The Idiots on this board

In 2013, as I watched Jake Rudock (I am not a QB expert but I can observe) you could see his best throws were possession passes over the middle, nice medium range post patterns (remember the beauty in the ISU game by the goal line), and the 20-30 yarders over the cornerback/under the safety in the open sideline gap in the 2 deep zone coverage. He was really good at those throws. I observed he was a little late and not accurate enough on those very short out patterns. Many times (and this continued this year) Jake would get the ball to the wideout on the short out pattern and all they could do is catch and step out of bounds. And many times the ball would not lead the short route receiver down the field.

My point is I dont think JR's best throws are what match up for GD's short horizontal offense but I think he can throw the passes for the intermediate range 8-25 yard offense you see harbaugh and other coaches run.

'82, I would say that the horizontal passing game's prevalence, and high frequency of use, was a kfootball directive.
'82, I would say that the horizontal passing game's prevalence, and high frequency of use, was a kfootball directive.

If by that you mean KF brought in GD to change our make-up, I would say, "No way...unless KF is actually the dumbest coach on the face of the earth".

While I think some people actually believe that, do you really think KF brought in a guy just to change our whole offense and then continued to recruit pocket QBs? Or that he WANTED JVB to fail under GD? Or that KF wanted to change our offense at a time when we had virtually ZERO personnel in place to run it successfully?

I think there is clearly a clash between our HC and OC. Much as I am not a fan of the OC, that is ultimately the fault of the HC.
Just because you think one player is better than another and should be starting, doesn't mean you hate the other player. I support all Hawkeye players, and I cheered loudly for Rudock all year long, and wanted him to succeed and the team to succeed. At the same time, I felt it was obvious that CJ has the better arm, and would be the better QB, and that doesn't mean I hated Jake, or Weigers. One does not equal the other.

It's heartening you got +15 on this post. The silent majority on this board retains old-fashioned common sense.
What do you have to do to qualify as an idiot on this board? If someone is deemed not to be an idiot is there someone who we can appeal to. I have no doubt some would claim I'm safely in the idiot crowd while others might say I'm not. I'm just trying to cover my bases.
What do you have to do to qualify as an idiot on this board? If someone is deemed not to be an idiot is there someone who we can appeal to. I have no doubt some would claim I'm safely in the idiot crowd while others might say I'm not. I'm just trying to cover my bases.

doc, I thin, basically, off-season turns us ALL a bit loopy!
If by that you mean KF brought in GD to change our make-up, I would say, "No way...unless KF is actually the dumbest coach on the face of the earth".

While I think some people actually believe that, do you really think KF brought in a guy just to change our whole offense and then continued to recruit pocket QBs? Or that he WANTED JVB to fail under GD? Or that KF wanted to change our offense at a time when we had virtually ZERO personnel in place to run it successfully?

I think there is clearly a clash between our HC and OC. Much as I am not a fan of the OC, that is ultimately the fault of the HC.

No, I mean kfootball directs that offensive game plans include an overabundance of horizontal routes and dump downs to be defacto running plays.
Congrats Docholihawk based on posts you've just reached "Idiot status". Hopefully I'll be there soon.
Rudock is gone, and somehow its KFz's fault.

The QB that you hated seems to be liked by one of the most successful coaches in the game today. It should tell you something about your opinion.

And Jon will surely put together a podcast feeding you exactly what you want to hear.

Have fun.

In rereading the OP I have to compliment ICHawk. That's a very skillful troll. Imply its not KFs fault, then imply it is. Very well done.
So just to be clear if Ruddock is that good a QB then the problem was KF?
Just to be clear....I don't care where Rudock plays football. I don't think he's good enough. Happy feet. No pocket presence. Can't hit the deep ball. But that's only part of the problem. The rest of the problem is KF and Gary Barta.
Just because you think one player is better than another and should be starting, doesn't mean you hate the other player. I support all Hawkeye players, and I cheered loudly for Rudock all year long, and wanted him to succeed and the team to succeed. At the same time, I felt it was obvious that CJ has the better arm, and would be the better QB, and that doesn't mean I hated Jake, or Weigers. One does not equal the other.
I agree.
I would add that it was kfootball's mismanaging of the situation that caused this outcome. Recall that this time last year, kfootball had promised CJ a legitimate chance to win the starting spot, but when CJ showed he was the better fit for GD's offense, he continued to just sit on the bench. If JR have been moved to he backup role prior to the B1G season, it would have been a graceful way for him to do so. Instead, kfootball put his "I'm the coach and I make the decisions and I'm not going to buckle to the fans wishes" pride on display, and allowed JR to become the lightening rod for a failed season. Every mistake JR made was discussed in hopes that kfootball would certainly understand the reality and make the change.

