The app will be going away soon

Guessing 80 percent of my HN viewing is on my smartphone and almost never use the app, so no big issue here. A mobile browser-friendly site might be a solution.
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I haz sad face.

As I said before, I would actually pay for a Hawkeyenation app. Just throwin' that out there Jon.
My intitial reaction was this is horrible.
But then I got to thinking about it, and it probably will lead to higher quality posts in the forum. If you can't just throw something out there when your are sitting at a bus stop or on a toilet, you might be less inclined to post garbage.
If it prevents just one post where they call our coach Kurt, its worth it to me.
Jon, Ok, so now I have gone back and read your links....(sometimes I shoot first, ask ?s later)...I understand where you are coming from, especially if you cant "track" users (nor get paid for them), and have ownership rights. I'm still curious as to how many mobile users you may have, if that is a # you can release?

As for the 'caine is doable, not as sleek as yours, but workable, especially if just "reading" threads. I also will follow the advice of others who are using a different browser like safari.

Thanks for your other updates to the site, and reduction in ads. Your commitment to continually improve your site is appreciated by many. Also, I may have an idea or two for you to utilize to help get readers to view your article and content pages on a regular basis. I'll pm you when I have more substantiated results. It is something another site owner has just started using for similar reasons.
I like to roll old skool. I'd say 80% of my browsing is still through a web browser, and 95% of my posts are through a web browser.

And because I'm concerned that you can't put food on your table, I'll start visiting the main page every day and diligently clicking on every ad link I can find. Can't have you starving. One thing I would ask: Can you make sure that any ad I click on opens in a new tab, instead of taking me away from HN? The vast majority of them do, but even today I noticed the "Lady Fanatics" and "UNC College" ad did not open a new tab.

Also, I'd be willing to pay for an app. Not sure I'd be willing to pay monthly for it, but a one-time cost like other paid apps wouldn't be a big deal to me.
Yeah...trying to click on "Forums" up in the gold bar and trying to pick from the drop down before your phone just loads the Forums page again is kind of a pain, but I figured out how to get past that. If you go up to the "here you are: HawkeyeNation Forums/Forums/ and click on Forums, it will load the list of all the forums. I probably didn't explain it well...but give it a try.

At first I was like, WTF? But now I'm like, OMG!
I like to roll old skool. I'd say 80% of my browsing is still through a web browser, and 95% of my posts are through a web browser.

And because I'm concerned that you can't put food on your table, I'll start visiting the main page every day and diligently clicking on every ad link I can find. Can't have you starving. One thing I would ask: Can you make sure that any ad I click on opens in a new tab, instead of taking me away from HN? The vast majority of them do, but even today I noticed the "Lady Fanatics" and "UNC College" ad did not open a new tab.

Also, I'd be willing to pay for an app. Not sure I'd be willing to pay monthly for it, but a one-time cost like other paid apps wouldn't be a big deal to me.

Thanks, just visiting the content pages when we have new articles up is good enough. You don't have to click on things unless you want to, as it doesn't really generate more revenues as I use cost per thousand display programs and not cost per click...because most people do not click.
Thanks, just visiting the content pages when we have new articles up is good enough. You don't have to click on things unless you want to, as it doesn't really generate more revenues as I use cost per thousand display programs and not cost per click...because most people do not click.

Are forum pages "content" pages? Serious question because you go on to explain when you "have new articles up..." Do you get hits from visits to the forum pages?
I also would be willing to pay whatever you need for an app. I would say 95% of my site visits are on the Android app. I really have enjoyed it. I would pay a one-time fee or a monthly fee.

To those loyal to the phone browser, I will use that to stay connected but not as often, and I won't really like it. The app is so much more convenient and easier to navigate and read.

I live in Indiana and this has been a great way to keep connected to the Hawks. The best available in my opinion.

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