The Fascinating Case of the Iowa Quarterbacks

I believe the sting of this year's season is pain enough to Ferentz that he will be more open to change (including QB) but I'm skeptical that he has the player talent or staff to translate it into more wins in the future.

I find it out of character for him to openly announce how they're approaching the QB position going into this bowl game. Why is it important for anyone other than the team to know this ahead of time? Doesn't fit the Ft. Kinnick approach we're most accustomed to.
Here's my take: the Iowa coaching staff presumes CJ is going to transfer (because of CJ's and dad's earlier comments) after this season which would be bad for the Iowa program from a substitute QB for 2015 and starting QB for 2016 standpoint.

Might help with the recruit of athletes to Iowa and counteract the affect of athletes not coming to Iowa because of Willies leaving Iowa.

Might convince Davis to stay next season.

Might convince more Hawk fans to buy tickets to games.

So, the Iowa coaching staff is expecting CJ to take a bullet (from CJ's standpoint) for the team.

I'm sorry. IMO, this is just another example of the Iowa coaching staff erroneously evaluating talent.
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Jon - You are being waaaay to apologetic over this....there was no need for a podcast to explain yourself...makes you look wimpy! You do your research better than is the schools fault for never being forthcoming....that is what causes ALL of us to speculate things from time to time. Keep up the good work, and keep on fighting the fight for us Rank Amateurs!!!
Players dad told me Greg Davis is expected to retire before next season
Absolutely shocking. Clueless will then promote clueless jr to OC. This was exactly the plan all along. There should be a friggin revolt if this is allowed to happen.
Iowa isn't the only school dealing with qb controversy... Both LSU and Notre Dame are dealing with such...sadly, the differences between them and us are vast as to how and why they are handling their situations the way they are. It appears both schools are looking towards the future with their bowl games, AND they aren't hiding their intentions.

There's more articles and rhetoric elsewhere, this happens to be the last link I read about it....interesting comments about Braxton Miller situation as well.
What more can you expect but a shot, an opportunity to just win it flat out.

the thing is to me. you cant coach a strong arm and quick release. You can coach decision making. But ferenz opted to go with the guy who has the natural limitations.
I believe the sting of this year's season is pain enough to Ferentz that he will be more open to change (including QB) but I'm skeptical that he has the player talent or staff to translate it into more wins in the future.

I find it out of character for him to openly announce how they're approaching the QB position going into this bowl game. Why is it important for anyone other than the team to know this ahead of time? Doesn't fit the Ft. Kinnick approach we're most accustomed to.

If everyone was like you I'd become a salesman. Enjoy your time machine.
Here's the thing, and likely what could happen (obviously a lot could happen)....

Jake has shown signs of being competent, and if he comes out playing well, is there really a reason to play CJ at that point? Which begs the question, why even bother opening this thing up? Is this Bowl game more of an audition for Iowa QB versus trying to win that coveted Bowl Championship?

The issue with Jake is he can't keep up that level of play for more than a half. And it's usually after a first half of just horrible play on his part.

I don't see how you start Jake in this game? We already know what he brings, inconsistency. As i mention above, he leads Iowa to a TD or maybe two, and you pull him and risk taking momentum away and allow TN to take over?

You start CJ, give him the opportunity to take the job then and there. If he cannot get the offense going, then you try Jake. Come back to him in the second half as a way to reboot, and use the same plan.

All this assuming that TN hasn't gone up by 30 points. But this is Iowa football, it'll be a 24-20 game

Without knowing it, you alluded to the ACTUAL problem: scheme/play-calling (i.e., OC). IF CJ "cannot get the offense going", what makes you think Jake will?

What NEEDS to happen is the OC/staff making adjustments quicker/more on the fly versus going through a half of football and waiting for the halftime Rockne speech.
Here's my impression. GD prefers CJ but he knows KF prefers JR. That's why he says you could make a case for both guys and it's KF's decision. He doesn't want to go against what KF wants. When it comes to QBs, KF ought to listen to GD. He's much more qualified to make the decision than KF.

