Taking a timeout on 3rd and 28; also not taking a knee ...

When you lose... you are allowed to question EVERYTHING

When you win you are allowed to question NOTHING.

Fan logic of the masses.... Aristotle and Plato level thinking
Who says I dissect every game to this degree????

But these types of things, especially not taking a knee but instead handing off, are the types of things that jump right out at me because it is so simple. As soon as CJ ran that naked boot and got the first down while staying in bounds I knew it was Victory Formation time but the hawks still called a handoff and running play and L Daniels did not go down easily.

As far as the timeout call, come on all you armchair coaches adn QBs, what is the probability of of making a 3rd and 28 from your own 15 or 20 yard line? Come on especially if you are going to call a running play, is it 1 % as my friend said who was watching the game with me. And when I said just take the delay and save the time out my friend said "yep, 3rd and 33 is about a .5% chance of making".

Yea that's the reason it was so dumb. The second CJ fell down inbounds I knew it was 3 knees time. It didn't take 30 seconds to do the math. I didn't have to look at a chart. I knew in 1 second. The entire coaching staff didn't figure it out in 30 seconds. How is that even possible?

As far as the time out goes. You don't really want to give up 5 yards of field position in that spot either.
But he didn't fumble, did he, so I think I'll keep singing the same tune. It also makes the topic pretty irrelevant ...imo. I agree with the previous posters. Everybody's am
ped about what might lie ahead and the position we're in and that's great. It's also fine if some fans want to go down the road of the 'what if', even when there's no 'what if' to be scared of. We're 9-0 this a.m. I'm turning my thoughts to Minny next Saturday and waiting for the rankings to come out later today. That's how I'd rather spent this a.m. rather than chew over a couple decisions made that had zero affect on the outcome of yesterdays game. Just the difference in me and thee, I guess.

I'm not "chewing" over anything. Just because it turned out ok doesn't negate the fact a handoff should not have been called there. There was zero reason to do anything but take a knee.

But then, I suppose you don't think any "freak" thing could possibly happen, do you?
Not kneeling was a brain fart. Straight up mistake. Okay. If running a straight-forward iso play vs. kneeling is the biggest clock screw-up we have each game, I'll be effing thrilled.
Not kneeling was a brain fart. Straight up mistake. Okay. If running a straight-forward iso play vs. kneeling is the biggest clock screw-up we have each game, I'll be effing thrilled.

Unless we happen to fumble and lose. If that would have happened yesterday, it would have been the worst loss in Iowa history. A chance to go 9-0 for the second time ever, all you have to do is take 3 knees, you hand off and fumble instead, then the other team goes down and wins. That loss would haunt all Iowa fans for as long as they lived.
Unless we happen to fumble and lose. If that would have happened yesterday, it would have been the worst loss in Iowa history. A chance to go 9-0 for the second time ever, all you have to do is take 3 knees, you hand off and fumble instead, then the other team goes down and wins. That loss would haunt all Iowa fans for as long as they lived.

if we happen to loose all the games we would be 0-9
if we happen to loose one game we would be 8-1
most of you get the point...........time to move on
if we happen to loose all the games we would be 0-9
if we happen to loose one game we would be 8-1
most of you get the point...........time to move on

Time for you to move on since you obviously have no interest in discussing it. Everyone else can move on whenever they want.
Unless we happen to fumble and lose. If that would have happened yesterday, it would have been the worst loss in Iowa history. A chance to go 9-0 for the second time ever, all you have to do is take 3 knees, you hand off and fumble instead, then the other team goes down and wins. That loss would haunt all Iowa fans for as long as they lived.

I think you've made your point...it was a bad job by the staff. Now what? Mass firings? Firing squad? What ever shall we do? Move on aristotle.
I think you've made your point...it was a bad job by the staff. Now what? Mass firings? Firing squad? What ever shall we do? Move on aristotle.

It's called starting topic on a message board to discuss it. Which is what we're doing. No idea what you're doing.
I was so busy celebrating with the fans around me in the Indiana stadium, and watching Dez King's dad and grandfather celebrating with us, along with a bunch of little King kids, that I did not even think about anything other than celebrating after CJ ran the boot. Boy, was it fun. I guess I was too busy to worry. And, this thread is irrelevant.
Unless we happen to fumble and lose. If that would have happened yesterday, it would have been the worst loss in Iowa history. A chance to go 9-0 for the second time ever, all you have to do is take 3 knees, you hand off and fumble instead, then the other team goes down and wins. That loss would haunt all Iowa fans for as long as they lived.

Yes, that would be horrible. But the likelihood of that happening was really, really, really small.

Put it this way, by running the ball there instead of kneeling it, the coaches reduced our win probability by X. I have no idea what X is, but I would be willing to bet it was really small. Just for craps and giggles, let's say our WP with kneeling was 99.99% and our WP with running an iso was 99.98%, so that decision cost us 0.01%. You can estimate your own numbers, but I bet you won't realistically ever get X to be really big.

Compare that to, say, Minnesota's dumbassery at the end of the Michigan game where running off all that clock on the second to last play reduced their win probability by like probably 30%. Or possibly, squatting on the ball in the 'Shoe in '09 maybe cost us 15% WP or something like that.

Given some coaching miscues are going to happen, I'll take the ones that have relatively small probability of damaging us.
Yes, that would be horrible. But the likelihood of that happening was really, really, really small.

Put it this way, by running the ball there instead of kneeling it, the coaches reduced our win probability by X. I have no idea what X is, but I would be willing to bet it was really small. Just for craps and giggles, let's say our WP with kneeling was 99.99% and our WP with running an iso was 99.98%, so that decision cost us 0.01%. You can estimate your own numbers, but I bet you won't realistically ever get X to be really big.

Compare that to, say, Minnesota's dumbassery at the end of the Michigan game where running off all that clock on the second to last play reduced their win probability by like probably 30%. Or possibly, squatting on the ball in the 'Shoe in '09 maybe cost us 15% WP or something like that.

Given some coaching miscues are going to happen, I'll take the ones that have relatively small probability of damaging us.

I completely agree. This wasn't bad based on how much it changed our percentage to win though. It was bad because of how unbelievably easy it was to get that situation right.

An interm coach not realizing the clock started. I can see how that can happen. A coach with 17 years experience not knowing you can run out the clock with 1 minute left and the other team only having 1 timeout. How is that even possible? It's just one of those things that make you think "if you can't get that right, no wonder you screw up so many other harder clock management situations."

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