The end of Fran?

Yes, I do. His behavior during and apparently after the game was beyond the pale.

How can I justify firing him? Easy, there are terms in his contract regarding his actions and how they reflect on his program and the University of Iowa.
That's just flat out weak. He got an extremely weak T during a poorly officiated game. He should apologize for what happened in the tunnel if that actually happened, but if you think a coach getting on a ref is a good excuse for firing them, you need to man up a little bit.
assuming you are talking about the radio guy... what does that have to do with Fran? Or anyone on the basketball team?
That post shows you obviously don’t follow Iowa sports in the least. Go back to CyFan and troll people with your own intelligence know, a real low one.
That post shows you obviously don’t follow Iowa sports in the least. Go back to CyFan and troll people with your own intelligence know, a real low one.
yikes... you have yet to provide an intelligent response to a single opinion i've had all night...
You guys are crazy man. In the middle of a really good season and in a time the program looks to be in pretty good shape you want to fire the coach because he went after the ref in the tunnel and might have been involved in a radio guy getting fired.

Maybe at a fan base we don’t deserve any better than we get.

Take a deep breath. The sun will come up tomorrow Iowa is having a really good season, Fran might have lost his cool and maybe he will have to take a suspension or fine for it, gettin out the pitchforks for this seems extreme.
Dolph is no small part of the hatred going on here.
Say something intelligent and I’ll respond in kind. I don’t know what your concern is with my IQ? You jelly, Connor?
I asked what Fran had to do with Gary Dolphin's comments and the only response i've gotten was you not saying anything relevant to the question... Can anyone answer that? In all honesty...
I asked what Fran had to do with Gary Dolphin's comments and the only response i've gotten was you not saying anything relevant to the question... Can anyone answer that? In all honesty...
1) if you don’t know the answer to that question, you do not follow Hawkeye sports, period. It’s the only thing that’s been talked about the past week. Stop trying to convince us you know what you’re talking about.

2) Dolph is loved by fans and hated only by Fran and his dork of a wife. Fran is suspected of railroading Dolph for his well-meaning comment, but then expects to get away with hypocritically calling a ref a cheating morherfucker in public.

Keep up with the game, son.
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Give me a break. How many T's does Fran have this year? 2? 3? This guy turned a joke of a program into a team contending for a BIG championship up until a week ago. Instead, a lot of you guys are butthurt over the radio guy getting suspended for comparing a black man to a giant ape and are somehow blaming that on the basketball coach. His players love him and have stated multiple times how much it means to them that their coach stands up for them and that they are willing to lay in on the line for their coach. The end of fran???? you better hope not
Contending for a big 10 title? Pass the dope
That's just flat out weak. He got an extremely weak T during a poorly officiated game. He should apologize for what happened in the tunnel if that actually happened, but if you think a coach getting on a ref is a good excuse for firing them, you need to man up a little bit.
If you are winning titles and getting to Final can be an insufferable ass. When you're not, that behavior wears out your welcome pretty fast. It's not like this is an isolated incident with Fran. It's not.
1) if you don’t know the answer to that question, you do not follow Hawkeye sports, period. It’s the only thing that’s been talked about the past week. Stop trying to convince us you know what you’re talking about.

2) Dolph is loved by fans and hated only by Fran and his dork of a wife. Fran is suspected of railroading Dolph for his well-meaning comment, but then expects to get away with hypocritically calling a ref an cheating morherfucker in public.

Keep up with the game, son.
Suspected by who? Some members of this site and a few talking heads on twitter? You can have whatever opinion you want on the appropriateness of Dolph's comments... But to just ASSUME that the basketball coach is secretly in charge of disciplining the radio team is just not believable to me.
Suspected by who? Some members of this site and a few talking heads on twitter? You can have whatever opinion you want on the appropriateness of Dolph's comments... But to just ASSUME that the basketball coach is secretly in charge of disciplining the radio team is just not believable to me.
You are extremely naive.
Thank you. I was typing something like that with too many words but yours works better.
So what is it that you know that I don't? You can sit here and be an ass all night, but you've yet to give any type of information to help me see where you're coming from.
If you are winning titles and getting to Final can be an insufferable ass. When you're not, that behavior wears out your welcome pretty fast. It's not like this is an isolated incident with Fran. It's not.


Like it or not, fair or unfair, Fran has zero goodwill in his account for what he has done. He hasn’t won anything of significance to warrant it. Had Kirk not had the season he had in 2015, he’d be running low on the goodwill tank although he carries himself more professionally and has more credibility. Fran is just nowhere near it nor will he.

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