The Last Time nebraska...

...had a head football who departed and ever coached a P5 team again was...NEVER.

Not DeVaney, Not osbourne, not Solich, not Callahan, not Pelini, not Riley, not Frost, and soon to be not Rhule. nebraska football is literally where head coaches go to bury their careers.
...had a head football who departed and ever coached a P5 team again was...NEVER.

Not DeVaney, Not osbourne, not Solich, not Callahan, not Pelini, not Riley, not Frost, and soon to be not Rhule. nebraska football is literally where head coaches go to bury their careers.
Wow! Altho, it's been 40+ years at least and growing for IA but for completely opposite reasons!
ROFLMAO!!!!!’ This thread warms my heart. When they joined the B1G their fans were bragging about how they would rule the Legends (WEST) division. The arrogance of their fans base back in 70’s and 80’s was palatable. Now their palates can eat humble pie laced with Ex-lax. As often as they have shit the bed since the joining the B1G it appears they have had more than their share of Ex-lax.
In 2018 nebraska was paying Shawn Eichorst, Bill Moos, Bo Pelini, Mike Riley, and Scott Frost monthly paychecks.

Five people, two positions. Bill Moos and Scott Frost were the two "active" employees in their positions, and both of them were fired for sucking at their jobs as well.
Got to love it…
...Nebraska had a winning record my son was in elementary.

Hey 99puppy, get started on those thank yous for your graduation cards!
...Nebraska won a division title, they gave up more points in the CCG than Iowa did in their last 7 regular season games in 2023.

...and my HS daughter was 2.

Dammit @Fryowa, look at what you started. Now I'm not going to get anything done today!

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