The health of the people in our country

In regards to the health of our populace, we are making slow but steady improvements in the proportion of individuals meeting the physical activity guidelines (at least we were pre-pandemic...participation went down a lot during COVID, especially for youth, but has largely recovered since):


However, you can see the systemic problems when you look at discrepancies between groups (not shown in this graph):

Urban much more likely to be active than rural.
Men much more likely than women (partly cultural as it pertains to strength training, but also related to childcare burden)
Higher SEC much more likely to be active than lower SEC.
White much more likely to be active than Black or Hispanic.
I dont have any idea but I have a pretty good guess and that's why I'm pro vaccine (except the covid one). But I also have no idea how many lives vaccines have ruined or ended. And that's probably a good thing because if I did, it's possible I would stop being pro vaccine even if it did more overall good than bad.

Of course, that raises another issue. If telling the truth about vaccine injuries makes people skeptical to take a product that is a net positive for the population, then they really have no choice but to hide the negative. It would be too important not to. I'm not sure how anyone could disagree with that line of thinking. Especially post covid where they admit to lying.

When you know they need to hide the negative outcomes of vaccines for the greater good, and you know how much profit there is in them, it's not a stretch to think it's possible they do more damage than they let on. Because again, they would HAVE TO LIE TO US IF THEY DID. Then when you factor in rhat the numbers for autism raising substantially lines up with vaccine rollout, of course people are going to question the connection.

My son is in a class with about 100 people and has 3 autistic kids in it. That's an insane number. But it's without a doubt better than Polio running rampant. So I'm on board with vaccines being a net positive. But I'm also glad as hell I didn't hear all of that before I vaxed my kids. And I thank my lucky stars that they either dodged the bullets or there really is no connection at all. Because it could be either of the two.

Also if you're going to continue to use that Rogan line, you should really change it to "if Joe Rogan's guests that are experts in the medical field are your advisor, you have fools for doctors". Because listening to Rogan's opinions on anything isn't how the Joe Rogan podcast works. People listen to his podcasts because they're interested in the topic the guest brings to the table.i assume you already knew that, bit maybe not.
Do you have any evidence that vaccines have any relationship to autism?
Do you have any evidence that vaccines have any relationship to autism?
Personally? Nope. That's why I don't have an opinion on whether or not it does. I do have an opinion on whether or not there would be huge financial benefit to covering up whether it does or not tho. And there's plenty of evidence to support that opinion.

I also know big pharma has some history of releasing bad drugs and getting sued for far lass money than they made on said drugs. That doesn't prove that they have ever released a bad vaccine (before the covid one obviously). It just proves that they would without batting an eye. I also don't know how it's closing in on 2025 and people still don't fully accept how wrong it was to give kids the covid vax.
Would have to see the data.
You've never seen the data on how many more kids have autism now compared to before all these vaccines came out? It's a pretty significant difference. But even if it was because the vaccine, most people know how bad polio was and how it's pretty much completely gone now. So I'd say it's worth it.
Personally? Nope. That's why I don't have an opinion on whether or not it does. I do have an opinion on whether or not there would be huge financial benefit to covering up whether it does or not tho. And there's plenty of evidence to support that opinion.

I also know big pharma has some history of releasing bad drugs and getting sued for far lass money than they made on said drugs. That doesn't prove that they have ever released a bad vaccine (before the covid one obviously). It just proves that they would without batting an eye. I also don't know how it's closing in on 2025 and people still don't fully accept how wrong it was to give kids the covid vax.
A huge part of the rise in ASD is that either it is being over diagnosed now or was under diagnosed back then, or a combination of both. Also, now the term "on the spectrum" is counted as being diagnosed. A lot of places will diagnose your child as ASD if you ask them to, along with ADHD, PANS, anxiety disorders, etc. which means money for the doctors and an incredible rise in Munchausen by Proxy.

