Tebow is a winner

I dont get the Tebow hate. I mean when he was a college player i didnt like him but thats just because he played for a florida team. But now, what just because hes religious it seems he gets alot more bad press then anything. You dont see this type of stuff for Sam Bradford he just kinda faded into obscurity. But because people see hes passionate about his faith its like a gateway to the he sucks arena for all sports writers.
Tebow is positive, decent, and uplifting. Hence, he is the opposite of internet sports forum guy. There is where the hate comes from.

If you think Newton sucks than you just don't follow the NFL. Tebow could be could and he has the work ethic to be but I don't think he'll be even a starter on a good NFL team and if he is, it will be on a team with a good defense (like Trent Dilfer on the Ravens.)
Four in the morning, came without a warning, everybodys got a place to be, I got holes in my conscience, shot with a vengeance, I must have been a fool not to see.
Tebow and Notwen, suck.
tebow at florida sucked tebow in denver...well actually...the guy is a winner...great kid, but he will never win very easily in denver until they give him any, and I mean ANY, better of an O line. he had 0 pass support and still willed a win. as a denver fan, I like him, because he adds excitement and a chance to win that we haven't had since Elway, but he needs support to make his passes look better...that said, lets revisit in a few weeks before I would even consider using Super Bowl in the same sentence. denver has bigger needs than just a qb.
On a personal level, I am sure Tebow is a wonderful guy. I don't hate on him for that. But he is a terrible QB.

He just had to score 2 TDs to tie the game late against a team that has been declared tanking it nationally. IF this is your barometer for being a "winner" than sure, he is a winner.

How about you guys put a pin in this and we can come back to it in a couple of weeks when Denver is in the discussion for Luck again.
Tebow is not an NFL quarterback.

Which is why I get a kick out of this city/state frothing at the mouth over the Second Coming. Sorry, Broncos fans, this isn't the QB to finally replace Elway that you're looking for.
I dont get the Tebow hate. I mean when he was a college player i didnt like him but thats just because he played for a florida team. But now, what just because hes religious it seems he gets alot more bad press then anything. You dont see this type of stuff for Sam Bradford he just kinda faded into obscurity. But because people see hes passionate about his faith its like a gateway to the he sucks arena for all sports writers.

I hate him because everyone thinks he is so good. He is being allowed to be the starting QB of an NFL franchise because he makes them money. People love to love him and love to hate him. He is a God AWFUL QB and it is a disgrace that he is being allowed a chance to start just because of the money. Hell, half of the Miami fans were rooting for him. But that's because they are horrible as well.

He was 4-12 for 104 yards or something until Miami decided to play prevent D. He can't read a blitz, can't go through his progressions, has a horrible throwing motion, takes forever to throw it, isn't accurate when he does throw it, and can't throw the deep ball for the life of him. He is a fullback playing QB.

And that is why I hate Tim Tebow. It has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with his religion. The fact that some of you think he is good "because he is a winner!" is insane. His "winning" attitude netted them 3 yards in the overtime drive because they have no confidence in him. Forced his kicker to boot a 52 yarder that woulda been good from 70. Good thing, too, because he might need to kick it from that long later in the year just so they can score a point.
I hate him because everyone thinks he is so good. He is being allowed to be the starting QB of an NFL franchise because he makes them money. People love to love him and love to hate him. He is a God AWFUL QB and it is a disgrace that he is being allowed a chance to start just because of the money. Hell, half of the Miami fans were rooting for him. But that's because they are horrible as well.

He was 4-12 for 104 yards or something until Miami decided to play prevent D. He can't read a blitz, can't go through his progressions, has a horrible throwing motion, takes forever to throw it, isn't accurate when he does throw it, and can't throw the deep ball for the life of him. He is a fullback playing QB.

And that is why I hate Tim Tebow. It has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with his religion. The fact that some of you think he is good "because he is a winner!" is insane. His "winning" attitude netted them 3 yards in the overtime drive because they have no confidence in him. Forced his kicker to boot a 52 yarder that woulda been good from 70. Good thing, too, because he might need to kick it from that long later in the year just so they can score a point.

aaaannnnd BOOM goes the dynamite
Brian - please don't let this thread or the resulting threads from any of your previous predictions deter you from sharing your football insight with us - it is much appreciated and enjoyed.
His God comments wear on me, but he is a perfect fit for Denver. His work ethic and leadership will transcend throughout that entire organization. I think he'll eventually work himself into being a serviceable NFL QB. Might even win a Super Bowl someday.

I hope you were paid by Tebow, Inc. to write that.
Timmy Rah-Rah for President, 2012!! If Teblow can't do it, no one can!!
Is there anything happening in the world besides Tebow? It seems every single channel and program relating to football in the past day or so has been all Tebow, all the time. It has been this way for too long, going back to his college days where we all had to accept that TT was the greatest player ever, no discussion allowed. Why does he deserve all this attention now? Colt McCoy won his game yesterday too, as did Newton and well - so did half the quarterbacks that started yesterday. But no, we must all pay attention to the outcome of a truly meaningless regular season game, simply because TT started. Sorry for the mini rant, I just can't stand the treatment this guy is getting.
Vintage hit the nail on the head. I was talking to a Bronco fan yesterday trying to convince him that they should want to lose that game to be ahead in the Andrew Luck sweepsteaks. He said "Tim Tebow is all we need." All I have to say to that is have fun losing for a while.
Another thing that bugs me is that Tebow often gets credit for FL's national title in 2006, when he was nothing more than a backup running back. Sure he contributed, but not nearly as much as Leak did.

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