The Fascinating Case of the Iowa Quarterbacks

Come on, 62, give it a rest. GD is running kfootball's approved offense and not "his" offense. kfootball also is dictating player personnel. kfootball will never have this conversation with any of his assistants: "so, tell me, what kind of offense (or defense) are we going to run, today? What is your game plan?"

kfootball approves of everything, first, or it doesn't happen. Period.

So you're saying KF and calls all the plays?
Greg Davis coached a couple of the greatest college QB’s of the 2000’s, and coached in TWO national championship games in the last 9 years.
Meanwhile Kirk is about to go 0-3 in QB controversies.

And got run out of Austin rather unceremoniously. Texas fans warned us.
Here's my impression. GD prefers CJ but he knows KF prefers JR. That's why he says you could make a case for both guys and it's KF's decision. He doesn't want to go against what KF wants. When it comes to QBs, KF ought to listen to GD. He's much more qualified to make the decision than KF.

And this is what makes no sense. At his age, with the money he's made, and the accomplishments he has, why put up with this bull? As the OC, it is his job to tell the coach who will work at the helm of his offense. If he prefers CJB, he should say so and stick to it. What, possibly, could Kirk Ferentz do? Fire him? If his offense doesn't perform, both of them will be out of a job sooner or later anyway.
DD - Don't go make me tear up.

For what it's worth, you will never see me blame GD for a thing long as his boss is KF....I never blamed O'Keefe either. They both did/do what they are told.
And got run out of Austin rather unceremoniously. Texas fans warned us.

You have to be a complete KF paid cheerleader. Is this Bagdad Bob? Seriously how can one person make excuse after excuse for the unexecusable?

If you are going to throw out the lazy and overblown Texas fans bull bevo pucky then at least post some stats about what has been done post-Davis at Texas. Oh that's right nothing and then that same program ended up having to fire Mack Brown after all of the replaced assistants after Davis did ZERO.

There is a reason it is called 'Head Coach'
Greg Davis coached a couple of the greatest college QB’s of the 2000’s, and coached in TWO national championship games in the last 9 years.
Meanwhile Kirk is about to go 0-3 in QB controversies.

For some reason I think your last line is one of the best things I've ever read on here. I might start using it and claim it as my own.
Absolutely shocking. Clueless will then promote clueless jr to OC. This was exactly the plan all along. There should be a friggin revolt if this is allowed to happen.

There is a revolt happening already, on HN. Every day, every thread, every topic.

I expect the revolt to continue, sadly.
DD - Don't go make me tear up.

For what it's worth, you will never see me blame GD for a thing long as his boss is KF....I never blamed O'Keefe either. They both did/do what they are told.

I don't get what you not blaming OCs has to do with Beathards' interview/conclusions from it???

But thumbs up from me to you for being one of the few who did not blame the OCs.

I certainly did.
And I was wrong; you were right.
There is a revolt happening already, on HN. Every day, every thread, every topic.

I expect the revolt to continue, sadly.

Yet nothing will change.
Because we have an AD who is a lap dog (and demonstrably the head of the worst athletic program in the B10).
Does anyone on the planet other than Ferentz and Barta think this FB program is moving in a positive direction?
The build up to this has been interesting...especially given the open competition comments by staff and CJ. So, what happens against TN and beyond that? For CJ to be the face of the Iowa football program, he not only needs to perform well Friday (which I believe he will do) but CJ will also need to conform by changing his image. I know that may sound silly but it' true. So CJ: hang lose Friday on the field, lead your team to a victory in the 2nd half and then post a picture of yourself getting a haircut! Best example: Nick Foles.
The build up to this has been interesting...especially given the open competition comments by staff and CJ. So, what happens against TN and beyond that? For CJ to be the face of the Iowa football program, he not only needs to perform well Friday (which I believe he will do) but CJ will also need to conform by changing his image. I know that may sound silly but it' true. So CJ: hang lose Friday on the field, lead your team to a victory in the 2nd half and then post a picture of yourself getting a haircut! Best example: Nick Foles.

Oh Lord . . .

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