Thanks Quitters: I Just Upgraded my season tickets


Well-Known Member
Thanks to the alleged "fans" who turned in their season tickets. I just upgraded to the 50 yard line. PRIMO seats. And I'm not giving them up. Thanks, you quitters!!!
Wish I still lived in Iowa so I could do the same. I suffered through the pre- Hayden days and it was still fun to go to the games and just be there.

Now having said that there may be those out there who are not satisfied with the job KF had done and they want him gone. My own patience is growing extremely thin at this point and I would not be too upset if our beloved Hawkeyes struggle again this year if KF is let go.

There may be some who feel that as long as the stadium is full that a change will never happen and that may be true. I can't blame those that are sincere in this philosophy if that is the real reason and that they plan on coming back in full support once a change is made.

The unfortunate thing is that you are missing out on a great experience with your friends and family by being at kinnick. Also it may not work as they AD may not give a crap whether you are there or not. We do not know what is going on behind closed doors but if I HAD TO wager a guess I would think big boosters are growing impatient with recent results and that they are openly expressing their displeasure. The fact that an extension on KF's contract has not already happened is indicative that the powers that be are growing weary of it themselves.

I always want the very best for the coaches, players, and fans and wish them the best this upcoming season. I wish I could be there in person with my family but Atlanta, Georgia is a long commute and I have to work almost every Saturday. thank God for the DVR. The TV may resent the DVR as its the one taking the abuse on the days we lose. :)
Thanks to the alleged "fans" who turned in their season tickets. I just upgraded to the 50 yard line. PRIMO seats. And I'm not giving them up. Thanks, you quitters!!!

You could've upgraded last year and even the last time they reshuffled, 5 or 6 years ago. You would've just needed to pay the appropriate ransom, ERRRRRR, "donation" for the 50-yard line seat. I guarantee you that did not go down no matter how many non-renewals there are in those sections.
So, it really has nothing to do with "quitters" giving up their seats. However, it does show how you've been a cheap-a$$ b!tch for several years.

Kinda lame that a self-anointed UBERfan such as yourself would hold out on his team for so long like that but congrats for finally putting your money where your mouth is.
LOL Guess Chosenzero has a new Daddy.
I'll accept the "ChosenZero" nickname. I kinda like it. Disgruntled season ticket holders who forfeited their seats are opening up good opportunities for others. When Iowa starts winning again (and I do believe it will happen) it will be hard to get those good seats. The predicted demise of Ferentz is premature....he's gonna make the whiners on this board look like the real *******
I'll accept the "ChosenZero" nickname. I kinda like it. Disgruntled season ticket holders who forfeited their seats are opening up good opportunities for others. When Iowa starts winning again (and I do believe it will happen) it will be hard to get those good seats. The predicted demise of Ferentz is premature....he's gonna make the whiners on this board look like the real *******

Let's just shorten in to zero....period. Have them for 19 straight years, which included plenty of miserable football, and then come back and tell us what a hero you are.........and if you're still a cheap a$$.
You could've upgraded last year and even the last time they reshuffled, 5 or 6 years ago. You would've just needed to pay the appropriate ransom, ERRRRRR, "donation" for the 50-yard line seat. I guarantee you that did not go down no matter how many non-renewals there are in those sections.
So, it really has nothing to do with "quitters" giving up their seats. However, it does show how you've been a cheap-a$$ b!tch for several years.

Kinda lame that a self-anointed UBERfan such as yourself would hold out on his team for so long like that but congrats for finally putting your money where your mouth is.

I never suggested that the donation amount went down. It is about opportunity, Einstein.

Or should I say QUITTER. I'm guessing you are the cheap one, my good sir. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is, and buy season tickets?
Let's just shorten in to zero....period. Have them for 19 straight years, which included plenty of miserable football, and then come back and tell us what a hero you are.........and if you're still a cheap a$$.

I have had season tickets since 1981 and have been going to the home games since 1966. That is a fact. I'm no hero and I'm no "Uberfan" (whatever the heck that means) but I have been loyal. Am I a zero? Yes, my advanced age includes a zero. I am an old man and actually have seen a lot of very bad Iowa football (before Hayden Fry).

