1) I do not smoke. You apparently didn’t read my other posts about the topic in this thread, which is totally fine. I’m a wind bag.You make some valid points, but let me ask you... do you smoke?
Edit: I think there are merits to interdiction efforts and targeted elimination of drug producing centers, but we've tried that before to a certain extent, and had limited success.
This would be a great discussion topic, as it is complex and challenging. American companies and unfortunately health care providers have been a massive part of the problem. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the story of oxycontin (Purdue pharma) and how it was touted as non-addictive. Their sales efforts, coupled with the Joint Commission's treatment of pain as a "vital sign" required providers to aggressively treat pain. It caused the physical dependence on opiates to skyrocket. When folks finally figured this whole mess out, scores more people were dependent on opiates. When states cracked down on the prescription of opiates through the use of mandated provider registries, the supply of prescribed opiates in the US (a MAJOR source of opiate addiction), dried up. People turned, in desperation, to heroin, and now, fentanyl. The demand skyrocketed from mislabeling,selling, inappropriate prescribing, and the like. It's fascinating, and terrible.
2) We have never interdicted on a large scale. Never.
3) Whether American companies created the opiate problem is moot. Meth production in the US is for all intents and purposes eliminated when looked at as a percentage of total. Opiates are not prescribed willy nilly anymore and are under tight control. It is not a major supplier of the US problem as a percentage of the total. Show me research that says as a percentage of total fentanyl abuse that it is, please.
I’m sorry, but you’re staring a solution to the problem in the face, and because you’re scared of that solution you’d rather forsake the American public. I’d happily pay my tax dollars to fund it as long as needed. What cartels are doing is killing more Americans than any outside element since WW2 and you want to sit back and let “expert” academics who’ve never experienced addiction, in comfy offices making six figures at a university come up with ways to fix it. Those same people haven’t been able to fix it in the last 100 years, but let’s just keep on doing it, right? Hopefully it’ll work some day?
And then we’ll just keep on letting the cartels doing what they’re doing, right? Would you have been fine in 1940 letting Hitler keep operating because maybe we could’ve just talked to him about his methods and just learned to help the Jews and the French and the British? The cartels have enabled the deaths of just as many people globally my friend. It might not have been gas chambers and firing squads, but it’s murder just the same.