tale of two quarterbacks

KF has always desired a conservative offense. Play field position. Take time off the clock. That was reiterated in his presser of a few days ago. I'll paraphrase Kirk from his presser: 'Iowa had tremendous consistency during the Norm and Ken years at Iowa. Consistency hasn't been achieved much since'. My thoughts: What, with 2014's offense being the 4th highest in yardage and 7h highest in points in the KF era made it 'chopped liver, huh Kirk?

We also know KF controls Iowa's offense.. as well as every other squad of the team. Even when he says he's distracted from the day to day.

Yep, his fix will be to improve the defense. Get a better punter and fg kicker and wala! All better now.
You go away. Most if not all of CJ's pass attempts were in passing situations where the opponent knew Iowa had to throw... and employed pass defenses like nickel or dime packages. KF likes Jake because KF likes conservative offense. PERIOD.
I'm a CJB proponent, what about that post made you think the opposite? Reading comprehension is hard huh?

I refuted the OP's statement that half of Beathard's throws are intercepted, by showing stats that he only has 2 interceptions on 92 attempts. Spelled out enough for you now?
I quoted two diametric posts. One I agreed with (yours) and one I didn't (yours?). IMO, KF wouldn't say 2 interceptions in 92 attempts is good.

Does that clarification make things better for you, rhoffs?
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It's a 2% interception rate, it's not bad. Especially for a quarterback who had limited game snaps and work with the first team.
All I'm saying is: many 'anti- CJ posters' have used that stat against CJ (they point to the 5 total INTs for Jake in 2014) and I assume KF also uses that stat against CJ. Said posters don't publicize that Jake usually demands about a 5 yard window to throw the ball... and a reason why Jake has such low INT stats for 2014.
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If CJ is going to be Iowa's QB next season, one thing I'm sure Iowa coaches are working with CJ is the certainty of CJ's passes. Bigger windows. Doesn't automatically make CJ a worse passer. Side note: where is CJ getting the training for long bombs and 'risky' throwing? Certainly not Iowa?
If CJ is going to be Iowa's QB next season, one thing I'm sure Iowa coaches are working with CJ is the certainty of CJ's passes. Bigger windows. Doesn't automatically make CJ a worse passer. Side note: where is CJ getting the training for long bombs and 'risky' throwing? Certainly not Iowa?
Got to be the reason why CJ didn't play more. He refuses to be molded into the QB manager take little risk that Kfootball requires. He takes risks. Remember KF actually apoligizing for the play that CJ scored a late TD against Nebby at their place. Unbeleivable.
If CJ is going to be Iowa's QB next season, one thing I'm sure Iowa coaches are working with CJ is the certainty of CJ's passes. Bigger windows. Doesn't automatically make CJ a worse passer. Side note: where is CJ getting the training for long bombs and 'risky' throwing? Certainly not Iowa?

Kirk said they're studying other teams and mentioned the Green Bay Packers. He's perhaps trying finally break away from the "play it safe" kind of offense and use a more attacking kind of offense. He sees, perhaps, CJB being a mini-version of Aaron Rodgers perhaps wants to emulate what they are doing.

I'm saying CJB is a very, very, very mini-version of Rodgers so please don't fire a predictable "Now you're comparing him to A. Rodgers??!" post.

Or, I guess, he could keep going with a mini-version of Matt Flynn and keep it safe.
Read the presser where KF talks about the 13 years of consistency with Norm and Ken. Just how 'out there' was KOK's offense, anyway Garvey? No, it wasn't out there. A re dedication of more of the same. Meaning even more emphasis on conservative football (if that's possible).

IMO, it's time to figure out who the new HC should be before Iowa has another season like 2014 and it hits the fan.
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Got to be the reason why CJ didn't play more. He refuses to be molded into the QB manager take little risk that Kfootball requires. He takes risks. Remember KF actually apoligizing for the play that CJ scored a late TD against Nebby at their place. Unbeleivable.
That wasn't a risk; that was a 'pile-on'. KF doesn't like 'pile-ons' either.
Read the presser where KF talks about the 13 years of consistency with Norm and Ken. Just how 'out there' was KOK's offense, anyway Garvey? No, it wasn't out there. A re dedication of more of the same. Meaning even more emphasis on conservative football (if that's possible).

IMO, it's time to figure out who the new HC should be before Iowa has another season like 2014 and it hits the fan.