JR left because he felt like he got a raw deal from this staff and this staff does exactly what kfootball demands. Don't blame this transfer on the fans, 24, we'd all love to still have JR on the team as the backup. But JR lost his trust in the staff and kfootball.


It's not the QB, although we had a better QB on the sideline, it's not the offensive CO although there were obviously many better ones out there.

Every problem with this program ultimately comes back to the idiot in charge.
I recognized a long time ago when it comes to offense in football, KF is an offensive moron. I also recognized he likes to maintain rigid control of all facets of the team and one way to do that is by influencing the offense. His moronic offense still allows for a winning season if the D is stout... cuts down on offensive errors while the D suffocates. What happened to our suffocating D?

When Iowa doesn't have a suffocating D, it needs more of a wide-open style of offense to win (or lose) by more than a couple of points.
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I recognized a long time ago when it comes to offense in football, KF is an offensive moron. I also recognized he likes to maintain rigid control of all facets of the team and one way to do that is by influencing the offense. His moronic offense still allows for a winning season if the D is stout... cuts down on offensive errors while the D suffocates. What happened to our suffocating D?

When Iowa doesn't have a suffocating D, it needs more of a wide-open style of offense to win (or lose) by more than a couple of points.

HC, this was exactly my point all season, last year. We needed to take more chances downfield because defenses weren't playing us deep and they were playing 8 or 9 in the box and defensing short patterns. The db from MD said as much about his pick-6. He said he was timing that particular pattern all game long and then got one. It was truly ridiculous on offense, at times, last season.
HC, this was exactly my point all season, last year. We needed to take more chances downfield because defenses weren't playing us deep and they were playing 8 or 9 in the box and defensing short patterns. The db from MD said as much about his pick-6. He said he was timing that particular pattern all game long and then got one. It was truly ridiculous on offense, at times, last season.

Exactly... from where my seats were last year I could hear and see the opposing teams LBs adjust right before the snap of the ball. Pretty much whenever JR audibled they would be yelling run and point to one side or the other (usually behind Scherrf) as to where the run was going and be right. That happened way way way too often. It wasn't just a once a game type of thing.
Exactly... from where my seats were last year I could hear and see the opposing teams LBs adjust right before the snap of the ball. Pretty much whenever JR audibled they would be yelling run and point to one side or the other (usually behind Scherrf) as to where the run was going and be right. That happened way way way too often. It wasn't just a once a game type of thing.

It was actually almost always a run to the short side of the field. haha

What I find kind of ironic is the shift in how teams play Iowa.

During our glory years of 2002-2004, our defense was known for Bend-But-Don't-Break. Using the idea that it's very difficult for teams to march down the field for 8-15 plays consistently and get TD's. And Iowa's staff was correct in thinking this. A majority of time it worked (though maddening to watch).

Now, teams do this exact philosophy towards the Iowa offense. They know we don't go for the big play, so they're willing to let us dink and dunk across the field (Literally across the field, not down the field). Our running scheme is so easy to predict, that it put us further behind. So once we had our first 2nd 10, or 2nd and long, teams could then blitz knowing JR would not throw the ball further than the sticks.

Yet we have a coaching staff that still preaches execution, thinking we can have 20 play drives to limit possessions. Yet we seem to have fallen into Norm's trap of not being able to execute for that extended period of time.

Lack of playmakers, lack of down field throws....and poor coaching has attributed to this.

Despite the "Running Game Coord" I don't see much changing for Iowa on offense. I guess I'm interested in seeing if CJ starts checking down a lot more.
Despite the "Running Game Coord" I don't see much changing for Iowa on offense. I guess I'm interested in seeing if CJ starts checking down a lot more.

Actually, if they try to make CJ check down more, I hope he ignores it. What is Kirk going to do...bench him for a RS freshman who has never taken a snap?
Actually, if they try to make CJ check down more, I hope he ignores it. What is Kirk going to do...bench him for a RS freshman who has never taken a snap?

CJB will become our version of Steamin' Willie Beamen! Haha I love it

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