted. I don't mind dealing with and discussing those realities in a rational way, but with so much speculation everything gets clouded. That's what bothers me so much. We no longer seem to care about the difference between reality and imagination.
There is nothing roses and rainbows about DJK getting arrested, Jewell leaving, and ARob getting temporarily booted. I don't mind dealing with and discussing those realities in a rational way, but with so much speculation everything gets clouded. That's what bothers me so much. We no longer seem to care about the difference between reality and imagination.

I loved Inception..
Finding out where Hampton and Wegher go could help answer the question of who else tested positive. Neither are slouches athletically.

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