Parents also like the fact that their kids get drugs to either feed mom/dad's jones or sell them. Just because a kid is weird or awkward doesn't mean they're ASD and believe me, as a HS teacher, it's crazy the kids that are diagnosed with things that just aren't true. My kids even say that kids fake/play up ADHD to get the meds to resell.
A huge part of the rise in ASD is that either it is being over diagnosed now or was under diagnosed back then, or a combination of both. Also, now the term "on the spectrum" is counted as being diagnosed. A lot of places will diagnose your child as ASD if you ask them to, along with ADHD, PANS, anxiety disorders, etc. which means money for the doctors and an incredible rise in Munchausen by Proxy.

Parents also like the fact that their kids get drugs to either feed mom/dad's jones or sell them. Just because a kid is weird or awkward doesn't mean they're ASD and believe me, as a HS teacher, it's crazy the kids that are diagnosed with things that just aren't true. My kids even say that kids fake/play up ADHD to get the meds to resell.
I completely agree that this is a huge factor in the rise in counted cases. I'm curious what the numbers are for kids who are clearly autistic compared to 60 years ago or so. There's obviously no way to get a number like that tho.
Correct. It dates back to earlier vaccines. Sorry if it was me that worded something confusing.
No worries. Sigh... autism is NOT related to vaccines. If you want to perpetuate that myth, please show evidence. It's a really dangerous myth. I'm sure you're a great person, but it's definitely a pet peeve of mine when people present beliefs as facts.
A huge part of the rise in ASD is that either it is being over diagnosed now or was under diagnosed back then, or a combination of both. Also, now the term "on the spectrum" is counted as being diagnosed. A lot of places will diagnose your child as ASD if you ask them to, along with ADHD, PANS, anxiety disorders, etc. which means money for the doctors and an incredible rise in Munchausen by Proxy.

Parents also like the fact that their kids get drugs to either feed mom/dad's jones or sell them. Just because a kid is weird or awkward doesn't mean they're ASD and believe me, as a HS teacher, it's crazy the kids that are diagnosed with things that just aren't true. My kids even say that kids fake/play up ADHD to get the meds to resell.
ASD is really hard to fake. ADHD on the other hand, is probably over-diagnosed and over-medicated. You can take a screener and state you have symptoms that you do not, and possibly get medications. Some of those ADHD medications (methylphenidate, for example) could be abused, so good point. On the other hand, many children and adults do have ADHD and in the past, were not understood/diagnosed. These people were just "bad listeners" or "bad students." I've seen some really great improvements with patients who have been treated!

Significant ASD symptoms...not sure why anyone would want to even attempt to fake that! Also, meds aren't quite so effective and the ones used are typically not fun to abuse.
I challenge everyone to put their political views aside and listen to Robert Kennedy Jr’s interview on Fox News Sunday from this morning. What he had to say about health care and our country’s food supply is an issue by itself that would have me voting for him. It echos what I was saying all through the pandemic. Why would our government push for everyone to get a vaccine when really what we need is to get healthy? It’s a legitimate question everyone should ask ourselves.

He gave a speech a couple of weeks ago. CNN and MSNBC cut away during it. I found it fascinating. I like political candidates who don't seem beholden to the power puppet masters. It leaves room for independent thought.
ASD is really hard to fake. ADHD on the other hand, is probably over-diagnosed and over-medicated. You can take a screener and state you have symptoms that you do not, and possibly get medications. Some of those ADHD medications (methylphenidate, for example) could be abused, so good point. On the other hand, many children and adults do have ADHD and in the past, were not understood/diagnosed. These people were just "bad listeners" or "bad students." I've seen some really great improvements with patients who have been treated!

Significant ASD symptoms...not sure why anyone would want to even attempt to fake that! Also, meds aren't quite so effective and the ones used are typically not fun to abuse.

Great post.

ASD is really hard to fake.
I guess the word "fake" was a bad choice of words. Parents push to get the diagnosis. The mom of one student I've had in the past went to doctor to doctor until she got a diagnosis for her son. The student did have some symptoms but I wouldn't say he was ASD. One thing is that the spectrum has broadened in the past 20(?) years which has made it more vague or open to interpretation.