I know you are trolling, but I'll take the bait. If you have had season tickets for 19 years, you have actually seen a tremendous amount of good football at Kinnick. It is just unfair to suggest that you haven't. If you have season tickets, I hope you didn't give them up.

People not renewing season tickets are not helping the Iowa program. That is also a fact. You can't build a program or rebuild a program without season ticket revenues. Eight or nine thousand fans not renewing isn't going to do anything but harm the football team and the program. Not renewing because you don't like the "direction" of the program doesn't help anything. The time to buy tickets is when the program is down, not up. Anyone can buy tickets during the "up" years. What has made Iowa special is the fact that Iowa fans have supported the team, win or lose. Iowa will be good again. I truly believe that.

If I struck a nerve with the "quitter" label, I apologize for that. It really troubles me that Iowa fans are giving up their season tickets. It can only hurt the program.
Thanks to the alleged "fans" who turned in their season tickets. I just upgraded to the 50 yard line. PRIMO seats. And I'm not giving them up. Thanks, you quitters!!!
You can keep them until the next reseating.LOL
I also moved our 3 seats. We like North Endzone and was able to get end seats to make it easier to get in and out.Now leave us alone and don't reseat us again.
Thanks to the alleged "fans" who turned in their season tickets. I just upgraded to the 50 yard line. PRIMO seats. And I'm not giving them up. Thanks, you quitters!!!

This is really a lame thread and title. If a 10 year ticket holder decides to hang it up that is fine, if the demand is there the tickets will be bought by someone. Right now the demand is not there which tells me there is a down cycle of fairly large proportions and a lot of it is blowing games on the field.

I wasnt going to renew at all until a friend wanted to move his two seats with us and he bought one of my seats. I was just getting tired of sitting through 50 minutes of poor football against the Ball States of the world, the last 3 ISU games at home have been boring, very boring. Etc Etc Etc.

You get close to retiring and if you have to look at discretionary income then $650 per ticket with seat back and donation is a good chunk of money.

So ChosenOldman, I think it is pretty stupid and trolling of you to call people quitters if they have already been buying season tickets, in my case 40+ years.
Where have you been? Barta's been looking for you. He needs more fools that he can part with their money. .......a LOT more fools.
Nice Chosen!!!! It's awesome to know there are people out there who don't take advantage of amazing opportunities. I just took advantage of an AMAZING opportunity too! I sent $3,000 to an African prince who is stuck in Ecuador. As soon as he is able to pay off his fines and get his visa, I'm going to be able to share his $500 million fortune!!!! Suck it morons!

You and I sure know how to spend our money!!
Nice Chosen!!!! It's awesome to know there are people out there who don't take advantage of amazing opportunities. I just took advantage of an AMAZING opportunity too! I sent $3,000 to an African prince who is stuck in Ecuador. As soon as he is able to pay off his fines and get his visa, I'm going to be able to share his $500 million fortune!!!! Suck it morons!

You and I sure know how to spend our money!!

Do us a favor. When that 250 mil comes in, buy out KF and Barta's contracts for us. Thanks in advance.
Thanks to the alleged "fans" who turned in their season tickets. I just upgraded to the 50 yard line. PRIMO seats. And I'm not giving them up. Thanks, you quitters!!!

I've been a Hawkeye "fan" my entire life, and still love the Hawks, but I don't feel inclined to shuck out hundreds of dollars at the moment, to watch an average product. Lots of people can still be "fans" yet not be season ticket holders. If that makes me less of a "fan", then so be it, but I don't really care what some internet message blowhard has to say about my "fan" hood. I'm comfortable in my own skin, thanks.
I also upgraded, Chosen; and I can't be more excited to sit in my new seats in Kinnick this fall! Go Hawks!!
I think I will delay my judgement of the decline until I see the data from the rest of the Power 5 schools and specifically the Big Ten. Stay tuned, boys and girls. You may be in for a surprise.

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