The email that almost got Dolphin fired

Well nothing is endless. Russia had a reported 109 million citizens at the start of WW1. Germany had roughly 78 million. Considering that the Russian military suffered casualties at nearly a 3 to 1 ratio at the height of the German invasion strength, it is reasonable to assume that without distraction Russia would have ran out of people well before Germany. Not to mention that Russia would have been forced to continue to conscript less and less able bodied people. They would have had precious little time for training. It is also said that the Russian army by the end of the war looked like starving peasants with incomplete uniforms. Missing shoes, and some soldiers even lacking guns.

We do agree though that Germany wins WW2 and accomplishes the expansion goals of the 3rd Reich if not for picking a fight with Russia. We also agree that the Russians were extremely unlikely to surrender. Very proud and stubborn people. Eventually though you would logically have to assume that the citizens of Russia would have abandoned their government as the German war effort progressed through Russian sovereign land. There's just no telling how many would have had to die to break them. I'm guessing more than half.

Looked up the population of the Soviet Union as a whole. In a 1939 census it was 171 million, reported by Stalin himself. Not sure how many men were conscripted out of the SU as a whole, compared with just Russia but that population base would roughly be 2 1/2 times greater than Germany's. Interestingly, I just read that 68% of Russian males born in 1923 died in WW 2.
You're confusing don't know with can't know. Regardless, as Neil Degrasse Tyson says, the universe doesn't care if you don't understand it.

As far as the framers are concerned, they also knew how corrupt religion could be, which is why the only times religion is addressed in the constitution is in Amendment 1, the where the state is prohibited from establishing a religion or preventing the free exercise thereof (therefore empowering minority religions against domination by the majority ones, thus neutering the Christianists) and secondly in Article VI clause 3, which prohibits a religious test for holding office.

Sorry brah. This is not, at least constitutionally speaking, a "Christian nation." The framers had ample opportunity to plug Jesus and Yahweh in the text of the constitution, but they didn't make the cut. Not surprising considering that these men were products of the Enlightenment.

As for those who argue that Islam is a religion of death, sure, it may be. But don't get too high on your horse, because the God of the Old Testament is pretty much the baddest ass mass murderer in history, and the text is full of commands to The Chosen Folk to engage in highly violent forms of retribution for some pretty minor infractions.

Including, ironically, killing fetuses as a form of punishment. Womp womp.

Speaking of Ironically, guess how many people atheist Marxist countries have murdered? And how come you ain't living in one of those utopias?
You have no clue. Betch a I ve been to places and dealt with people you could only whelp about in the US and overseas. I ve prolly voted more conservative than you ve dreamed about.

But you are a know it all thinking the world is black and pun intended.

Answer my question put another way...

Would you cheer on and support the former Hawk whose name means servant of the powerful God among west African of the people you so much distrust.

Now YOU have no clue. How much time have you spent in Africa? Who said I distrusted Black people?! Good Lord, may Hawk Gold be inspired to get back on his/her meds. ASAP.

Speaking of Ironically, guess how many people atheist Marxist countries have murdered? And how come you ain't living in one of those utopias?

Why does Christian US inflect so many civilian casualties. No pat easy answers please if we are in fact a Christian nation.
You don't need to have an accurate measurement of the moon from 4 billion years ago to know it has shrunk in that time frame. The "how much" is just a guess based on the rate it is shrinking. Are you really saying you dont believe in science?

How do you know it's shrinking? Because someone said so. Just like climate change.

I believe in science...when provable and factual.
You need to look the other direction dude...the subversion and controlling is coming from the right. Right now, our institutions are under attack from a President intent on subverting the Rule of Law. The constitution hasn't changed, the House has always had oversight of the Executive Branch. Disregarding subpoenas and oversight is obstruction. Trump should have known better to run for President. Your junk was going under a microscope...and you better be clean or the shit's going to hit the fan. Guess's hitting the fan. No way in hell this ends well for him.

The Constitution hasn't changed, but how it's been applied certainly has.

Speaking of ignoring subpoenae and contempt orders, the name Eric Holder ring a bell?
How do you know it's shrinking? Because someone said so. Just like climate change.

I believe in science...when provable and factual.