On the other hand, many children and adults do have ADHD and in the past, were not understood/diagnosed. These people were just "bad listeners" or "bad students."
This reminds me of George Wallace, one of my favorite comedians, saying something like "ADD. We didn't have medicines for that, they just slapped the shit out of us until our ADD went away". It's funny, but unfortunately the view that a lot of parents have about ADHD. "When we were young, they called it ornery. Instead of Ritalin, we had Dad's belt."
No worries. Sigh... autism is NOT related to vaccines. If you want to perpetuate that myth, please show evidence. It's a really dangerous myth. I'm sure you're a great person, but it's definitely a pet peeve of mine when people present beliefs as facts.
Man we have a disconnect from what I'm typing and what you're reading. I'm not saying vaccines cause autism. I'm saying there is a correlation between the timing of autism cases skyrocketing and vaccine rollout. I'm also saying that there are two huuuuuuuge reasons why we would be told there is no connection even if there was. One is for money and the other is for the greater good. Some people choose to blindly believe the people saying there's no connection despite the obvious reasons they would lie, and some people put a bigger factor on the reasons to lie (if they had to) so choose to say they don't know either way. I'm the latter.

An analogy would be if there were two kids. One kid doesn't have a curfew and his parents ask if he was out late last night. If he said no, it's pretty easy to fully believe it because there's no reason to lie. The other kid has a curfew and answers no. That parent would probably be more skeptical on whether he was telling the truth or not because he has a reason to lie. It doesn't mean that parent KNOWS his kid stayed out late. They would just have doubt in their minds. That's where I'm at with vaccines. Because they have two really big reasons to lie.
Man we have a disconnect from what I'm typing and what you're reading. I'm not saying vaccines cause autism. I'm saying there is a correlation between the timing of autism cases skyrocketing and vaccine rollout. I'm also saying that there are two huuuuuuuge reasons why we would be told there is no connection even if there was. One is for money and the other is for the greater good. Some people choose to blindly believe the people saying there's no connection despite the obvious reasons they would lie, and some people put a bigger factor on the reasons to lie (if they had to) so choose to say they don't know either way. I'm the latter.

An analogy would be if there were two kids. One kid doesn't have a curfew and his parents ask if he was out late last night. If he said no, it's pretty easy to fully believe it because there's no reason to lie. The other kid has a curfew and answers no. That parent would probably be more skeptical on whether he was telling the truth or not because he has a reason to lie. It doesn't mean that parent KNOWS his kid stayed out late. They would just have doubt in their minds. That's where I'm at with vaccines. Because they have two really big reasons to lie.
Point taken, and thanks for saying that correlation is quite different than causation. Funny graph to illustrate the point. In the graph below, there does appear to be a correlation :). cheers.

Point taken, and thanks for saying that correlation is quite different than causation. Funny graph to illustrate the point. In the graph below, there does appear to be a correlation :). cheers.

View attachment 11020

I love spurious correlations. I think they had one about the relationship between Danish cheese consumption and prevalence of death by bedsheet entanglement.
Man we have a disconnect from what I'm typing and what you're reading. I'm not saying vaccines cause autism. I'm saying there is a correlation between the timing of autism cases skyrocketing and vaccine rollout. I'm also saying that there are two huuuuuuuge reasons why we would be told there is no connection even if there was. One is for money and the other is for the greater good. Some people choose to blindly believe the people saying there's no connection despite the obvious reasons they would lie, and some people put a bigger factor on the reasons to lie (if they had to) so choose to say they don't know either way. I'm the latter.

An analogy would be if there were two kids. One kid doesn't have a curfew and his parents ask if he was out late last night. If he said no, it's pretty easy to fully believe it because there's no reason to lie. The other kid has a curfew and answers no. That parent would probably be more skeptical on whether he was telling the truth or not because he has a reason to lie. It doesn't mean that parent KNOWS his kid stayed out late. They would just have doubt in their minds. That's where I'm at with vaccines. Because they have two really big reasons to lie.

It is not like no one has looked for this risk, or they are trying to hide something:

That is a meta-analysis of 87 studies totalling over 13 million children.

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