Tailgating season is almost upon us. I would like to get a review of the different lots around the stadium. I would like to include a craziness factor 1-10 (1 being Grandma forgot the silverware, a 10 being streaking co-eds), average age of tailgaters, parking passes only, price to get into lot, and when the lot opens.
I'll write a few down, feel free to add to it.
Craziness- ?
Avg. Age:
Price (car/SUV):
Lot Opens:
Craziness- ?
Avg. Age:
Price (car/SUV):
Lot Opens:
Myrtle Ct.
Craziness- 7
Avg. Age: 25ish
Price (car/SUV):
Lot Opens: Friday @ ?
All those lots are lame. Almost all lots are lame, compared to what they use to be. There is however, consistent fun with lots of partying
anywhere and
Now that may sound contradictory, but that's the truth. You use to be able to look at all the main lots and it would be a good video for television. A true college football event, at its best. Packed with people having a whole lot O fun!
Part of the reason it doesn't look like that, as much, could be that the Iowa fanbase has aged significantly in the last 25 years?
Part of that is because the university has thrown the rich in the lots closest to the stadium spreading out the lifelong season ticket holders. They also ran a road right thru the one of the best tailgate spots (west of the stadium) in the Big Ten, not to mention the country.
Part of that is because the university has done everything in their power to take away the party. They have failed. Prohibition failed. It's impossible to stop.
Iowa is still a good time on gameday. The university has done all that it can to stop the good times. There really isn't much more they can do, without going total nazi on us, which would backfire...
This season the great time could return, as Iowa City is going to be
the place to be come this fall! I can't wait! Go Hawks!