The Lloyd Carr lesson as applied to KF-Would Mich do it that same way again???

I stand corrected on the Jr/SR thing for KMM. I feel even better now about next season :)

Yes, Tevaun Smith is coming along well. He has made a number of big catches this year like the diving catch at ISU. With Smith, KMM, Powell, the TEs, and some new WRs I think the passing game will be even better next year.

Kittle and Duzey can split out and run.

The Off LIne deserves credit for their pass blocking also
Outside of maybe Dallas, can you remember any tight ends for Iowa that were faster than Duzey or Kittle? Man, those guys can run. Moeaki and Marv Cook were incredible athletes who could get down the field, but I think Duzey and Kittle have more flat out speed.
What do you call it when you're too afraid to make decisions, heck, even to move off the bed sometimes? Even when you know major changes have to be made? Ans. a Hawkeye fan and the Iowa athletic department when it comes to Iowa football... Plans and discussions should already be in the mix. You think KF is gonna change?

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]11[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Kevonte Martin-Manley[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]6-0/205[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]WR[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]JR[/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Pontiac, Mich. (Brother Rice)

He will be back and I hope he can really sharpen the skills to be a great possession , short route receiver and improve on getting away from dbacks to get downfield.

All receivers in Davis's offense are short route receivers..
My biggest fear has always been who would we ever get hired, and who would do the hiring? I was on record when GD was hired as giving him three years. Having said that, I was baffled by the play calling at Purdue, a game that many thought was one of GD's better game plans. Watching NIU last night, I'm still not sure how we couldn't move the ball on them. I know I'm a KF apologist allegedly, but we have B1G advantages. 7 home games. Several games against teams that we should blow off the field. We're on tv every week. We have great facilities. We have a donor base that is significant given the size of the state.

Best case scenario for me that is realistic is that KF gets is back on track, and retires on his own terms, leaving the program in better shape than HF left it for him. Retires giving time for a proper search for the correct fit to replace him.
Watching NIU last night, I'm still not sure how we couldn't move the ball on them.

We had 458 yards in that game. Averaged 6.9 per pass. 4.7 per rush. We moved the ball on them, we just didn't put it into the end zone enough, particularly the second half.
We had 458 yards in that game. Averaged 6.9 per pass. 4.7 per rush. We moved the ball on them, we just didn't put it into the end zone enough, particularly the second half.

Correct, players didnt make needed plays against NIU and GD made some strange 2nd half 3rd and short play calls.
You play to win the Game! Hindsight is always 20/20 the Excitement for Rich Rod was palpable at that time. The problem is letting any coach go without check. Rich Rod could score points, but had no D. The A.D.'s Job should have been to make sure they could get a D coordinator, just Like our A.D. should interject to the fact we can't score points if that is a schematic coaching problem then we need to make a change. Watching the schemes other colleges put together and comparing it to ours IMO our Scheme is a probelm. We currently do not have coaches putting talented players TE'S-RB's etc, in a place to succeed. Again IMO KF M.O. is to expect his players to be successful in HIS sytstem regardless of what they are good at or comfortable with (With the Exception 1 year with Drew Tate). IMO our is a systemic Head Coaching issue, We have changed all of the other coaches with the exception of him, so what is left to do.
it occured to me that it is Ideal that an AD be proactive and develop a transition plan. Think Wisconsin and FSU. An AD should at some point mandate that a coach name an heir apparent be put on staff - not necessarily announced to the public, but put in place 3 to 5 years out.

KF is going to wear out someday. We should plan to plan.

The best transition I can think of is Dvlany to Osborn at Nebraska. The best that never was is Fry to Bob Elliot. A plan B and C is important becaue things go wrong sometimes.

Firing coaches, even assistants, make me nervous. That has a chilling effect on getting talent. Good coaches like stability. So do their wives. Remember FXL? After he got canned, we got a high school coach. Nobody else much wanted the job.

Good successers can come from inside or outside. A good plan is the key.
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