The Dennis loss ruined my night


Was feeling great after watching UNI win, so much fun, then McDonough wins a title as a freshman...

And Dennis is up late and keeping it rolling and know what happened.

I feel so badly for him..and I instantly got a headache (I rarely get headaches) and I still have it now at 8:15. Total buzz kill. Even as happy as I was for Brent, it still didn't feel as good as it should have because of how I feel for Dennis. Man this sport can be brutal sometimes.
Just imagine how Dennis feels...thats going to haunt him the rest of his life.

He still had a great career, and will be missed. Just a crappy way to lose.
Just imagine how Dennis feels...thats going to haunt him the rest of his life.

That's why I feel horrible for him. And even if Jaybo wins, its not going to change how I feel right now. This feeling isn't because the Hawks didnt win a title at a weight class, it's dwelling on the thought that Dennis will probably never have another chance like this in his life...and that was it. Haunting.
I feel terrible for Dennis as well. He may put on a smile tonight but it's the kind of loss that will haunt him for the rest of his life. Just glad he was a Hawk!
It all depends on what Dennis does from here with his life. He is a young man. This disappointment is just a bump in the road - he can use it as motivation to achieve other things later.

I believe Tom Izzo missed a free throw that would have given his team a state championship.

Izzo used it as motivation the rest of his life, and you know the rest of the story.

It is not the end for Dennis, only the beginning. Stay tuned. No reason to be depressed.
I agree, it can drive him to do great things, but for the typical Iowa wrestler they are driven anyway.

I feel just like Jon and still do this Sunday morning. He will think of that match the rest of his life, know he was better for 6:49 of the match.
Like everyone else, I was bummed that he lost the match. However, it was a strange match and I believe Dan was fortunate to have a 4-2 lead at that point.

I couldn't believe Ness got nothing out of what looked like a near fall (I don't claim to know if it was correct to award no points) and there's a good chance Dan would not have gotten that takedown if Ness hadn't been practically knocked out.

Again, it was just a strange match.

I've always liked Dan's attitude and hope he has great success in whatever he does. He's a great Hawkeye.
Are we all sure he was almost knocked out? I didn't have it taped to go back to but at the time I really didn't see him hit his head. Just asking... If not huge benefit getting out from on bottom.
It all depends on what Dennis does from here with his life. He is a young man. This disappointment is just a bump in the road - he can use it as motivation to achieve other things later.

I believe Tom Izzo missed a free throw that would have given his team a state championship.

Izzo used it as motivation the rest of his life, and you know the rest of the story.

It is not the end for Dennis, only the beginning. Stay tuned. No reason to be depressed.

very good post.

And I'm not equivocating here, but some of the best have used bad situations in life to motivate them for life's challenges going forward. One notable person to use something really bad (again, not equivocating) as a motivator?: Dan Gable.
So many what ifs in that match. I still think back to the 1:07 mark and if Ness would not have gotten injured, I really dont think Ness was going to get out if the match would have continued. Dennis wrestled so well and that one mental lapse cost was on the edge of the mat right in front of us and i wanted to vomit as he went down. I knew back points were coming...
Disappointed yes but it didn't ruin my night since I didn't think he could beat Ness any way.It would of been nice to crown 4 champs but I'll take 3.Wasn't sure how Borschel was going to do against Lewnes but was exciting to see him take him down twice.Stalling calls were bogus.Good job by all 10 wrestlers that competed at Nationals.
Disappointed yes but it didn't ruin my night since I didn't think he could beat Ness any way.It would of been nice to crown 4 champs but I'll take 3.Wasn't sure how Borschel was going to do against Lewnes but was exciting to see him take him down twice.Stalling calls were bogus.Good job by all 10 wrestlers that competed at Nationals.

Ness is darn good, simple as that. Oliver had a great chance to beat him too and nearly did....he is #1 for a reason, he overcomes tough circumstances and always found the way to win. Dennis so was darn close....ugh.

The stalling calls on Jaybo were absolutely ridiculous. So was the warning on MCD.
"Practically knocked out" is putting it strongly. His head collided with Dennis' knee, but for a guy who was "practically knocked out," he showed absolutely no signs of it immediately after the injury timeout. I don't think it's fair that that happened, and I think some type of penalty should be instituted for "tapping out" while you're in a bottom position being controlled by your opponent.
he scored an easy takedown only time it should be rewarded points if they are turned to their backs

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