I got the shingles vaccine, after some thought. I had a couple of colleagues who got shingles and it's rather awful. You can also have some ugly neurologic and ophthalmic sequelae from shingles.
So, I got the vaccination series and I also had a 102 fever. I was informed of the side effects, however. Maybe complain that you weren't told about those side effects! You should have been told.
So when I schedule the vaccine I should get it in the winter time so I can crack my bedroom window when it's 20 degrees out?My first vaccine dose gave me a 102F fever that same day. They don't tell you about the side effects.
Honestly I'd probably just take the afternoon and next day off and start taking ibuprofen preventatively. There's always netflix shows to catch up on and if I end up not getting a fever all the better.
After seeing people with shingles I do NOT want it.