The Hero's Game?!?! huh?

Exactly. I'd like to hear the ideas of all the people complaining.. I'm sure they're brilliant.

Well my idea's Iowa-Nebraska the game will speak for itself...I mean it's cool to honor "heros" but what constitutes a "hero"? Is it the guy that just came back from two tours in Afghanistan? Or is it the local guy who donated the money to build the kids a new swingset? But whatever I guess, I just think we could have either not named it or come up with something a little more unique...doesn't every state and team have heros?
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Well my idea's Iowa-Nebraska the game will speak for itself...I mean it's cool to honor "heros" but what constitutes a "hero"? Is it the guy that just came back from two tours in Afghanistan? Or is it the local guy who donated the money to build the kids a new swingset? But whatever I guess, I just think we could have either not named it or come up with something a little more unique...doesn't every state and team have heros?

why can't it be both? one year it could be your veteran, the next year it could be the donor. i like the idea
Well my idea's Iowa-Nebraska the game will speak for itself...I mean it's cool to honor "heros" but what constitutes a "hero"? Is it the guy that just came back from two tours in Afghanistan? Or is it the local guy who donated the money to build the kids a new swingset? But whatever I guess, I just think we could have either not named it or come up with something a little more unique...doesn't every state and team have heros?

yes every state has heros. just like every state has football players. so why cheer for the hawkeyes? why not just cheer for football in general?
Well my idea's Iowa-Nebraska the game will speak for itself...I mean it's cool to honor "heros" but what constitutes a "hero"? Is it the guy that just came back from two tours in Afghanistan? Or is it the local guy who donated the money to build the kids a new swingset? But whatever I guess, I just think we could have either not named it or come up with something a little more unique...doesn't every state and team have heros?

Well of course we (or at least many of us) would rather it just be left alone.. but the fact is that the Big Ten decided to make it a trophy game. So your answer is an easy cop-out, though I agree with you.
The thing is that people pay attention to the Heroes from other states.

I just hope that they actually set the bar high.

Any bozo can do a couple of tours in the military, just like any rich bozo who needs a tax write - off can donate a swing-set.
I think it is a fine idea.,actually. Public universities like Iowa and Nebraska represent the whole state,and all their citizens. Raising money for charities and honoring heroic citizens is well within their mission. This game is probably the highest profile annual event for both schools,nation-wide. As for the recipients,it can range from Medal of Honor winner Sgt Guinta to a community leader who has given a lifetime of service to underpriviledged children...why anyone would complain about this says a lot about that person and the selfishness of some in our society. American Red Cross is certainly a worthy charitity to kick this off. I suspect that a particular Heisman Hero who gave his life in the service of his country might get a little attention on that nationally broadcasted game also....nothing wrong with that.
The thing is that people pay attention to the Heroes from other states.

I just hope that they actually set the bar high.

Any bozo can do a couple of tours in the military, just like any rich bozo who needs a tax write - off can donate a swing-set.

There are great examples for this trophy every year. Not just any bozo can do what Ed Thomas or Sgt. Salvatore Giunta have done.
The thing is that people pay attention to the Heroes from other states.

I just hope that they actually set the bar high.

Any bozo can do a couple of tours in the military, just like any rich bozo who needs a tax write - off can donate a swing-set.
I get your frustration but think about what you say, though all I care about it the game, period. If a "rivarly" or "trophy" game come from intense games, great, but it's the game that matters....everything else will take care of itself.

Now, I do take a little offense to "any bozo can do a couple tours in the military". Please tell me your not serious. These guys have been Volunteering to put there lives in danger and we own them our Thanks, respect, and admiration....regardless of your political view. who you go to Iraq, Pakistan, Lybia, etc right now....

Go Hawks....heck....Go HEROS!
I get your frustration but think about what you say, though all I care about it the game, period. If a "rivarly" or "trophy" game come from intense games, great, but it's the game that matters....everything else will take care of itself.

Now, I do take a little offense to "any bozo can do a couple tours in the military". Please tell me your not serious. These guys have been Volunteering to put there lives in danger and we own them our Thanks, respect, and admiration....regardless of your political view. who you go to Iraq, Pakistan, Lybia, etc right now....

Go Hawks....heck....Go HEROS!
This is a good concept for the day after T'Giving. Also fitting for both states.

Sometimes the testosterone on this site seems to shut down peoples' brains.

This game is going to be the single-best annual opportunity to showcase what is good about two Fly-over states.

It is basically an opportunity for an annual marketing campaign.

Is it Floyd? Heck no. But do you really want a trophy to compete with Floyd?

I agree.

However your post saying the following "Any bozo can do a couple of tours in the military" might be the single most idiotic thing I have seen someone post on this board. And that says a lot with the amount of crap that gets posted here.

Might want to think before you post something like that.
I get your frustration but think about what you say, though all I care about it the game, period. If a "rivarly" or "trophy" game come from intense games, great, but it's the game that matters....everything else will take care of itself.

Now, I do take a little offense to "any bozo can do a couple tours in the military". Please tell me your not serious. These guys have been Volunteering to put there lives in danger and we own them our Thanks, respect, and admiration....regardless of your political view. who you go to Iraq, Pakistan, Lybia, etc right now....

Go Hawks....heck....Go HEROS!

This. is pretty much how i feel...well put
I get your frustration but think about what you say, though all I care about it the game, period. If a "rivarly" or "trophy" game come from intense games, great, but it's the game that matters....everything else will take care of itself.

Now, I do take a little offense to "any bozo can do a couple tours in the military". Please tell me your not serious. These guys have been Volunteering to put there lives in danger and we own them our Thanks, respect, and admiration....regardless of your political view. who you go to Iraq, Pakistan, Lybia, etc right now....

Go HUSKERS....heck....Go HEROS!

This post wins the internet.
I know that we have "heros" but I mean their names are going on the trophy? Will the team that actually wins the game, you know the FOOTBALL contest actually have their name on the trophy?

I feel like this could have been like a halftime thing, "HyVee's Half of Hero's". And then still done the charity's forced and I feel like it cheapens the rivalry....I won't complain about everything but dang, either leave it Iowa-Nebraska...or give it a geographic name that has some history....I am sure there is something with the history of Iowa and Nebraska that is linked....

EDIT: LIKE THIS!! Wow just saw this in another much potential!! It went to the supreme court! Nebraska VS Iowa!,_Iowa
My inside sources tell me this will be the trophy.

I very much like this idea. It's different than any other "trophy rivalry" in the college game. Unlike any others this is about giving back. Both schools saw an opportunity to use a national stage to help the citizens of their respective states. Unlike a bronze bull or pig this trophy will have impact on the lives of Iowans and bug-eaters every day.

I'm not a huge fan of the corporate sponsorship aspect but I understand it probably needed to be done.
JHHawk - Thank you for summing it up perfectly. It's sad that some of you are complaining about this. It's a great idea that will be played out on a national stage. Why not use it as an opportunity to recognize someone who deserves it plus raise money for the Red Cross?

By the way CAARHawk, I typically appreciate your contributions to the Hawkeye boards but the "any bozo can do a couple tours" comment was pretty pathetic. Considering I've done 2 tours, I don't care who you think you are but that was a pretty senseless comment. You act like it's just a little vacation.
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