<<He's much more qualified to make the decision than KF.>>

Disagree. GD has shown he isn't qualified to properly game-plan for a full game, let alone pick a QB. And given that he hamstrings the QBs...
Jon - You are being waaaay to apologetic over this....there was no need for a podcast to explain yourself...makes you look wimpy!
No. When a person is wrong then they are wrong. It's wimpy to not admit when you are wrong. I applaud him for admitting he was wrong about that part of the story.

I agree with him that the Beathards dropped some bombs.
I disagree with Deace that CJB said "play me or trade me".

I think Casey Beathard said what he did because he thinks his son has been strung along all season.

And if CJ is like my kids I think he possibly rolled his eyes and said, "Dad, don't say anything" (while deep down he is glad he did).
DD - He admitted yesterday that he was wrong...which was fine. To then center a podcast around it makes him look very Harty/Hlas know, wimpy. It was beneath Jon to think he had to go the extra mile in explaining himself, when the School, AD, and Coaches d*** sure never do....that's all. Geez, didn't mean to start WWII.....Happy New Year!!!
Playmaker... Didn't we already have a WWII? And is it legal to start a war and wish a happy new year in the same breath?
<<He's much more qualified to make the decision than KF.>>

Disagree. GD has shown he isn't qualified to properly game-plan for a full game, let alone pick a QB. And given that he hamstrings the QBs...

Come on, 62, give it a rest. GD is running kfootball's approved offense and not "his" offense. kfootball also is dictating player personnel. kfootball will never have this conversation with any of his assistants: "so, tell me, what kind of offense (or defense) are we going to run, today? What is your game plan?"

kfootball approves of everything, first, or it doesn't happen. Period.
<<He's much more qualified to make the decision than KF.>>

Disagree. GD has shown he isn't qualified to properly game-plan for a full game, let alone pick a QB. And given that he hamstrings the QBs...

Greg Davis coached a couple of the greatest college QB’s of the 2000’s, and coached in TWO national championship games in the last 9 years.
Meanwhile Kirk is about to go 0-3 in QB controversies.
The good thing is Tennessee won't know what to prepare for. Iowa will stomp them.

We got 'em right where we want 'em: Wondering if it will be boring-ball or conservative-ball.

They'll never know what hit them.
Jon - You are being waaaay to apologetic over this....there was no need for a podcast to explain yourself...makes you look wimpy! You do your research better than is the schools fault for never being forthcoming....that is what causes ALL of us to speculate things from time to time. Keep up the good work, and keep on fighting the fight for us Rank Amateurs!!!

I spent about 20% of the time talking about the circle of trust thing. But I do feel that I owed to be correct on that.
DD - He admitted yesterday that he was wrong...which was fine. To then center a podcast around it makes him look very Harty/Hlas know, wimpy. It was beneath Jon to think he had to go the extra mile in explaining himself, when the School, AD, and Coaches d*** sure never do....that's all. Geez, didn't mean to start WWII.....Happy New Year!!!

Well first I don't read every thread or listen to every podcast so I heard his "mea culpa" once. I can understand someone thinking it may be "wimpy" if they heard it twice. I wouldn't but that's me. I don't think it's a big deal to do it more than once because I'm sure a lot of the audience on HN heard or read at least once that the Beathards broke the circle of trust.

Second the actions of others aren't a reason for a wrong conclusion. Does Ft Kinnick need the walls pulled down. Yep. I would say so.

Third, it IS possible to disagree without skinning the person we are talking with. I didn't skin you or start WW2. I just disagree with you about one specific point.

I hope I have a happy year. I hope you do yo.
see. We agree.
Greg Davis coached a couple of the greatest college QB’s of the 2000’s, and coached in TWO national championship games in the last 9 years.
Meanwhile Kirk is about to go 0-3 in QB controversies.
That would be really funny if it wasn't the cutting truth.

But it s till made me smile.

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