Thank you DJK!!

At the risk of sounding like a *******, I don't need the stupid mistakes of a college kid to teach my children that drugs are bad. If anything, you should be thanking DJK for reaffirming that athletes in the spotlight are people making the same mistakes as other people and shouldn't be held in higher regard than any other people.

I agree with that. I don't think the original poster meant anything bad by it. Like I said earlier, I don't know that thanks was the right word to use, but he means well.
Unfortunately Iowa City isn't void of wrong doing football players. Its been going on for several years. Not that generalizing justifies this but its going to happen or be prevented. I want to know how much knowledge the U. of I coaching staff had of this situation with DJK. And whats up with Chigozie Ejiasi the life skils coach Farentz hired a couple years back to help prevent this stuff from happening.
Recent arrests aside, life skills coach seems to work for Iowa football | TheGazette
" Among Ejiasi’s tasks is to build relationships with players, especially the young ones, and try to keep them out of trouble. "
There has to be some accountability with the coaching staff in this situation with DJK.
Nice read. What amazes me most is how some of these players (and not just DJK) go through life thinking the rules apply to everyone else except for them. They become to think they are invincible. Like, 'yeah, yeah coach ... no staying up late or no drinking. Yeah, yeah, we've got you." And then they get back to their room and open a bottle of Captain.

In life, you do have to live with your decisions. Whether you are 22 or 72. You know right from wrong. What is okay. What is not okay. While we don't know all the specifics we do know this: DJK put himself ahead of the team. Ahead of Coach Ferentz. Ahead of the university.

I don't feel sorry for DJK. Not at all. But, I do wonder what does (or, I guess, more appropriate to say ... doesn't) go through the minds of some of these players when taking into consideration how their actions could jeapordize their future.

It was a small clip I watched on the Des Moines news channel, but the brief clip showed DJK sitting next to whomever and they were both laughing. And while obviously who knows why he was laughing but it surely does not help his image when fans see him laughing at court appearance.

At the end of the day DJK: You are not above anyone else. You are human. And the recent decisions you made will stick with you for the ret of your life. I think for so many of these athletes, many of them just develop this entitlement and think the rules don't apply to them. What they don't realize is that spotlight is very short lived and the cheers will someday go away soon and then you are left with the decisions you make in life. And this one, DJK, was not a good one.

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