Just out of curiosity Vintard, can you give some examples of Tebow acting different from the public image he and his family have carefully cultivated with the unknowing assistance of the media and Christians?
Just out of curiosity Vintard, can you give some examples of Tebow acting different from the public image he and his family have carefully cultivated with the unknowing assistance of the media and Christians?

1. Create image of "perfect christian" athlete-guy. Model oneself after the Aryan prototype.
2. Play at SEC school (bible belt).
3. Make a point to pray on field of play whenever a national TV camera is on.
4. Make a point to wear christian bible verse-quoting eye black, particularly in big national TV games.
5. Cry when you lose, to enhance image of "sensitive virginal christian hero".
6. Participate in ads that promote taking away a woman's right to choose.
7. ???
8. Profit
Come on dont go there. He is not much older than my oldest son or my nephews. Kids that age, and especially entitled ones are hardly men, so yes they are boys.

You went there, not me
1. Create image of "perfect christian" athlete-guy. Model oneself after the Aryan prototype.
2. Play at SEC school (bible belt).
3. Make a point to pray on field of play whenever a national TV camera is on.
4. Make a point to wear christian bible verse-quoting eye black, particularly in big national TV games.
5. Cry when you lose, to enhance image of "sensitive virginal christian hero".
6. Participate in ads that promote taking away a woman's right to choose.
7. ???
8. Profit

That's not what I asked. I asked when he acts unlike the image he has created. I know you hate him because he's a Christian. It's not news to anyone.

You accused him of being a phoney (I believe your words were "The Tebow 'Character'" is "Completely false") , so give me some examples...
That's not what I asked. I asked when he acts unlike the image he has created. I know you hate him because he's a Christian. It's not news to anyone.

You accused him of being a phoney (I believe your words were "The Tebow 'Character'" is "Completely false") , so give me some examples...

tebow is as authentic as you are, cockbreath
So you're telling me that you can't provide an example to prove your assertion, so instead you're calling me names to distract me from nailing you on your BS?

That is vintage Vintage....

tebow is as phony as a three dollar bill, and you know it
he's out to get rich quick, and his strategy is to be King God Squad Guy
prove me wrong, fartknocker
Just out of curiosity Vintard, can you give some examples of Tebow acting different from the public image he and his family have carefully cultivated with the unknowing assistance of the media and Christians?

WWJD? You giving up the reformed life already, Ghost?
tebow is as phony as a three dollar bill, and you know it
he's out to get rich quick, and his strategy is to be King God Squad Guy
prove me wrong, fartknocker

Huh? You made the assertion, so you have to back it up. You can't say something, be asked to prove it, then get mad and tell me to prove it. I'm not the one who is trying to make the point here.

If he's phony, prove it. If not, STFU.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2Rdf0n_Lsg]Family Guy kevin bacon wasn't in footloose - YouTube[/ame]
Like I've said, I don't like Tebow because I hate Florida and I hate Denver. His religion doesn't really matter to me. I've seen plenty of players kneel down after touchdowns or thank god in interviews. Never had a problem with any of them either.

What I find more amusing is the people who stick up for him because he "does things the right way" or that he's "one of the good guys in the game". Give me a break. It has nothing to do with that and all to do with his Christian propaganda he spews. If you're going to look up to a player who does things the right way, why not these guys...

2000 Jim Flanigan Defensive Line Chicago Bears
2001 Jerome Bettis Running Back Pittsburgh Steelers
2002 Troy Vincent Cornerback Philadelphia Eagles
2003 Will Shields Guard Kansas City Chiefs
2004 Warrick Dunn Running Back Atlanta Falcons
2005 Peyton Manning Quarterback Indianapolis Colts
2006 Drew Brees Quarterback New Orleans Saints
2006 LaDainian Tomlinson Running Back San Diego Chargers
2007 Jason Taylor Defensive End Miami Dolphins
2008 Kurt Warner Quarterback Arizona Cardinals [3]
2009 Brian Waters Guard Kansas City Chiefs [4]
2010 Brett Favre Quarterback Minnesota Vikings

The last eleven recipients of the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award. Ya see, it's not so hard to find the good guys of the NFL. Why aren't some of these guys adored by the Christian masses for doing things the right way? The only answer I can come up with is that these particular players aren't pushing the Christian agenda like Tebow is. So Tebow gets put on this moral pedestal which I'm not sure he deserves. I mean, I'm sure he's a heck of a good guy. But in what way is he better than the other guys I've mentioned?
Why can't Tebow pray to his God without tebowing?

Seriously, why not pray in his mind to his imaginary friend without the "look at me I am praying to God"

I think he is an attention whore!!
tebow is as phony as a three dollar bill, and you know it
he's out to get rich quick, and his strategy is to be King God Squad Guy
prove me wrong, fartknocker

He was circumsizing 3rd world kids long before he was getting rich. Sorry Vin, you are wrong on this. Tebow is probably a great, sincere guy, and a frickin terrible QB.

I still hate him because he stole Chris Leak's glory.

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