Tevaun Smith next to leave??

My guess the next to leave is Sunshine I don't think that he will make it through the season if Jake keeps getting the nod.

Agreed. You just don't go rogue like he did in that video and live to tell about it, especially under der KirkFer. Things is, Beathard sounds like a reasonable enough mind to know those consequences, yet spoke the truth, anyway, knowing it would seal his fate.

It's a pretty easy dot to connect from there ... Beathard has nothing to lose because he's made up his mind to transfer, as well. He's just going to wait 'till after the season.
Agreed. You just don't go rogue like he did in that video and live to tell about it, especially under der KirkFer. Things is, Beathard sounds like a reasonable enough mind to know those consequences, yet spoke the truth, anyway, knowing it would seal his fate.

It's a pretty easy dot to connect from there ... Beathard has nothing to lose because he's made up his mind to transfer, as well. He's just going to wait 'till after the season.

Missed it what video???
MHA, It will be real interesting to see how the guys come out Sat. You have feel sorry for the QB whoever he is this week. The team wasn't ready to play at Maryland. This could be much worse this week.

This season is starting to feel like the crap of 2007. I dont think it is fat cat players this year but there is definitely a 'not hitting on all cylinders' feel with the offense and a defense that gives up big plays.

That 2007 Western Mich game at years end was such a flat game by Iowa and the defense gave up two big TDs on maybe both screen passes.

Tevaun can't transfer as a junior, that would be crazy but you can see he wants the ball more,

Willies isnt showing good judgement to leave mid-year unless it is totally a family crisis thing
This season is starting to feel like the crap of 2007. I dont think it is fat cat players this year but there is definitely a 'not hitting on all cylinders' feel with the offense and a defense that gives up big plays.

That 2007 Western Mich game at years end was such a flat game by Iowa and the defense gave up two big TDs on maybe both screen passes.

Tevaun can't transfer as a junior, that would be crazy but you can see he wants the ball more,

Willies isnt showing good judgement to leave mid-year unless it is totally a family crisis thing

If it was truly a family issue, alone, that has a way of making itself public very quickly. No one in the press, that I have seen, has yet to put any information out there that this is 100% a family issue. CJ, himself, confirmed that it was both family and lack of playing time.

Yes, DW is probably showing bad judgment to do this mid season. But, perhaps he feels lied to and understands the repercussions a mid season move would have, and it's calculated. But, DW knows what everyone else but, seemingly, KF, knows and that is it's 2014 and DW is ultra talented and he'll got a shot somewhere right away.
Why wouldn't you be frustrated? There isn't a team in college football that throws the ball down the field less than Iowa. If there is I'd like to see it. Maybe an option oriented offense like Georgia Tech? Hell even they probably take more shots than Iowa does.

I don't know specifically if it's the coaching or the QB. I think the truth is probably a combination of the two. Rudock plays it safe and so do the coaches. The end result is an offense that sucks. The sad part to me is that it isn't even because they don't have the ability. It's because they aren't using the ability that they do have. I'm ****** about it and I'm just a fan. I can't imagine how a WR like Willies, Smith, or Powell would feel about it. They are the guys who know what they can bring to the team first hand, but their abilities are being handcuffed by a conservative coach and an inept offensive coordinator.

we have the best combination of QB and receivers we've seen under Kirk with the possible exception of 02 and 09

and almost all of them spend the game on the sideline watching garbage take place on the field.

This is is the most insane thing I've seen as a sports fan.
Pretty sure the development CJFed had while at Iowa put him in position to play on Sundays. If i remember correctly, he had to correct his own attitude before he started to see more playing time. Don't need a bunch of divas on the team thinking they are the missing link. No one would be complaining if all the players had the attitude that Weisman does.

A win this weekend will do a bunch of good.

The NFL is full of Divas who are pass catchers. Coaches need to deal with it if they want to be successful, this isn't the 70s.

Pretty sure being a 6'7 monster had allot to do with him being in position to play on Sunday, it sure as he'll was not Greg davis.
If KF wants to have a chance to survive the debacle around him, he needs to sacrifice a lamb (Davis) NOW! He, Davis, and the whole staff have all but COMPLETELY LOST THEIR WELCOME in Iowa City. This is ugly when players PUBLICLY express their discontent. Doubt Smith will even sniff the field the rest of the year.:(
we have the best combination of QB and receivers we've seen under Kirk with the possible exception of 02 and 09

and almost all of them spend the game on the sideline watching garbage take place on the field.

This is is the most insane thing I've seen as a sports fan.

Well said. Let's not forget we return an alleged top 10 pick O lineman, and ALL of the rbs and some nice tight tends. Pathetic. Unfortunately, it's KF and his ultra-conservatism that has ALWAYS REIGNED (no matter who the OC or DC are!!!)
This season is starting to feel like the crap of 2007. I dont think it is fat cat players this year but there is definitely a 'not hitting on all cylinders' feel with the offense and a defense that gives up big plays.

That 2007 Western Mich game at years end was such a flat game by Iowa and the defense gave up two big TDs on maybe both screen passes.

Tevaun can't transfer as a junior, that would be crazy but you can see he wants the ball more,

Willies isnt showing good judgement to leave mid-year unless it is totally a family crisis thing

The fact cat year was 06 but this worse than either.
He could be trolling. I think its hard to know.

But CJ Fed made some comments leading up to the draft that expressed frustration with the offense. I think there likely has been some undercurrent of dissatisfaction for a few years. Players put a lot into this, there is potentially a lot of money on the table for some, and they are young and perhaps some have warped senses of reality.

Ding Ding Ding, we have a (partial) winner!
As I stated this morning, Willies leaving is more than him leaving to be close to his Dad. But I got ripped for it. There is some turmoil inside and that my friends is not good. I really hope I'm wrong.

You aren't. Grab your popcorn...I have a feeling it's about to get even more interesting.
Agreed. You just don't go rogue like he did in that video and live to tell about it, especially under der KirkFer. Things is, Beathard sounds like a reasonable enough mind to know those consequences, yet spoke the truth, anyway, knowing it would seal his fate.

It's a pretty easy dot to connect from there ... Beathard has nothing to lose because he's made up his mind to transfer, as well. He's just going to wait 'till after the season.

Spot on analysis. We've seen KF punishments before for this type of thing. Quite telling that he is so candid about this. I have a feeling this offseason the message board is going to melt away from all the heat being dished out on this site.

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