The B1G Speaks

If those three conferences play and the B1G doesn’t the conference’s reputation and ability to recruit top athletes to ALL fall sports will take a huge hit that will be felt for years. The B1G could well become the MAC.

Oh brother...
My apologies for misquoting... I said "few" because I was unaware whether there were other states that played in the summer so I went with "few" to be safe. So sorry if I ruffled your feathers. And your absolutely right that there weren't any kids that died or were hospitalized that we know of, so another win for you. However, from a competitive standpoint there was an impact, because as I stated some of the top ranked teams were forced into shutting down early.

But lets talk about those lucky lab rats. You don't find it ironic that immediately after the boys state basketball tournament concluded that the IHSAA shutdown spring sports? Do you also realize that all spring sports were cancelled as schools finished out the school year online while cases climbed. Then miraculously as those cases continued to grow they decide to move forward with baseball and softball, all the while other club sports who are also getting their information from other high ranking medical professionals are cancelling summer events statewide.

As I said I'm not one that believes everything should be shut down and we should all be locked in our home. For the kids that got a season I'm thrilled, because as a varsity soccer coach, club coach, parent, and avid sports fan, I saw first hand the disappointment and heartache the cancellation of sports caused in the spring. I firmly believe the decision to play baseball/softball involved a great deal of risk and the higher ups needed to complete the season to even begin to justify a high school football season. But lets not forget that other highly educated individuals were consulted for other sports and decided that the risk outweighed the reward.

So while it's fantastic that the season was successful, the mere fact that school's are still do everything in their power to keep learning in the classroom and not having to return to online learning tells me that the state rolled the dice and took a risk.
No offense taken, this whole thing has just got us all a bit riled up.

BUT, while Iowa did take a chance with the summer sports, what is disappointing is that the success of it was completely ignored. Because in a sense it was an experiment. While a (very) few teams had their season cut short there were thousands of games played by hundreds of teams and we heard of exactly ZERO serious issues as a result. And you know as well as I there were plenty of rapid reporters ready to pounce all over the story had there been. It would have been nationwide headlines.

I know of one baseball team that had to shut down for 2 weeks and then were able to complete their season. I promise you if you were to ask any player or parent from any of the handful of teams that only got in a partial season, that they were thankful for that and have no regrets. College athletes are some of the healthiest and fit individuals on the planet and these games are being played outside. It is beyond ridiculous to think they are more at risk during a Game atmosphere than what they encounter in everyday life.
So are you saying he doesn’t have any influence at all? Tell me how this works, you have no input whatsoever as a parent? I got the utmost respect for you, man, but I am calling bullshit on that.
Go ahead and call bullshit if you want. That kid is an adult. He’s going to make his own decision

Look, I know you’re losing your shit over the B1G cancellation—I get it, I really do—but you’re grabbing at straws with this, “Will Warren ‘let’ his son play ball” thing. Warren’s kid’s teammates and coaches have a thousand times more influence over his decision than his dad.

That whole, “tough conversations” thing is a bunch of bullshit to make himself look better—a PR quote. Anyone in the world could tell Warren’s kid to stop playing ball and he’d tell them to pound sand. You know very fucking well if Warren told his kid he shouldn’t play football he’s going to anyway. Dad isn’t going to just whimsically tell his college aged son not to play ball and get his wishes. Sorry, but it don’t work that way.

“Let him” play

Thats fucking hilarious and you know it. You’re doing everything you can try and portray Warren as weak to suit your anti cancellation view point. Just like @uihawk82 railed and railed and railed about how the governor said she was going to not recognize online learning as credit (hmm... funny how that narrative changed exactly like I said it would...), you’re cherry picking a tiny part of the whole situation to try and get some shock value.
Go ahead and call bullshit if you want. That kid is an adult. He’s going to make his own decision

Look, I know you’re losing your shit over the B1G cancellation—I get it, I really do—but you’re grabbing at straws with this, “Will Warren ‘let’ his son play ball” thing. Warren’s kid’s teammates and coaches have a thousand times more influence over his decision than his dad.

That whole, “tough conversations” thing is a bunch of bullshit to make himself look better—a PR quote. Anyone in the world could tell Warren’s kid to stop playing ball and he’d tell them to pound sand. You know very fucking well if Warren told his kid he shouldn’t play football he’s going to anyway. Dad isn’t going to just whimsically tell his college aged son not to play ball and get his wishes. Sorry, but it don’t work that way.

“Let him” play

Thats fucking hilarious and you know it. You’re doing everything you can try and portray Warren as weak to suit your anti cancellation view point. Just like @uihawk82 railed and railed and railed about how the governor said she was going to not recognize online learning as credit (hmm... funny how that narrative changed exactly like I said it would...), you’re cherry picking a tiny part of the whole situation to try and get some shock value.

Will I miss B1G football this Fall? Yes. Will I miss Iowa football? 100%. There will be plenty of other sports to watch and non-sports things to do this Fall that I will be fine. There is no 'losing my shit' over anything.

Are you asking people just to ignore the fact that his kid might be playing this Fall? So we are suppose to ignore how this potentially looks for his father? Given how this has played out, Warren has looked weak on his own. There's no 'narrative' or 'agenda' that I need to push.

There's no cherry picking, it is just one of the 3 or 4 things, where you can point out the hypocrisy of it all.
Will I miss B1G football this Fall? Yes. Will I miss Iowa football? 100%. There will be plenty of other sports to watch and non-sports things to do this Fall that I will be fine. There is no 'losing my shit' over anything.

Are you asking people just to ignore the fact that his kid might be playing this Fall? So we are suppose to ignore how this potentially looks for his father? Given how this has played out, Warren has looked weak on his own. There's no 'narrative' or 'agenda' that I need to push.

There's no cherry picking, it is just one of the 3 or 4 things, where you can point out the hypocrisy of it all.

Yes because it really doesn't matter.
No offense taken, this whole thing has just got us all a bit riled up.

BUT, while Iowa did take a chance with the summer sports, what is disappointing is that the success of it was completely ignored. Because in a sense it was an experiment. While a (very) few teams had their season cut short there were thousands of games played by hundreds of teams and we heard of exactly ZERO serious issues as a result. And you know as well as I there were plenty of rapid reporters ready to pounce all over the story had there been. It would have been nationwide headlines.

I know of one baseball team that had to shut down for 2 weeks and then were able to complete their season. I promise you if you were to ask any player or parent from any of the handful of teams that only got in a partial season, that they were thankful for that and have no regrets. College athletes are some of the healthiest and fit individuals on the planet and these games are being played outside. It is beyond ridiculous to think they are more at risk during a Game atmosphere than what they encounter in everyday life.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm a little bias as to how the IAHSAA handled the situation as I saw the Iowa Soccer League (which I am involved in as a coach, parent, and club board member) and Varsity Soccer seasons cancelled prior to the start of the season and followed things closely as the summer went on. As I touched on in the previous post, Club soccer was completely shutdown at the time IAHSAA announced that they would be starting again, and under our Return To Play guidelines passed down from US Soccer, we were still in a period of virtual coaching and absolutely no person to person contact when IAHSAA started baseball practice. So with that in mind I do think there was a great deal of risk taken and firmly believe that players were knowingly put at risk.

I do however thinks its absolutely fantastic that there were no reported hospitalizations or deaths that occurred as a result and wholeheartedly agree that players and parents were more than pleased just being able to get a portion of their season in, as my varsity and club players were devastated by not having a spring season.

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