That was the worst sports Injury I've ever seen

I can't watch the replays. Totally gruesome. Hope the Duke coaches and players go over and wish the young man well before he's carted off.
How can either side play with any heart the rest of the way? Seems so irrelevant at this point...
Something like that you almost have got to think is there some not right health wise with him. Crazy!

Yeah some kind of defect maybe? Remember when Dave Draveckys arm almost came off when throwing a pitch and it turned out he had a cancerous tumor in the arm that weakened it?
I saw it while they were going back down court I couldn't believe what I saw. One of those double take kinda things. Hate to see that happen.
Louisville was affected right away, and now has come back. It will be interesting to see what halftime does. I am rooting for them now.