Good article ... you can choose what to believe.
Why does Christian US inflect so many civilian casualties. No pat easy answers please if we are in fact a Christian nation.

Why not move to a country that hates the USA as much as you? Then you can wage war from without rather than from within.
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Looked up the population of the Soviet Union as a whole. In a 1939 census it was 171 million, reported by Stalin himself. Not sure how many men were conscripted out of the SU as a whole, compared with just Russia but that population base would roughly be 2 1/2 times greater than Germany's. Interestingly, I just read that 68% of Russian males born in 1923 died in WW 2.

Those are USSR census numbers from 1937. Those numbers are strongly contested. They were contested even at the time within Russia. We have to remember that Communist governments have mastered the art of propaganda. At this particular point in time Stalin was very much engaged in the struggle to legitimize communism. Stalin claimed that Russia was growing by leaps and bounds under communism. While the original census did not support this. So they changed the census. The original census accounted for 142 million, but that number even is met by tremendous skepticism by world population historians. Russia's vast amounts of largely uninhabited land make it impossible to know or estimate populations with similar accuracy as other world locales. However Lava did extensive research over 15 years. Their numbers actually are very close to Germany's own estimates from the time. It makes sense that Germany had the most reason to have extremely accurate population estimations for a country they meant to destroy. However this wasn't the data that Lava used to make their independent analysis. Here is a link to the site.
Historical numbers aren't really important when we have contemporary reality.
If the USSR was a workers paradise it wouldn't have imploded.
If Venezuela was a workers paradise people would be fighting to get in rather than out
Same for Cuba
Same for N. Korea
Same for Vietnam

Millions of people risking rape and death to get into this country . . . they could stop and live in Mexico, the country that actually speaks their language. LET'S ALL TAKE A GIGANTIC GUESS WHY THAT ISN'T HAPPENING?
Lemme help, it isn't happening for the same reason American marxists NEVER leave the USA. Because marxists (like Karl Marx who was born in Prussia but chose to live in an evil western country called England) always prefer non-marxist countries when they have the choice.
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How do you know it's shrinking? Because someone said so. Just like climate change.

I believe in science...when provable and factual.

I look at it like carbon dating. The way they determine it makes sense, but I doubt the measure is that accurate. I used to always think climate change was BS. But then I heard a scientist explain it and it made sense. The global temperature is rising at least some due to humans. The question is how much. On the flip side, it seems like every natural disaster now is blamed on global warming. The earth getting warmer because we put too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere makes sense to me. More earthquakes and hurricanes because we put to much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere doesn't.
Those are USSR census numbers from 1937. Those numbers are strongly contested. They were contested even at the time within Russia. We have to remember that Communist governments have mastered the art of propaganda. At this particular point in time Stalin was very much engaged in the struggle to legitimize communism. Stalin claimed that Russia was growing by leaps and bounds under communism. While the original census did not support this. So they changed the census. The original census accounted for 142 million, but that number even is met by tremendous skepticism by world population historians. Russia's vast amounts of largely uninhabited land make it impossible to know or estimate populations with similar accuracy as other world locales. However Lava did extensive research over 15 years. Their numbers actually are very close to Germany's own estimates from the time. It makes sense that Germany had the most reason to have extremely accurate population estimations for a country they meant to destroy. However this wasn't the data that Lava used to make their independent analysis. Here is a link to the site.

Well Wikipedia said it was from 1939 but that doesn't matter. Stalin may have erroneously counted millions of Ukrainians who he had starved to death by seizing their crops in his census numbers. Also, Germany did receive a division or two from Italy and help from satellite countries like Romania and Bulgaria to fill in some of the gaps. In any event, anecdotally, based on what the Wermacht and Hitler himself reportedly said, there were many more Russians soldiers than German ones available and way more than they had estimated. The Russians were able to roll out thousands of the effective T-34 tanks and other weapons that helped overwhelm the Germans.
Why does Christian US inflect so many civilian casualties. No pat easy answers please if we are in fact a Christian nation.

Why does Christian US inflect so many civilian casualties. No pat easy answers please if we are in fact a Christian nation.

We're no longer a Christian nation but a pagan nation. That's why we have abortion-now in some states available to the moment of birth-plus other anti-Christian laws and norms.

