Taking a knee at the end...


Well-Known Member
Personally, I liked it. It's a small thing in the big picture, but in a lot of ways i think it's a good look and teaches the right thing.

I also would have liked to see Toren get a score, but he will get chances going forward.

Another score also makes it look a little better for the "experts" who may not have watched, and may have gotten Iowa another vote or 2 for top 25.

Interested in folks thoughts.
Their coach used their timeouts when there was much more time on the clock. Their coach gave their defense and offense more playing time to practice for a late game situation and that was good coaching.

Taking a knee is the right thing to do in that case. KF could have taken a knee right after the INT and ran out the clock but he gave Wiegers a few real snaps and the running backs a few carries. But once they had the game clock under 40 taking the knee is good sportsmanship.
Personally, I liked it. It's a small thing in the big picture, but in a lot of ways i think it's a good look and teaches the right thing.

I also would have liked to see Toren get a score, but he will get chances going forward.

Another score also makes it look a little better for the "experts" who may not have watched, and may have gotten Iowa another vote or 2 for top 25.

Interested in folks thoughts.
Ditto, don't have any thing to add.
Not a betting man but......... I agree that the voters might look at the score alone for many of these games. That's why I think we go for the score. Years ago I went to an Iowa Indiana game at IU. After the game we ended up in a bar with a group of former IU players. They were drinking and one of them was trashed and started up with us. A few of the former players cooled the situation down and we ended up siting down and talking with them. They told us how they hated Iowa and Hayden for running up the score on them for a decade or more. My point with this story though is, screw em, go for the points as the majority of voters don't watch all the games and perception of 7 more points might secure a few more votes.
Not a betting man but......... I agree that the voters might look at the score alone for many of these games. That's why I think we go for the score. Years ago I went to an Iowa Indiana game at IU. After the game we ended up in a bar with a group of former IU players. They were drinking and one of them was trashed and started up with us. A few of the former players cooled the situation down and we ended up siting down and talking with them. They told us how they hated Iowa and Hayden for running up the score on them for a decade or more. My point with this story though is, screw em, go for the points as the majority of voters don't watch all the games and perception of 7 more points might secure a few more votes.

Win next week and it won't matter.
Normally I wouldn't care, but Nt did some chippy things at the beginning of the game that I was a little salty about. Additionally, we had our entire backup offense in and were running straight up the middle. I wouldn't consider that running up the score.

Once butler and Wadley come back, Young
Won't see much playing time. So give these future guys something to hang their hat on and some confidence for next year.
I like taking the knee in that situation for one major reason: injuries. This was one of those games with a lot of them. Nelson, Wadley, & Butler left the game. Daniels was limping around. Fant left. I also think JJ is hurt but is too tough to say so.

I know it was backups at this point but it's pointless to take a chance of somebody on the OL getting rolled up on or TY and KIM getting bent backwards in a goal line pile. This was the kind of game you just want to end and move on
Meaningless, unless your playing the spread... it's one thing to criticize Kirk for not being aggressive which can allow teams to hang around but this isn't that scenario so who cares if we coulda beat North Texas by 7 more?
if I had cash on this game I'd be pissed about the knee. Anybody who has followed Iowa knew the knee was coming. Honestly 38-14 doesn't look much more impressive than 31-14.
I like taking the knee in that situation for one major reason: injuries. This was one of those games with a lot of them. Nelson, Wadley, & Butler left the game. Daniels was limping around. Fant left. I also think JJ is hurt but is too tough to say so.

I know it was backups at this point but it's pointless to take a chance of somebody on the OL getting rolled up on or TY and KIM getting bent backwards in a goal line pile. This was the kind of game you just want to end and move on
This. It was a game where the injury bug was biting.
KF will never run the score up. After what psu coach did yesterday I'm glad KF did have them take a knee. On the other hand I hope he changes his mind if it were the fuskers! :)
At least we're not pedo state, who called a TO with less than 30 seconds left in the game to ice the kicker while winning 59-0. I despise that program.

So their coach says they called timeout because they had their 4th string defense in and they didn't even know how to line up for a field goal. It evidently wasn't about icing the kicker.
When it's time to step on their throat and crush your opponent (symballically) - you step on their throat because it's football, not Etiquette class for young ladies at the Country Club.
So yeah, I say T. Young shoulda got one more shot to score his 1st TD as a Hawkeye.
I would have liked to see Young score. But you knew KF wasnt going to do that. There may be a day when NT is beating us and they will take a knee. KF was thinking ahead with that decision.
The only hope this week is that PSU is as unimpressed / uninspired as Mich was last year.

So, good call keeping the score down!

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