What's your threshold? Tell us the Rubicon the coaches can't cross or they will lose your support?
What's your threshold? Tell us the Rubicon the coaches can't cross or they will lose your support?
What's your threshold? Tell us the Rubicon the coaches can't cross or they will lose your support?
I'm certain that they don't know I exist nor do they care. Therefore it is irrelevant.
What's your threshold? Tell us the Rubicon the coaches can't cross or they will lose your support?
What's your threshold? Tell us the Rubicon the coaches can't cross or they will lose your support?
I'm totally fine with the following:
- Letting son live in Section 8 housing when coach earns a few million bucks per year
- Bringing in a crew called City Boyz, Inc. (the "z" reminds me of the z in Bad Newz Kennels)
- Going 6-6
- Giving a bunch of kids rhabdo when they don't live up to expectations on the field
- Bringing in a psycho and then cutting him loose after a week so he can embarrass Purdue http://grg51.typepad.com/steroid_nation/2007/06/bonecrusher-kyl.html
I'm not fine with:
- Getting rid of Ken O'Keefe