The CaseIH Redzone

With as many times as CaseIH has been mentioned in this thread, *I* am about to go buy one, and I'm not even a farmer.

Icarus, this thread just guaranteed that CaseIH will pony up the money again next year!
Case/IH to return in '11...+1

Keep talking about a marketing scheme you hate...awesome, just proovs the marketing is getting into people's heads.

This has been another Jimmy John's Sandwiches Thread Post. Next time you have that hunger while posting a thread, think Jimmy John's, Subs So Fast You'll Freak.
They showed that at the games last year too. Maybe 2008 as well, I can't remember. But it wasn't new yesterday.

I know this. The discussion is centered around what they've effed up this year. BIB, Enter Sandman, Nile's speech and the countdown from 10 to 1 are all parts of the pre-game that are traditions that should not be compromised.
The CaseIH Redzone thing needs to go away. Seriously.

Hearing that over-the-top announcement repeatedly yesterday ("The Hawkeyes have entered The Case IH REDZONE!!!!") reminded me of stadiums I've been to that can't generate their own excitement. Kinnick is better than that, in my opinion. Anybody else annoyed by this?

Also, I apologize if this has been mentioned. I ran a few searches and didn't find anything, but if it's been discussed just ignore me. :)

Agreed, cheesy. Don't wish to ever see it again. Anything that emphasizes the color RED should not be allowed in Kinnick. And while we're at it, can the stadium music guy and the marching band guy have a little meeting to try coordinate the music, so they aren't playing at the same time?
How do people not understand this?

I could care less if Case IH advertises at Kinnick. They can drive tractors up and down Melrose for all I care. There are all sorts of sponsorships that bother me at Kinnick, but none that take place during gameplay.

Take the advertisement out completely. Do people really have no problem with an obnoxious, NBA D-League voice announcing "The Hawkeyes have entered the RED ZONE!!!!" every time the Hawks are inside the 20?

If that's fine, then where is the line? Should we start doing "Another Hawkeye First Down!!" as well? Or is it only ok as long as there's a sponsor attached?

They can run Case IH ads on repeat during every timeout as far as I'm concerned, but keep the amateur crap out of Kinnick.
I know this. The discussion is centered around what they've effed up this year. BIB, Enter Sandman, Nile's speech and the countdown from 10 to 1 are all parts of the pre-game that are traditions that should not be compromised.

How was Kinnick's speech messed up before? Other than the timing, I mean.
How was Kinnick's speech messed up before? Other than the timing, I mean.

Did they play it before the EIU and ISU games? I did not remember seeing it before any of those games. Either way, it is whatever. It just does not seem like it should be that difficult to get right.
Did they play it before the EIU and ISU games? I did not remember seeing it before any of those games. Either way, it is whatever. It just does not seem like it should be that difficult to get right.

Not sure about the EIU game, but I know it was played before ISU. But you're right, it's pathetic that they can't get this right. The new video isn't a big deal to me. But BIB has to be done right. That's my 2nd favorite part about being at Kinnick (besides the game, of course).
Not sure about the EIU game, but I know it was played before ISU. But you're right, it's pathetic that they can't get this right. The new video isn't a big deal to me. But BIB has to be done right. That's my 2nd favorite part about being at Kinnick (besides the game, of course).

Yeah it was played before ISU. It seemed they had it mostly together for that game, but took a big step back this week, lol. I guess the MACrificial lambs are warm-ups for them too.
Not sure about the EIU game, but I know it was played before ISU. But you're right, it's pathetic that they can't get this right. The new video isn't a big deal to me. But BIB has to be done right. That's my 2nd favorite part about being at Kinnick (besides the game, of course).

Could not agree more!

Here is to hoping they get it right for Saturday night!!!
The loud-*** CaseIH Redzone crap needs to go, or at least tone it down some. It felt really bush-league to me as well. And I'm glad that I'm not the only one that's irritated by the A/V crew's ineptitude with BIB. Here's hoping that they got this out of their system for next week's Homecoming clash with the Nittany Kittys.
I found the redzone announcements to be mildly annoying, but not nearly as offensive as the stupid Panchero's "pump it up" thing they do at every game.
I found the redzone announcements to be mildly annoying, but not nearly as offensive as the stupid Panchero's "pump it up" thing they do at every game.

Exactly...the OP thinks the Case IH RedZone thing is embarrassing but has no issue with the Burrito Pump (which I think is the dumbest thing I've seen at an Iowa sporting event since they did the stupid 'Who Let the Hawks Out'.)

It is minor-league ball cheesy, but no more so then the Delta Smile Cam, the Air Guitar cam (which thankfully seems to be retired) Burrito Pump, Iowa Corn truck race etc.
Apparently, the U of I is giving 50% of the profits from the CaseIH advertising to the University Heights police force to beef up its presence on game days.

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