But in terms of sheer numbers, atheist countries in the 20th Century murdered maybe 100 million people. The U.S. and civilian deaths? Too many but not even close to that.
I look at it like carbon dating. The way they determine it makes sense, but I doubt the measure is that accurate. I used to always think climate change was BS. But then I heard a scientist explain it and it made sense. The global temperature is rising at least some due to humans. The question is how much. On the flip side, it seems like every natural disaster now is blamed on global warming. The earth getting warmer because we put too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere makes sense to me. More earthquakes and hurricanes because we put to much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere doesn't.

Except...we know Earth, AS A WHOLE, isn't getting warmer. We have seen more record LOW temperatures than record HIGH temperatures this decade. Oh, and glaciers are NOT shrinking in our national parks, either.

Does climate fluctuate? Of course. Is it due to "man-made climate change". I seriously doubt it.

Now, all THAT said, it has always been, and is still, incumbent on mankind to conserve and respect nature and our planet. As a hunter, I don't take aim or shoot at something I have no intention of eating, or donating for purposes of eating. Sure, there are nuisance animals, there are too many situations where herds are out of balance. But "sport" hunting for that purpose is unseemly, at least to me.

Should I litter because "nobody tells me what to do!" and show everyone how "free" I am? Hell, no. It's disrespectful to our surroundings, and it's disrespectful to those who share them. Should emissions be monitored? Absolutely, but based on proven science, not the whim of some bureaucrat whose first objective is job preservation.

Should we be seeking alternative energy sources? Absolutely. Always. If we don't, we will never discover the-next-best-thing. Whether people believe fossil fuels "renew" or are "finite", you should always seek better. But...I'll let guys like Thunder and Gold pay the exorbitant costs during the formative years :)
Except...we know Earth, AS A WHOLE, isn't getting warmer. We have seen more record LOW temperatures than record HIGH temperatures this decade. Oh, and glaciers are NOT shrinking in our national parks, either.

Does climate fluctuate? Of course. Is it due to "man-made climate change". I seriously doubt it.

Now, all THAT said, it has always been, and is still, incumbent on mankind to conserve and respect nature and our planet. As a hunter, I don't take aim or shoot at something I have no intention of eating, or donating for purposes of eating. Sure, there are nuisance animals, there are too many situations where herds are out of balance. But "sport" hunting for that purpose is unseemly, at least to me.

Should I litter because "nobody tells me what to do!" and show everyone how "free" I am? Hell, no. It's disrespectful to our surroundings, and it's disrespectful to those who share them. Should emissions be monitored? Absolutely, but based on proven science, not the whim of some bureaucrat whose first objective is job preservation.

Should we be seeking alternative energy sources? Absolutely. Always. If we don't, we will never discover the-next-best-thing. Whether people believe fossil fuels "renew" or are "finite", you should always seek better. But...I'll let guys like Thunder and Gold pay the exorbitant costs during the formative years :)

Why are you saying we know earth isn't getting warmer? I've read "facts" that say it is. You've clearly read "facts" that say it's not. The question is, which "facts" are right? It goes back to what I said earlier. This never should have been political. They should have had the head of NASA come out and release all the info right away. I'd be willing to bet money that if a Republican originally warned us about global warming, 75% of the people who don't believe it would and 75% of the people who do believe it wouldn't.
Why not move to a country that hates the USA as much as you? Then you can wage war from without rather than from within.
I dont hate it. Show me where Im wrong. The massive bombings at Dressden happen in Feb 45. Germany was toast.

I vould argue that you dont love America as you dont question.
We're no longer a Christian nation but a pagan nation. That's why we have abortion-now in some states available to the moment of birth-plus other anti-Christian laws and norms.

But in terms of sheer numbers, atheist countries in the 20th Century murdered maybe 100 million people. The U.S. and civilian deaths? Too many but not even close to that.

I never defended the diabolical Govts. dince you brought it up, abortion is an issue.

I do know the US military tries hard to avoid them in standard operations. Air strikes are problematic along with situations like what happened in Somalia. Ww2 was a different egg and soldiers arent boy scouts. Some of the Hanoi bombings were likely problematic.

One thing I learned from a former Soviet Colonel. History belongs to the victor.