The Hero's Game?!?! huh?

You guys will complain about anything. I like it.. it's nice to show some recognition of good deeds done around here.


Anyone complaining about Hero's game really needs there head checked.

The schools are taking this "Heroes" tag seriously. They plan to recognize one Iowa citizen and one Nebraskan for an extraordinary act prior to each year's game. Friends, neighbors or co-workers can nominate people for the heroes distinction, and those chosen will be honored on the field during the game and will have their name and hometown etched on the Heroes Game trophy. The schools also plan to use proceeds from the game to benefit the Iowa and Nebraska chapters of the American Red Cross.

Your going to complain. We got some SAD individuals around here.
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I very much like this idea. It's different than any other "trophy rivalry" in the college game. Unlike any others this is about giving back. Both schools saw an opportunity to use a national stage to help the citizens of their respective states. Unlike a bronze bull or pig this trophy will have impact on the lives of Iowans and bug-eaters every day.

I'm not a huge fan of the corporate sponsorship aspect but I understand it probably needed to be done.

Yep. I actually kind of like it, too.

I just hope that the actual trophy--the tangible thing we are playing for--isn't a big pink heart.
I think the appropriate term here is "Epic fail".

"Heroe's Game"? Really? I have nothing against honoring a hero...but c'mon.
But they could honor heroes and make it for charity without making the rivalry game so bland and boring. Have a real game name/trophy, Have fun with it, make it something that fans can brag about.
The thing is that people pay attention to the Heroes from other states.

I just hope that they actually set the bar high.

Any bozo can do a couple of tours in the military, just like any rich bozo who needs a tax write - off can donate a swing-set.

Really???? :confused::eek:
I know that we have "heros" but I mean their names are going on the trophy? Will the team that actually wins the game, you know the FOOTBALL contest actually have their name on the trophy?

I feel like this could have been like a halftime thing, "HyVee's Half of Hero's". And then still done the charity's forced and I feel like it cheapens the rivalry....I won't complain about everything but dang, either leave it Iowa-Nebraska...or give it a geographic name that has some history....I am sure there is something with the history of Iowa and Nebraska that is linked....

EDIT: LIKE THIS!! Wow just saw this in another much potential!! It went to the supreme court! Nebraska VS Iowa!
Carter Lake, Iowa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The running joke on the Husker boards is the LOSER gets to KEEP Carter Lake.......
My worst fear is that idiot politicians will get involved and literally make this award a political football.

Sorry everyone, but I live in a state that is dead last in college graduates. Accordingly, one of the primary career choices is the military. Many people go in and stay in because they have no other options.

Many also come home and I live with them every day. And believe me, many are just complete bozo's.

Seriously, you all act like every soldier is freaking Pat Tillman, or Sal Giunta. That just isn't the case for a significant portion of the American military. Especially in a day and age where you don't even need a high school diploma to get a military job.

Don't get me wrong, there are true military heroes. But calling any Tom, Dick, or Jane who enlists a hero pretty much makes the word meaningless.
I know exactly what you're talking about, trust me I served with many guys I wouldn't want near me on the civilian side of things. However, it doesn't matter what kind of people they are or were before they joined. The point is they decided to join. I served with many guys who barely graduated high school and couldn't get into college. I served with many guys who were either in jail at one time or likely would have ended up there had they not joined the military. Some of those same guys ended up being the individuals that I trusted with my life in front of guys who received straight A's and college scholarships.

The military is a melting pot of all kinds of people. Dr's, jailbirds, thugs, immigrants, farm boys, and now even gay guys. Any one of those guys/girls could end up being a hero no matter what their background is. And if they come home and make a complete mess of the rest of their life, they could still be a hero depending on what they did while they were deployed. Just because anyone can get in doesn't make their sacrifices any less than the next person. It's the fact that they chose to join that's honorable.
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Hy-Vee must have seen the writing on the wall with the CyHawk trophy and decided to switch to what could be a bigger rivalry. Don't like the name, but I will get use to it.

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