Homer, I used the word "perhaps", meaning I'm speculating on what Kirk is going to do. He's heard the criticism about the offense being stale and too cautious and perhaps he's going to be a bit more aggressive, though with Kirk that's not likely to be all that much.

If he wanted the status quo he would have just let CJB go.

I think the offense will be more aggressive next season but it's not like we're going to turn into Oregon or anything.
Homer, I used the word "perhaps", meaning I'm speculating on what Kirk is going to do. He's heard the criticism about the offense being stale and too cautious and perhaps he's going to be a bit more aggressive, though with Kirk that's not likely to be all that much.

If he wanted the status quo he would have just let CJB go.

I think the offense will be more aggressive next season but it's not like we're going to turn into Oregon or anything.
The status quo KF is concerned with is butts in the seats at Kinnick.

He's played the fan base before. The 2014 season is an example, as a matter of fact.
Fans were complaining about the staleness of Iowa's offense so after the Purdue game KF said there was a competition at QB again. Iowa fans thought KF meant the most 'productive' QB would win the competition and KF meant the most careful QB would win the competition - as KF has always determined Iowa's QB (if there is a choice). So even if CJ became QB, the style of offense wouldn't change.

Not too difficult to realize what most Iowa fans meant hence the playing of Iowa fans.
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We have two talented quarterbacks in the Iowa football program, however they are very different regarding their style of play and personalities. They both bring great things to this program but there is one that should and deserves to be the starter next season.

Lets start with CJB. Yes, he has a cannon of an arm. Yes, he is very athletic. Yes, he has the capability of being a star qb. But what he doesn't have is the maturity. He doesn't listen to the plays Kirk and Greg Davis call. Instead he almost always throws the ball all the way down field and half of those throws end up in the hands of the other team. NOT OKAY. He also has no patience. He rushes plays and those plays usually end up in sacks or interception or no gain of yards. On anther note of maturity, any player who doesn't have the courage to go talk to his coach about wanting playing time doesn't deserve playing time. If you have to have you country song writing dad go on some radio talk show and threaten that if you don't get playing time you will transfer. That's pathetic and completely immature. He is a grown adult and should be taking care of these situations himself, not running to his daddy because he didn't get what he wanted.

Now on to Rudock. Great player. Great person. Great athlete. Has patience, knowledge and awesome leadership. We wouldn't have gotten through half of the games this year or last without Jake as the QB. Jake's numbers don't lie. He has dropped his total interceptions from last year to this year significantly which clearly shows tremendous progress. And his passing game has improved a lot as well. He is a smart player, he's a pre-med and microbiology major for goodness sake. He knows when we need to run the ball and when we need to throw the ball. He listens to his coaches, which is what every good player should do. He gets the team going and keeps them calm in situations where they need to focus and step up their game. His throwing game could be stronger and that it something he has been working on. He has also been the starter for TWO YEARS. He has earned it way more then CJB.

So, who should be the Iowa QB?
Rudock. Jake knows the offense more than CJ and has been doing it for 2 years now. He has clearly earned it. But at the Taxslayer bowl we saw something different. We saw a breakdown in the program due to wimpy coaches who were in fear of losing a good quarterback. They put him in solely so that he would not leave. That is complete bs and we all know it. Anyone who needs their daddy to threaten a program should not be our quarterback.

I don't hink you can say CJB hasn't "earned" a shot, any more than JR has "blown" his opportunity to start. But your very last sentence is as astute an observation as I have seen on this board for quite a while.
Jesus bob you continue to show your stupidity. Did you not read my response to your uninformed butt about CJ's Dad?

You might want to go back and find it because you might learn something that you obviously know nothing about.
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Jesus bob you continue to show your stupidity. Did you not read my response to your uninformed butt about CJ's Dad?

You might want to go back and find it because you might learn something that you obviously know nothing about.

Why don't YOU STFU and stop stalking me? You have responded to at least TWO of my posts where I wasn't talking to/addressing you. Why? Because you're a worthless pr*ck, maybe, or you're obsessed with stalking or whatever. But stop.

And I REALLY do NOT care about your "information" or your CNN-style damage control. CJ and his father should STFU, too. Unfortunately, we're stuck with them for two more seasons.
Here's my take....it involves risk taking.

#1--Where were/are we with Ruddock? Known measurement.
#2--Where could we be with CJ? Unknown.

Knowing we're unsatisfied with #1, then you give #2 a chance. Pretty simple. The worst thing that can happen is #2 doesn't work out and you can always go back to #1.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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